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American who knows nothing in search of info on Knights :0)


A little known fact.

The New York Knights were originally called the New York Broncos when the side was under development, but they soon found out that the Broncos wanted nothing to do with them and so they picked a good team to go with.

As usual, the Broncos could see nothing in it for them, so they wimped out on the opportunity to support the fastest growing comp in the world.


roopy said:
A little known fact.

The New York Knights were originally called the New York Broncos when the side was under development, but they soon found out that the Broncos wanted nothing to do with them and so they picked a good team to go with.

As usual, the Broncos could see nothing in it for them, so they wimped out on the opportunity to support the fastest growing comp in the world.

:lol: :lol: Thanks Roopy.

Get that up ya pennywise :p


First Grade
Its great I watched the first five minutes of the Broncos at Sandcorp, could'nt get any sound dammit.


Ummmm....wow. Y'all have quite the rivalry going on, eh? You guys remind me of the fans from the sport I'm addicted to. Everybody has the one they like, and they think everybody else sucks no matter what. Hey it's all good. I just had some healthy curiousity.

And pennywisealfie, apology accepted. I understand how it is to be passionate about a team or player. Don't think I'll be dumping my friend, though. :D He's a great guy and from Newcastle, so it makes sense he's a Knights fan. Thanks for your input, though. :)

Oh and I tried to watch the games but when the screen comes up it says "Ready" but then won't play...??? I rwally wanted to see them too. :(


First Grade
Hay Michelle,
Great to see a supporter from the other side of the world.... I can't believe none of you guys gave Aussie address.... it could help her out a bit more.

Try these ones: www.newcastleknights.com

They should have some more stuff on there for you to look up about how us Aussies play it.

Big Tim

First Grade
Michelle, great to see you have come aboard. We are a great, proud and passionate club. Others may try to convince u otherwise, but they are just jealous of the passion we have in such a small area.

The game is easy to pickup, I have a team mate in my American Football team who grew up in the States, mainly LA, and came here to study cos his fiancee lived here. He had been here for 4 months and knew as much about league as any regular Aussie. I remember taking him to his first game at EAS (which is our home ground) and him pointingout things such as "offside" and "forward pass". He was so excited that he knew what was going on. He also found that you can drink a beer and smoke a cigarette at a game, u dont have to leave the ground to smoke, well, not at our home ground anyway.

I know I have been a bit off track, but it goes to show that anybody can become a fan of our wonderful sport. Good Luck with it.


Hey guys! This is great! I'm learning so much! Since you brought it up Big Tim2, one thing I did not understand in the rules was the whole concept of offsides. How does that work? Thanks!

Big Tim

First Grade
I will try and make it basic.

When a player is tackled he must stand up and "play the ball" betwwen his legs, touching the ball with his foot. Now the referee stands 10 metres away from where the tackle was made and the defence has to stand in line with him, making them "onside". If a player fails to get back in line with the referee he is "offside". A penalty is given if any player not getting in line with the referee touches a man with the ball.

This may confuse u further, but if you are "offside" u are able to tackle a man with the ball once you have moved back ur 10 metres. If this confuses you forget it. There are other variations of the "offside" rule, but they arent as frequent and the only way to learn those variations is to watch. So go for your life and watch as much as you can :D


OK, I think I kinda get it. It's kind of like in american football. If a player is over a certain line before the ball is snapped he is considered offsides. But then he is actually on the other team's "side" of the field, so it's easier to understand, hehe. But I think I got it. I just need to watch a game and actually see what it looks like when this happens. Thanks!

Oh yeah, and so there is no penalty if he doesn't touch someone with the ball?


MKMlovesDaleJr said:
Oh yeah, and so there is no penalty if he doesn't touch someone with the ball?

Unless he is doing it continualy or is obstructing the game.


It's kind of like American football in that you move in phases - you move in 'tackles' (which must seem confusing - you get 6 tackles before you have to hand the ball to the other team, so usually they kick after their 5th tackle)

Everytime you get tackled, as Tim said, the player with the ball stands up, rolls the ball under his legs (with a nudge of the foot), and while all this is happening the defensive line is moving back 10 metres.

It is quite a good game...what am I saying? It's a great game. But a lot different to the NFL in that most of the players don't wear much padding - some wear headgear (which is nothing like your helmets), which consists of just a soft padding stuff around the head, others wear shoulder pads - but these are similar to the headgear in that the material is just a cushioning material to soften the blow.

You'd get sent off if you came on with a helmet or came on with hard shoulder pads - they hit each other pretty hard too.


American girl.........sorry i dun know ur name but u've got alot to learn but dun worry soon it'll be natural so that when someone says " yeah i know i say a joey at the zoo" u'll think of Johns automatically. :lol: it's great stuff.



I live in country Vic (Not as Distant as america but hey?) and I follow the NRL via the footy show on thursday at 1:00 because thats about all the coverage we get up here. Anyway I know all the rules and stuff but I want to know what is the super leauge and ARL and why was it a stuff up?


the_chief said:

I live in country Vic (Not as Distant as america but hey?) and I follow the NRL via the footy show on thursday at 1:00 because thats about all the coverage we get up here. Anyway I know all the rules and stuff but I want to know what is the super leauge and ARL and why was it a stuff up?

What a question!!!
I think everyone wants to forget about it, but let's just say it was about who got the game for pay tv and who didn't. Basically, it was all about greed and money and it put the game back 10 years and gave the AFL and Rugby Union a big chance to establish themselves at the expence of League.
Rupert Murdoch and Kerry Packer now own RL and only have to dish out as much money as they want to for the game to run, so we are getting a lot less than we should be from TV rights etc, which means we are still suffering from other codes having the financial muscle to move in on League territory, but fan interest is at an all time high because the game is being run well for the TV interests, which means the fans can get heaps of coverage if they are prepared to pay for it.


Roopy hasn't provided the story - only the general feeling about how much Super League hurt the game. If you want a quick overview:

The ARL and their competition (previously known as NSW-RL) were running a decent comp. But Rupert Murdoch, armed with cash to burn, cruised on in and decided to start his own competition. Needless to say the ARL didn't like this, but some of the players did because Murdoch offered big contracts to jump ship.

So half the teams left, half the teams stayed, and a few extra clubs were created to balance out the numbers. The competitions as individual tournaments were going to begin in 1996 (any objections?) but due to the ARL's court action against News Ltd, they ordered all the teams to play together in the 1996 cup - I think there were 20 teams or something.

1997 was a different story - News Ltd were allowed to go ahead with their comp, and Brisbane won Super League/Telstra Cup (News' comp) and the Knights won the ARL's comp (Optus Cup) - it stuffed the game up entirely because it meant that far too much money was being bandied around and it hurt club financially.

The price of players then needed to be brought down to a reasonable level - so the salary cap was used to tighten club payments. The comp got back together prior to this in 1998 as a combined competition - the NRL (as News Ltd's business) have pretty much been the main force in the comp, and the ARL now just controls state and International matches.


1997 was a different story - News Ltd were allowed to go ahead with their comp, and Brisbane won Super League/Telstra Cup (News' comp) and the Knights won the ARL's comp (Optus Cup) - it stuffed the game up entirely because it meant that far too much money was being bandied around and it hurt club financially.

So both the Knights and Broncos were premiers this year yet they were in different leagues

so there was no 1 premiership team but two??
i thought it was funny that the knights wanted to be a super league team at first then they probably got some shit deal from them and then they were all like ken arthurson is great.

terminator ur such a hypocrite haha.

MKMdalelovesjrs, what team do u support? r u a texans fan? or is ur heart still with the oilers and u are a titans fan? or another team all together? i love the texans but my team is the mighty raiders who dont look so mighty these days.

New York Knights? pfft who needs them, certainly not the broncos. stupid new york trying to live off our glory :p

congratulations to yall saying im a great ambassador as you are right i am. go me!

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
The knights were formed in 1988.

For the 1st decade or so, the knights were built on toughness and forward strength. From about 95 onwards the team started plating a very exiting brand of football. The Johns brothers and players like albert, gidley etc, installed this brand of football.

The knights have missed out on the finals once, since 95.

The knights have the best player in the world known as Andrew Johns.

The knights arch rivals are manly [the team we beat in the 1997 grandfinal.

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