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Andrew Johns decison is made - Warrington over the 'roos


First Grade
Grail said:
ha f*cking ha.
If Johns cared about his family he wouldn't whore around like Warney.

Guys that love and care for their family don't cheat.


Misty Bee

First Grade
Proves your'e a numbnuts.

Player A can't play entire series because wants to do f**k all - You are happy.

Player B is available for entire series bar one match when may have grand final commitments - sack him.

So you'd deny the best player in the world because he has made himself available, kept match fit, and will be in the UK waiting for the Roos to turn up?

Misty Bee

First Grade
A grand final he does not deserve to be in, but thats another debate.

Proves you are anti Johns with a stupid comment like that.

I don't recall you campaigning against Ellery Hanley in 1988.


Kiwi said:
Please show me where I said he should abandon his son for a couple of years?

You said this

IF and it's a big IF it has always been a dream of his, then fine go over for a year, going over for 6 games cheapens the dream. - Going over there means he misses out on seeing his son for a year.

ha f*cking ha.
If Johns cared about his family he wouldn't whore around like Warney.

And he cheated on his partner when exactly? Don't tell me you actually believe what the News Ltd media says. We went over this before. They do anything they can to crucify him. Even blatantly lie.


First Grade
Misty Bee said:
Proves your'e a numbnuts.

Player A can't play entire series because wants to do f**k all - You are happy.

Player B is available for entire series bar one match when may have grand final commitments - sack him.

So you'd deny the best player in the world because he has made himself available, kept match fit, and will be in the UK waiting for the Roos to turn up?

Like I said Kimmorley has no relivance to this topic, start another topic about it and tell you exactly what I think of Kimmorley ( which wouldn't be pretty and we'd probably agree on alot ) sitting out the series for no apparent reason. I'll even happily give the Tigers and Bulldogs a spray for ruling players out that were fit enough to take the field for them. But again, another topic, and isn't relivant here.


Give it a rest dude.
Look Johns is a great player, easily the best I've seen. In time I've no doubts that he will rightly take his place amongst the immortals of the game.

But you are just another of the lame card carrying Johns fans who can't see the truth for the crap that spews forth from his little propaganda machine.

I've seen him hitting on everything with a skirt. I've seen him try to pick up friends of mine, when he was married. I live in Newcastle dude. I go to the same places that he goes to.

I've seen him leave clubs with bimbos in hand after a quick grope session in the corner. If you think they're just going back to his place so he can show 'em his Dally M's, you're more naive then dumb.

Is he the only one that does it in league? Hell no. I'm sure most of the players out there like picking up tarts. I'm stating this not because I hate Johns, I'm saying it because you have nothing. You've come out and claimed that he loves his family above all else.

You're making sh*t up, because you've got nothing left to stand on.


First Grade
Razor said:
You said this

IF and it's a big IF it has always been a dream of his, then fine go over for a year, going over for 6 games cheapens the dream. - Going over there means he misses out on seeing his son for a year.

How is that abandoning his son? And how is that 2 years? I also said I respected him for putting his kid first, still doesn't mean a 6 week stint in the ESL doesn't cheapen a dream.

Razor said:
And he cheated on his partner when exactly? Don't tell me you actually believe what the News Ltd media says. We went over this before. They do anything they can to crucify him. Even blatantly lie.

You'd know all about that now wouldn't you?


Razor said:
And he cheated on his partner when exactly? Don't tell me you actually believe what the News Ltd media says. We went over this before. They do anything they can to crucify him. Even blatantly lie.

Yes, Johns has never cheated on any of his partners. :roll:

Misty Bee

First Grade
Johns marital situation is irrellevant. Weather he hits on people is irellevant. It's only brought up because most anti Johns people are making stupid claims about his Warrington stint.

Claims like: He should'nt go for 6 weeks. He should go for a year. Yeah? Why?

And: Playing for Warrington means nothing to him Yeah? Mind reader are you????

Kiwi, you are making this a personal attack on Johns, because you have said that if (like Kimmorley), he withdrew from the WHOLE series, you'd be happy with that. So you are happy with Kimmorley withdrawing from the series because of a commitment on one day, yet Johns, who is withdrawing for only one day, is an arsewipe.



Misty Bee said:
Johns marital situation is irrellevant. Weather he hits on people is irellevant. It's only brought up because most anti Johns people are making stupid claims about his Warrington stint.

Claims like: He should'nt go for 6 weeks. He should go for a year. Yeah? Why?

And: Playing for Warrington means nothing to him Yeah? Mind reader are you????

Kiwi, you are making this a personal attack on Johns, because you have said that if (like Kimmorley), he withdrew from the WHOLE series, you'd be happy with that. So you are happy with Kimmorley withdrawing from the series because of a commitment on one day, yet Johns, who is withdrawing for only one day, is an arsewipe.


Total lack of comprehension, spelling and grammar.

The Johnsy brigade were the ones claiming him to be a 'family first' man. He obviously loves his kid but perhaps his son would have been better served if he could have kept his pecker in his pants on nights out around town.


You've come out and claimed that he loves his family above all else.

You're making sh*t up, because you've got nothing left to stand on.

He does love his family. His only family is his son. For you to come out and say he doesn't love his son is downright disgraceful and shows the very low depths that the Johns-bashers stoop to, in order to try and show that Johns shouldn't play for Australia.


Misty Bee said:
Johns marital situation is irrellevant. Weather he hits on people is irellevant. It's only brought up because most anti Johns people are making stupid claims about his Warrington stint.

I agree.
However, people who have no clue at all, really shouldn't make inane comments. They don't know, they are just making an assumption for someone that they idolise.

It's like my mate who's a Queen fan trying to tell me that Freddie Mercury was straight and got Aids from a chick.

Talk about denial. Face the facts, Johns is no saint. He is a great player, but to come out and try to make comments about his personal life when they live half the country away and probably have never even seen him in real life...... stupid.

I still have respect for Johns. What he wants to do with his life is up to him. But I won't stand back and let misinformed dopes make stupid and baseless comments.


I believe he shouldn't be picked. If he is, I will still support him as I'd even do for Brett Finch if he was picked...... (did I just say that??)


Razor said:
He does love his family. His only family is his son. For you to come out and say he doesn't love his son is downright disgraceful and shows the very low depths that the Johns-bashers stoop to, in order to try and show that Johns shouldn't play for Australia.

Get a grip.
Actually, you better loosen it, you'll wear away the skin.


First Grade
Misty Bee said:
Johns marital situation is irrellevant. Weather he hits on people is irellevant. It's only brought up because most anti Johns people are making stupid claims about his Warrington stint.

Claims like: He should'nt go for 6 weeks. He should go for a year. Yeah? Why?

And: Playing for Warrington means nothing to him Yeah? Mind reader are you????

Why a year and not 6 weeks, because then atleast he would have earned the his place in the ESL grand final if they make it.

It obviously means more to him than playing for australia, wonder what that cost Warrington?

misty bee said:
Kiwi, you are making this a personal attack on Johns, because you have said that if (like Kimmorley), he withdrew from the WHOLE series, you'd be happy with that. So you are happy with Kimmorley withdrawing from the series because of a commitment on one day, yet Johns, who is withdrawing for only one day, is an arsewipe.


Your an idiot grasping at straws trying to read too much into things.

IF Johns ruled himself out of the tour to play ESL, atleast that is some what a reason, and he would have atleast not wanted to dictate when he plays on a tour. I'd be happier than I am now about the situation, didn't say I would be happy about it, just happier. Learn to read. You keep wanting to drag an irrelivant player in Kimmorley into this and trotting out the typical you all just hate Johns routine ( which gets trotted out everytime someone doesn't blow smoke up his arse and is getting really f**king old ), you really must have nothing to offer this debate.

What would make me happy, is to have all players who are fit available for EVERY match in the series.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Kiwi, since when does length of time determine when someone 'earns' a spot in a game?

You earn a spot in a game by being selected to represent your team in it. Thats all. You don't get to make that call, Warrington do. For you to say he wouldn't have 'earned' it is codswallop. There are many precedents to this: Mick Cronin in the '86 semi finals. Ellery Hanley in 1988. Langer in his origin return. Johns himself in Origin II this year. They all earned it because they were selected!

IF Johns ruled himself out of the tour to play ESL, atleast that is some what a reason, and he would have atleast not wanted to dictate when he plays on a tour. I'd be happier than I am now about the situation, didn't say I would be happy about it, just happier.

Therefore, you want Johns carpeted for making himself available for the remainder of the tri series? And if he didn't make hmiself available for his country in those games, you'd consider him more patriotic - and therefore deserving? :roll:

Johns does not dictate when he plays. Selectors do. For Oz, that means Wayne Bennet. Since Bennet is happy with the situation, and ENCOURAGED Joey to follow this path, you should have your gripe with him. It's Bennet's choice, not Joey's.


First Grade
Misty Bee said:
Kiwi, since when does length of time determine when someone 'earns' a spot in a game?

So lets have Bradford pay Sonny Bill Williams, Darren Lockyer and Nathan Hindmarsh a sh*tload to play the grand final for them if they make it. Seeing as length of time spent with the club for the season means nothing in terms of earning it, they would have clearly earnt the right to be there seeing as they were "selected". How about who ever makes this years NRL grand final contracts the pick of the NRL teams players who didn't make it for 1 match, because clearly they would be selected and have earnt their spots and the premiership if they win it.

Misty Bee said:
You earn a spot in a game by being selected to represent your team in it. Thats all. You don't get to make that call, Warrington do. For you to say he wouldn't have 'earned' it is codswallop. There are many precedents to this: Mick Cronin in the '86 semi finals. Ellery Hanley in 1988. Langer in his origin return. Johns himself in Origin II this year. They all earned it because they were selected!

It's not codswallop as you put it. The cronin, hanley situations, I wont comment on because it was before I started watching the game.

Langer origin 3 was selected for one game yes, again though it was a different circumstance. And do I think Langer should have been selected, no I don't think he should have been.

Johns origin was returning from injury so again different.

Misty Bee said:
Therefore, you want Johns carpeted for making himself available for the remainder of the tri series? And if he didn't make hmiself available for his country in those games, you'd consider him more patriotic - and therefore deserving? :roll:

No I wouldn't consider him more patriotic or deserving, don't think I have said that, why do you keep plucking sh*t from no where? Do you even read what people are saying before replying, or do you just live in your own little world 24/7? All I have said is it should be one or the other, he should be man enough to make the choice, tests or ESL. I'd prefer it was tests over ESL.

Misty Bee said:
Johns does not dictate when he plays. Selectors do. For Oz, that means Wayne Bennet. Since Bennet is happy with the situation, and ENCOURAGED Joey to follow this path, you should have your gripe with him. It's Bennet's choice, not Joey's.

Since when did Bennett become a selector? Yes as coach he has imput, but he ain't a selector. When Joey says, I'll play the series, but not that game because I want to get a trophy I don't deserve he is dictating when he plays, or trying to.


Thats all a discussion for another thread.

As for kimmorley not being relevant. How isnt it? Just because you dont want it to be relevant because it damages the Johns argument from the lynch mob dosnt make it less relevant.

Ill explain it real simple for you.

Kimmorley pulled out of the whole series because of a wedding. He could have made himself available for the games thatdont interfere with the wedding.

Johns on the other hand is happy to play any test matches that he can outside of his commitment to play for Warrington, which only means IF warrington make the grand final he will miss the first test.

Johns missing test to play in ESL grand final, or kimmorley missing entire series due to his brother getting married on one weekend. Is he going on the honeymoon with them or something?