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Another sh*tty crowd in Sid-a-nee


First Grade
That was quite a few years ago actually.

You're only as good as your last game and Brisbane have been outstanding recently while Sydney have been poor for a while now.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Interesting point is that if held in Newcastle, Canberra or Townsville, it would have cracked the 30k.

The Sydney deathriders have a point - it' just not made by anyone with cred. Two things are needed to make the Tri Nations silence the knockers. The first we have - an outstandingly coached Kiwi era under the McLennan-Wiki leadership, just like the Reilly-Hanley poms of a generation ago.

The second is for the games heartland - Sydney, to get passionate about it again. Sydneysiders are still into their clubs as a matter of district pride, but the social hype of the Swans and Wobblies ha scaptured the imagination of the upper crust movers and shakers - that 0.1% of spin doctors, and their puppets (like Iemma, Clover Moore, Lachlan Murdoch et al) who jump on the bandwagon, even if it is steering away from public opinion.

During the series, the ONLY way League became news was when the media latched onto a good old stink - like the Mason v Kidwell Haka affair, Feingate, and Leon Pryce's innocent whinge comparing Manly to Blackpool (let's face it, Maly IS a dive!)

Sadly, if those that run Sydney don't get excited about it, you can't expect Melbourne to.

As for Brisbane, they booed the Aussie coach. Will they boo an overglorified tosspot like Warne? No. Using them as any benchmark for anything bar lunatic behaviour is fraught with danger.


First Grade
Quidgybo said:
Unless Brisbane hosted two matches for comparison, how can you not? Brisbane couldn't sellout one, so you can't just write off the effect on the crowds a second match would have had. IMHO there's no way that you would have still drawn 44,000 for the first game and certainly no where near 44,000 for both. A certain percentage of people would have chosen to go to one over the other. I'm not sayng this fully justifies Sydney's disappointing crowds, just that it makes a disappointing figure a little less disappointing.


I could could give Sydney some slack using that argument if they'd drawn more than 8k more than Brisbane in their combined 2 matches. I could give that arguement some slack if Sydney hadn't been drawing similar piss poor crowds to test matches for the last decade. I could give that argument some slack if Sydney didn't have 4 times the population of Brisbane and dubbed itself the heartland of Rugby League.

Sydney just kissed goodbye the World Cup final and any hope of hosting a test match next year.

Misty Bee

First Grade
Maybe the empty spaceswould have been filled by Bears, Magpies and Steelers fans that were f**cked over by Superleage and the wonderful Media organisation you lot inflicted upon us!


First Grade
International league is back and it's only going to get better in years to come IMO. Brisbane had some terrible crowds for a few years there, look what a long spell with no test footy did when it was finally brought back. Let's make Sydney realise that you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Maybe when they get a taste of it again they'll actually be capable of breaking the 30k mark, when's the last time that happened?


Misty Bee said:
Maybe the empty spaceswould have been filled by Bears, Magpies and Steelers fans
Given premiership crowds are as high as they've ever been I don't think the lack of teams that were around when club football was less popular really explains things.



First Grade
Musty and Inane, two peas in a dumb f**king pod.

There is none so blind as those who will not see.


First Grade
Quidgybo said:
Given premiershiip crowds are as high as they've ever been I don't think the lack of teams that were around when club football was less popular really explains things.

Maybe, but Musty's never been one to let facts get in the way of his story.


First Grade
Super League rants and Wayne Bennett cracks, you're at your tired old best Misty. All we need now is a Tallis comment and we've got the trifecta.

Mr Saab

And a Wally Lewis comment and a Lockyer comment...although Blowfly cant say tooo much about Lockyer these days.
Afterall, look at the yr has just had

Misty Bee

First Grade
Quidgybo said:
Given premiershiip crowds are as high as they've ever been I don't think the lack of teams that were around when club football was less popular really explains things.


Different things. If manly is playing Saints, the lack of Bears fans makes no difference to the crowd. It does at a test match, though.

Titanboy (or are you a Raiders fan by now), keep deathriding the game, because in a few short seasons you will have run out of clubs to follow, and you'll be off to yawnion.


nqboy said:
Musty and Inane, two peas in a dumb f**king pod.

There is none so blind as those who will not see.

....so were playing this game huh? :crazy:
Avoid the question and throw in an insult....past your bedtime broncoboy


Poor crowd obviously but it was always going to be tricky at this time of year, next time they'll do better.

Two huge positives for me tonight.

Firstly, the game itself - best Test match I can remember, every person there would have absolutely loved it. Great play, great atmoshphere, great finish.

Secondly, the ground was choc full of young kids with their dads/parents etc. Maybe it was just where I was sitting but I was surrounded by them. All kitted out in their Kangaroos gear/flags etc. A fantastic sign.


Misty Bee said:
Different things. If manly is playing Saints, the lack of Bears fans makes no difference to the crowd. It does at a test match, though.
Not if there are more fans attending club games overall. It doesn't matter who they support at club level if there are more of them from which to draw a Test crowd.


Misty Bee

First Grade
Mr Saab said:
And a Wally Lewis comment and a Lockyer comment...although Blowfly cant say tooo much about Lockyer these days.
Afterall, look at the yr has just had

And just when this thread threatened to remain on track, along comes Chuck the Bidwill Based Bronco Babbler to crap on about Wally Lewis. Chuck, you are more random than sunspots!


First Grade
BTW, in case Misty hasn't realised the Steelers and Magpies are still represented in the NRL. As for the Bears, they weren't even averaging 10k by the time of their demise so that still wouldn't have filled up all the empty spaces, so whats Sydney's next excuse?

Misty Bee

First Grade
Quidgybo said:
Not if there are more fans attending club games overall. It doesn't matter who they support at club level if there are more of them from which to draw a Test crowd.


It does if there are less clubs to support.

Mr Saab

Misty Bee said:
And just when this thread threatened to remain on track, along comes Chuck the Bidwill Based Bronco Babbler to crap on about Wally Lewis. Chuck, you are more random than sunspots!

And you are as predictable as a footballers first comment being "yeah no"


Quidgybo said:
Not if there are more fans attending club games overall. It doesn't matter who they support at club level if there are more of them from which to draw a Test crowd.


I dunno.

I reckon a lot of the old Magpie and Tiger traditional fans that were lost when those clubs died (and there are lots of them), they would be more likely to attend a Test match as opposed to what I see as the new face of the Wests Tigers fan of the last few seasons, the family group from your not so traditional background, that prefer the comfort of your telstra stdm venue as opposed to the traditionalst that loves Leichhardt and Cambo....
But Im sure someone will chew this up and spit it out and call it invalid for whatever reason, just to continue the deathride.