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Annual Report


it lists him as attending 8 meetings in that category JC???

out of the entire board there were only 3 blokes that attended more total meetings than him



So he may not have even attended one council meeting?

Spider, Look at the second last column.

Actually, i need my eyes checked, I was looking at Barnetts figures!!


“That pursuant to the Registered Clubs Act 1976, as amended, the members hereby approve and agree to the members of the
Board during the period preceding the next Annual General Meeting receiving the following benefits and the members further
acknowledge that the benefits outlined in subparagraphs (a) to (g) are not available to members generally, but only to those
members who are elected to the Board of Directors of the Club:
(a) reasonable meals and refreshments for each director in conjunction with each Board or Committee meeting;
(b) reasonable costs or expenses in relation to the professional development and education of Directors including:
(i) attending meetings of associations of which the Club is a member or Directors of the Club are members;
(ii) attending seminars, lectures, trade displays, organised study tours, fact finding tours and other similar events as may
be determined by the Board from time to time;

(iii) attending other registered clubs or gaming venues for the purpose of observing their facilities and methods
of operation;
(iv) attending conference and training sessions in relation to their roles and responsibilities under the Registered Clubs
Act, the Corporations Act 2001 and any other relevant legislation;
(c) reasonable costs or expenses of attending functions whilst representing the Club with partners where appropriate;
(d) reasonable costs or expenses of travelling by either private or public transport to and from Directors’ or other duly
constItuted meetings, held within the Club or elsewhere;
(e) reasonable costs or expenses in relation to such other duties including entertainment of special guests of the Club
and other promotional activities approved by the Board;
(f) reasonable costs or expenses in relation to the provision of uniforms and associated apparel for the use of each
Director when representing the Club;
(g) the provision of specially reserved parking spaces at the Club for Directors’ use when attending the Club to carry
out their duties.
For a club on the edge of financial oblivian, i find some of these insulting.

Can they really not pay for their own drinks and food at board meetings? Biscuits and tea I can cop, but if thats what they want then thats what should be in the resolution.

Also, they have snuck in expenses to cover their partners as well!!

VERY broad terms being used here that can be exploited.

Travel entitlements? f**k me dead, drive a car, spend your own fuel you tight bastards.

This is on top of the 10k the directors get as well as the 50k Baz gets.

Thats all well and good when the club is going well, but we are in the sh*t, yet they still want their perks.
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The Popper

We owe less money than both Parramatta and Penrith and had a smaller deficit than St. George this year.
I believe our problem is with our borrowings.


a bit off topic, but I just noticed that the new development is proposing basement parking for residence. Wont happen...try building that in a swamp area..will cost a mega fortune and wont last.

pommy shark

In the accounts there is a $813k tax item noted and all and sundry especially the papers have made a big deal out of this.

Fact ....they have no effing idea what they are talking about.......... these are called deferred taxes for a reason - they have been deferred because thats how the ATO treats them - now will be paid at some point in the future but are not due now OR within a year of the date of the accounts, ie not due until 1 November at the very earliest.

This proves that if you give idiots like reporters a set of accounts they easily prove they are nothing but un-informed farkwits who (because it makes a good story) think that they have something to say - even if they are 110% wrong. f**k the facts tell the story anyway.

The club needs to worry about St George bank not the tax man.


Mate, they have tried to hide that 800k by all the rosey talk.

It is shocking that we cannot even pay our tax bill.

pommy shark

Mate, they have tried to hide that 800k by all the rosey talk.

It is shocking that we cannot even pay our tax bill.

Its not hidden - its in our faces - in a set of accounts produced properly by a decent firm

They don't need to pay it yet and may not need to pay all of it for years

I don't boast about it but sometimes being an accountant can help - it is usually the ultimate contraceptive but well....

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