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Andrew Johns decison is made - Warrington over the 'roos


Why would you sign with a team, get them to a grand final then leave.

I think everyone already knew the answer anyways


All i can say is that it is testament to Andrew Johns status as an all time great when he get's a 14 page thread on himself for farting.

Fair dinkum idiots on here but knock yourselves out. He's doing what he wants for his own reasons, all the best to him over in England.

No one player is greater then the game, but damn he is good for this game......he has more headlines, front and backpage, articles, columns, news reports, magazine covers etc etc then the 7 immortals combined. If Mario is Nintendo's Character then Andrew Johns is Rugby Leagues.

The ESL is buzzing, he is making headlines all over there and it can only be good for the ESL.


Red and Blue Knight said:
All i can say is that it is testament to Andrew Johns status as an all time great when he get's a 14 page thread on himself for farting.

Only because you guys are sniffing it all the time.

He is a great player but this ranks equally with 'The Poo' doing the dirty on the Davis Cup.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Ahhh, the old 'Joey's a tritor' threah. And the same old lobotomites calling for John's blood.

This classic from Raider69:
When Johns was out injuried and contemplating retirement (from all reports) what do you think spurred him on to keep going? I bet you it wasnt for the chance to play for Warrington, it was to get back and help the knights, blues and eventually Kangaroos reign supreme again...

Thank you for admitting that Joey still cherishes the Test jumper. Rather hypocritical to then say that he doesn't cherish it!

All of a sudden a grand final is a mickey mouse game. So let's see if the Sharks make the GF, and then Nigel Vagana pulls out so he is fit for next weeks tri nations!

Noddy Kimmorley - any shark fan that supports his decision to miss the tri nations, and bags Johns joines Raider 69 in the hypocrite corner. Noddy's brother is getting married. Noddy wants the ENTIRE SERIES off. So what's the massive pressing thing he has on for the other weekends? Pruning the roses? Washing his samoyed? Laying in bed with some KY while he catches up with this months Cleo?

Someone mentioned Tallis - The moron who sat out a season with Saints. The dickhead who wanted a state of origin match to be called off. And one of those who turned their back on their country in 1995.

It's OK for traitors to turn their back on the green and gold, but where Joey has a clear conflict of interest, and is concerned enough to discuss it with the coach, WHO IS HAPPY FOR HIM TO PLAY IN THE GF, he's scum and should be shot.

And the dumb and dumber approach gets deeper, with the Joey haters demanding the NRL ban him from playing for Australia again. That's like lobbying Bankstown Council to end the sale of fetta cheese in Greece!

Lockyer turned his back on his country to play pathetic games v Hunter Mariners. They don't ban him.

Banning Andrew Johns from Rugby League is like banning chocolate from Tim Tams. Unforgivable!


Post Whore
Misty Bee said:
Ahhh, the old 'Joey's a tritor' threah. And the same old lobotomites calling for John's blood.

This classic from Raider69:

Thank you for admitting that Joey still cherishes the Test jumper. Rather hypocritical to then say that he doesn't cherish it!

im sure he did cherish it, im absolutely sure his love for playiong for australia at the time spurred him on, untill the almighty dollar from warrington took that away, its clear he no longer has the pride in the aussie jersey that one representing us should. So good on him, go and win him ESL GF. But imo he has disrespected the australian jersey and should not be allowed to don it again.


First Grade

You have nothing. You have raved on about during the SL war these player blah blah blah like it actually relates to this topic, when it doesn't It's a totally different situation.

Misty Bee

You too have brought the same SL situation up, pointless and no relivance. You also brought up Tallis sitting out a whole year, so what, pointless and no relivance to this topic. Kimmorley has ruled himself out of the whole series, not just 1 game, thats more along the lines of the same issues with Marshall, Williams and the like not playing . Again not relivant to this topic.

Again what Johns supporters are failing to realise when they bring up the whole conflict thing, it's a grand final ect. Johns made the Warrington commitment knowing about the clash. He knew when he made the commitment that he would probably have to choose and could rule him out of the first test of a series, and cost him a spot in the squad. He also decided to make it official that he would play the club game if it came down to it. He has made all the choices here knowing what could and should happen, him missing the series.

IF and it's a big IF it has always been a dream of his, then fine go over for a year, going over for 6 games cheapens the dream. And playing 6 games at the end of a season, whilst one of the blokes who has done the hard yards all year gets not only dropped, but deregistered or what it is that has to happen, is not following a dream.

I have no doubt that if it was Lockyer doing this, there would be calls from the same Johns supporters for him to be dropped, never captain australia again ect.

As for me, I don't care who it is, Locker, Johns, Price, King, Orford, Barrett ect, unless it's injury, death, birth ect, then you are either available for the whole series or none of it. Same goes for Stacey Jones, none of this "oh I'll play 2 games" crap. The whole series or f**k off.


Kimmorley has ruled himself out of the whole series, not just 1 game, thats more along the lines of the same issues with Marshall, Williams and the like not playing . Again not relivant to this topic.

Some posters in this thread are saying Johns should be banend for life.

Razor, You have nothing. You have raved on about during the SL war these player blah blah blah like it actually relates to this topic, when it doesn't It's a totally different situation.

Your signiture proves that you have a bias against me, so anything you say to try and discredit my posts are no use, because it's clear your judgement is clouded by your bias.

Super League is different yes. What those players did is so much worse. Yet they all still played in the future. Which is what we are trying to get through to you. I bet if Lockyer was the one going to England, you wouldn't have a problem with him missing the game.

IF and it's a big IF it has always been a dream of his, then fine go over for a year, going over for 6 games cheapens the dream.

Johns has always said how he'd love to go to England for a season or two. But now that he and his wife are seperated going to England means he'll miss out on seeing his kid for 1-2 years. He actually cares about his family, and values it above football. So he won't be going for a season or two, but 6 games.

I have no doubt that if it was Lockyer doing this, there would be calls from the same Johns supporters for him to be dropped, never captain australia again ect.

No it's the other way around. If Lockyer was doing this you wouldn't have a problem.

Mr Saab

razor...johns was never married to the mother of his son....renea.
They have been seperated for a few yrs now.


First Grade
To be honest I'm quite happy Johns is playing for Warrington. Given the fairly ordinary standard of the ESL, it would be good in the long term for the kiddies over there to see a great player like Johns.
All you have to do is look through the records to see the last time the Poms actually won a series against us. I can't be arsed but at a guess it wouldn't have been in my lifetime. I'm all for the Tests against the Poms. But there's no real competition and if they could actually develope a few more decent players and made it competitive it would be great.
Have a look at the cricket this year, it's fantastic. That's what rugby league tests need to be like. Close and competitive.


Charlie Saab said:
razor...johns was never married to the mother of his son....renea.
They have been seperated for a few yrs now.

And if he goes to England, he'll never see his son.

Good to see the Broncos fans like Kiwi, suggest that fathers should abandon their sons for a couple of years and head overseas.

Mr Saab

Of course Johns would see his son!
Ever heard of school holidays. Not like Johns cant afford to fly him over.
I am not advocating Johns to play over their for 12 months, thats his perogative, but to say he wont see his son is ludicrous. There are plenty of children out there that dont see there fathers for whatever reason for long periods of time because of work, divorce etc.


First Grade
Razor said:
Some posters in this thread are saying Johns should be banend for life.

Thats their opinion I guess. I personally wouldn't go that far. Like I have said, unless injured ect, the whole series or none. If Joey wanted to play tests next year, I don't see why he shouldn't

Razor said:
Your signiture proves that you have a bias against me, so anything you say to try and discredit my posts are no use, because it's clear your judgement is clouded by your bias.

No my sig proves you to be a proven liar and not a man of his word, nothing more.

Razor said:
Super League is different yes. What those players did is so much worse. Yet they all still played in the future. Which is what we are trying to get through to you. I bet if Lockyer was the one going to England, you wouldn't have a problem with him missing the game.

It being so much worse is just you opinion, nothing more. If Lockyer signed to play in the ESL for a year, or even a 6 game stint at the end of the year like Johns is, putting a club game ahead of the test, then as far as i'm concerned he should be striped of his captaincy NEVER getting it back and dropped for the series.

Razor said:
Johns has always said how he'd love to go to England for a season or two. But now that he and his wife are seperated going to England means he'll miss out on seeing his kid for 1-2 years. He actually cares about his family, and values it above football. So he won't be going for a season or two, but 6 games.

Thats fine and I respect him for putting his family first. Doesn't mean he should become an exception to the rule or get special treatment because of it. Just like Johns made the choice to only go for 6 games because of his kid, he also made the choice to do it when he knew there was a clash, made it clear he would choose the ESl game over the test, and that too whilst I don't like it, can accept it. BUT he, like anyone else can't expect to pick and choose when he plays a game in a series.

Razor said:
No it's the other way around. If Lockyer was doing this you wouldn't have a problem.

I'm not the proven liar here.


First Grade
Razor said:
And if he goes to England, he'll never see his son.

Good to see the Broncos fans like Kiwi, suggest that fathers should abandon their sons for a couple of years and head overseas.

Please show me where I said he should abandon his son for a couple of years?

Misty Bee

First Grade
Johns is putting a possible grand final ahead of a test.

What's Kimmorley doing?

Kiwi, by your deformed logic, of Joey had instead said "Look, I need the rest of the year off because of the possibility of my inclusion in a Warington GF side" you would be happy?

You are basically saying Joey shuold be sacked because he has made himself available for the rest of the tour??????


First Grade
[QUOTEmisty bee]Johns is putting a possible grand final ahead of a test. [/QUOTE]

A grand final he does not deserve to be in, but thats another debate.

misty bee said:
What's Kimmorley doing?

Ruled himself out of the whole series I do believe? Not just 1 game, again like I said, no relivance here. Is more along the lines of why Marshall, Williams ect wont be playing.

misty bee said:
Kiwi, by your deformed logic, of Joey had instead said "Look, I need the rest of the year off because of the possibility of my inclusion in a Warington GF side" you would be happy?

If Joey had made himself unavailable for the series because of his Warrington commitment he made after knowing about the clash, then yeah i'd be some what happier. Would have prefered he chose tests over a 6 game stint in the ESL, but atleast he would have made a choice and not half one expecting to have his cake and eat it too.

misty bee said:
You are basically saying Joey shuold be sacked because he has made himself available for the rest of the tour??????

No i'm saying Johns should not make the squad for the series because he is not available for ALL games if fit.


Razor said:
But now that he and his wife are seperated going to England means he'll miss out on seeing his kid for 1-2 years. He actually cares about his family, and values it above football.

ha f*cking ha.
If Johns cared about his family he wouldn't whore around like Warney.

Guys that love and care for their family don't cheat.