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Alleged Tigers Sex Scandal

And how will football clubs ban the species known as commonus cokus s**tus from engaging in conversations with footballers, with a view to sex taking place ? Boys will be boys, backhoes will be backhoes. End of.


smeghead said:
Sorry you feel that way.

Simple answer is don't go on there if it displeases you so much.

If you like I can ask for your account to be removed if that is what you would like

Nah, I like to provide some intelligent debate ocassionally.

It's painful at times, but I feel I am doing my duty. :D

Anyway, apparently the incident took place at O'Hara's unit, although he was not involved according to the media.

Five players wen't back to his apartment for a party which wen't into the wee hours of the morning.


First Grade
I'd just like to remind people that we don't want to be making any allegations at this stage - against any players OR the girl involved.


So is there any word when we will find out any further details?

I assume us fans are going to be dissapointed with whoever is involved.


hybrid_tiger said:
So is there any word when we will find out any further details?

I assume us fans are going to be dissapointed with whoever is involved.

Yeh well if you assume the worst, you will be disappointed.


If or i should say when this thing gets chucked out, the club should sue her butt.

Im sick of allegations made against players after all night binges where the location changes from a nightclub to a private residence with at least 20 min to decide if something might happen at where the party is moved too

How about some self responsibility, I hope for the sake of League and the Tigers nothing comes of this.


W.Smith said:
If or i should say when this thing gets chucked out, the club should sue her butt.

Im sick of allegations made against players after all night binges where the location changes from a nightclub to a private residence with at least 20 min to decide if something might happen at where the party is moved too

How about some self responsibility, I hope for the sake of League and the Tigers nothing comes of this.

I think thats a bit harsh. The one that should be copping the blunt of the backlash once everything is cleared is the media, theyre the one who have taken this from a small police enquiry/follow up to an international murder mystery.



The Wests Tigers official internet forum was running hot yesterday as the tale of alleged sexual assault that may involve some members of the rugby league team gathered momentum. The incident in question occurred early on Monday, after the Tigers' last game of the season, at a drunken bash in a Five Dock unit.
Later on Monday morning, a 26-year-old woman reported to Parramatta police, afraid she had been the victim of a date rape drug. Explosive stuff, enough to get the fans' tempers churning.
(The allegations, not the drug.)
The Wests Tigers web mafia was very careful about posting the media reports as a locked topic, which meant that users could read the reports but not add their own inflammatory comments. However, the site wasn't so scrupulous about its advertising. Our eyes were caught by an internet ad at the bottom of the forum.
"Who's your perfect lover?" it asked "Predict exactly, down to the name, who your perfect lover is."


Very true bjm8, after running headlines like TIGERS GANG RAPE or whatever it was they should be held accountable for this slander!
TFS85 said:
I had to see this for myself to be sure it wasnt a joke.

How the #### do these people keep their jobs.

There are no words to adequetely describe them.

You know when your made the big time, when your made the gossip pages. :roll:

f**kcing idiots, stick too writing about what happens within 500mtrs of the Wall.
NSW Police Media Policy

The purpose of this policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Policing in NSW attracts more public attention than any other topic. Whether investigating
crime, protecting public safety, securing large-scale public events, combating death and injury on
the roads, mounting rescue operations, managing emergencies, preparing to meet the threat of
terrorism or performing any of its many other daily tasks, the work of NSW Police is endlessly
fascinating to the public.
This is reflected by the intensive coverage of policing issues by the news media, which devote
more time and space to them than to any other area of government activity.
That means every NSW Police officer works under an intense spotlight of media interest. The
way every officer behaves under that scrutiny directly contributes to the way the media report
NSW Police and the way the public perceives police
. This, in turn, directly affects police morale
and effectiveness.
This policy will help you deal with media. By following it, you will play your part in building
positive public opinion of your work and that of your colleagues.
The most effective way Police
can communicate with the community is via the news media.
Most of what you need to know about dealing with the media is contained in this policy. If in
doubt, consult the Police Media Unit (PMU). Like this policy, it is there to help you
. Even if
you are confident in dealing with the media, you should always keep the PMU informed of any
contact you may have with media organisations.

All NSW Police employees are required to comply with the principles outlined in this policy.
Breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action and/ or criminal or civil sanctions.

It applies to all NSW Police employees, sworn and unsworn, including those who are on sick
leave, recreation leave, leave without pay or suspended from duty.


All NSW Police employees are reminded of their obligations under the terms of their
employment to maintain the confidentiality of information gathered in the course of the duties.
Breaching this policy may render you, NSW Police or both liable to criminal and civil sanctions.
Breaches of this policy may also contravene the Police Act 1990 and the Crimes Act, 1900. Both
statutes contain severe penalties for the unauthorised disclosure of information.

Getting help

Contact the PMU whenever you need help, you are in doubt, or you are dealing with:

• serious crimes;
• controversial issues;
• incidents involving ‘celebrities’;

Public release of information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Authority to release
Any information released to the media or directly to the public must be properly authorised.
Breaching this policy may render you, NSW Police or both liable to criminal and civil sanctions.

Comment on routine police operations or investigations2 can be given or authorised by:
• The officer in charge of the operation or investigation (namely Duty Officer, Investigations
Manager, Crime Manager); or
• The relevant Local Area Commander/ specialist equivalent or their appointed delegate.

In NSW, every person has legislated rights to privacy.
The Privacy and Personal Information Protection (PPIP) Act 1998, sets out Information Protection
Principles (IPPs). Section 27 of (PPIP) Act exempts NSW Police from complying with the IPPs,
except in relation to administrative and educative functions. Generally, information is released
to the media to meet a key operational function.

(2) Information must be accurate and reliable
Personal information released in accordance with this policy must be accurate and reliable, with
facts clearly differentiated from opinion or suspicions.

What you can say during an investigation (prior to proceedings commencing)

When a person is to be charged with an offence, the judicial process starts at the point of arrestor when information is layed before a Justice.
Before this happens you can release:
• the kind of offence;
• the time and place (street name and town/suburb but not house/flat number which might
identify the victim);
• the sex, age and suburb/town and occupation of victims (taking care not to identify them
especially in small communities);
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
• the name and rank of the relevant commander or senior investigator (if approved);
• descriptions of suspects and vehicles, weapons, clothes and other articles involved;
• appeals for public help to locate suspects;
• descriptions of remarks made by defenders, but not direct quote (eg, “The man threatened
staff and demanded money”);
• descriptions of injuries;
• the hospital(s) the injured attended;
• public reassurances about police action to deal with the matter.

What you must never say
State or imply that someone who has not yet been charged is guilty of a crime (eg, “Police are
looking for a man who last night murdered a security guard…”);
• State or imply that a particular crime has been committed (eg, “The victim was murdered
with a blunt instrument…”);

Defamation occurs when material published contains ‘an imputation calculated to injure the
reputation of another by exposing him or her to hatred, contempt or ridicule or implications that
tend to lower the Plaintiff in the estimation of right thinking members of society’.
There are a number of defences to an action of defamation. Making sure the material you
publish is accurate and you are justified in releasing it will enable you to argue a reasonable
defence to an action in defamation.
If in doubt, seek advice from PMU or direction from Legal Services.

Protecting witnesses, victims of crime and police conducting covert

• Identify a witness;
• Embarrass or distress a victim (eg, details of sexual assaults or wounds);
• Reveal details of a crime that might be known only to the perpetrator.

Media ‘Blackouts’
In crisis situations it may be appropriate to ask all media to refrain temporarily from reporting an
incident at all; for example, a siege where hostages lives are directly threatened and the offender
is known to be watching media coverage.
This type of request can only be made in the most exceptional circumstances and must come
from the Assistant Commissioner, Counter Terrorism, Region Commander or above.

When you are approached by the media
Media comment should only be given by properly authorised senior officers. At the LAC level,
this means the Superintendent and Duty Officers, Crime Managers and others approved by the
Commander. Advise the PMU beforehand.
Talk radio and current affairs television are powerful generators of news and controversy. Always
seek PMU advice if approached by these media outlets.

When you wish to voice your opinion
Every NSW Police officer has the right to his/her own opinions and to express them in public
debates. You must not do so, however, in your capacity as a NSW Police officer.
If you write newspaper articles, letters or other papers for publication, call talk-back radio
programs, post opinion on the Internet, address public meetings or sign public notices/ petitions
you must only do so as a private citizen. Otherwise you may be wrongly taken to be speaking for
other police or NSW Police as a whole.
You must make it clear that the views expressed are your own and not refer to your position or

Media coverage of operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Media relish the chance to directly cover police operations, especially covert and dramatic

El Diablo said:
so what did they do wrong?

apologies, wrong comment for wrong thread.

Nothing wrong this time, as it looks like they learn't their lessons from the Bulldogs and brought this policy in just afterwards. May have pointers to why the media has given up at this point of time as their not being feed information as they had with the dogs.
Or maybe there is no news because some low pub s**t wasn't raped and was simply f**ked by one or more footballers like millions of moles before her. Her story has as much credence as souths have hope of winning the 2006 comp


Does the fact that we have heard nothing more about this alleged incident mean that nothing actually happened and the players, Club and fans are entitled to an apology?