It is so tough, coming on here to see people I respect ready to say we aren't in the game.
Faith is 20% show and 80 % Well faith.
I am not cheapening your feelings, I like everyone else felt gutted after again the Eels Choked.
We can't say we didn't. But In choking, Armit and Stapelton had great games, so to Hindmarsh and Cayless. Dykes tried everything all night and didn't kick the ball out on the full once.
I think Junior Langi, after impressing in our first home game has become very quite but then again he was quite for 75 minutes in that game as well.
It was unfortunate that Dave V could only go 80 minutes and not 81.
Well done to the sharks, it was a performance not unlike Parramatta Vs Warriors or Cowboys last year.
Parramatta had it's opportunities, again some of the basics let down a performance that was enough to win.
At the moment we are like a V8 Engine, who's only got 3 or 4 Cylinders firing, and every time we have the engine looked at it is a different cylinder that is firing or not.
If we can only ensure the entire thing is firing in song. . . Maybe it is the ECU.
Morris wasn't on song tonight but Dykes was. When they are both on song someone else is off. It is frustrating, and while we spend time trying to get the engine right other cars are coming past us, other cars that sound a whole lot worse than ours is sounding at the moment
The Test the eels need to pass starts in 3 weeks time when the eyes of the general public, you know those people that end up in the papers as bogans on the hill, the ones that go to one or 2 games a year if that while living only a suburb away from the stadium. They will get to see our side on the free TV, and it is then we need to perform.
A win against the cowboys on Samhain(SOO wain) night will be a way to exercise the stigma that has been hanging over the club and to move on to the middle of the season when we will truly know what is happening with the club.
I just hope we catch a break and get the whole thing working, just once before the bye.