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Another shark quits!!!


In terms of the Fisk appointment, it may have been that the club needed someone with experience to do the turnaround job and then get a long-term appointment to take the club forward. This is not uncommon in businesses which need a turnaround strategy executed quickly before the long term plan can be developed.

The pressing needs at the time were to ensure adequate revenue streams were in place and costs controlled to ensure short term viability. There is a new major sponsor and minor sponsors in place and a cost review appears to have been completed. Now is the time for the long term plan.

Fisk leaving is nowhere near as concerning as Osborne IMO. Osborne was to be putting the long term strategy into place that would see the Sharks with strong revenue streams into the future. His leaving after a few months is much more concerning that not renewing a bloke bought in to do a specific job after his contract was complete.


SO why employ him in the role so quickly in the first place? Why not have a better look about?

Coming into peak time for recruiting you don't thinkit is a problem having a new coach and no CEO, with our reputation for dodgy finances?

Surely if as you say he was never meant to be anything other than a short term appointment then they could have managed the transition a lot better i.e. advised him a while ago the contract wouldn't be renewed and have a replacement ready to go.

This is the salient point. Where is the succession planning if it was known Fisk was not staying?

I also don't buy the package deal thing with him and Stuart. If they were a package deal how come it took 3 and half years for them to get together?

Everyone also seems to be missing the big picture.

Osborne, Mott, Stuart, Fisk, almost the entire marketting team and others have formed a steady stream out the door.

It isn't about why one or the other individual has left or will leave (yes, I expect more), it's about why is the whole HR structure in the place walking?


Post Whore
I'm smelling a rather large rat, but i'm a bit slower on the uptake than frenzy.


SO why employ him in the role so quickly in the first place? Why not have a better look about?

Coming into peak time for recruiting you don't thinkit is a problem having a new coach and no CEO, with our reputation for dodgy finances?

Surely if as you say he was never meant to be anything other than a short term appointment then they could have managed the transition a lot better i.e. advised him a while ago the contract wouldn't be renewed and have a replacement ready to go.

With the dramas we had the club needed to get a quality administrator in there ASAP to save the club. Gow and co, pushed for Fisk and he came in. There was no time to recruit anyone else.

I agree its not ideal and its a valid point you raise. Obviously the club wasnt expecting this. I do know however, that Fisk wasnt expected to be a long term CEO both from his own and the clubs perspective.

The point I am just trying to make is that without knowing all the facts you cant just say this is all Irvine's fault or the club is about fold. Thats just plain ridiculas. CEO's clash and disagree with boards all the time. Part and parcel of footy clubs.

The only one that concerns me and Id like to know why is Osborne. As for the rest, fugg we needed a clean out didnt we. People on here have been critcising our marketing team for years.


First Grade
The point I am just trying to make is that without knowing all the facts you cant just say this is all Irvine's fault or the club is about fold

Have I said that? All I have said is I do not expect to be able to sign any halfway decent player with the situation we have now. I stand by that and would love to be proven wrong. Pretty confident I won't be but the spin we get will be a couple of benchies from other clubs and untried juniors are going to be world beaters.

As to being Irvine's fault, I don't know that at all and don't believe I have said as much. But all the resignations it does look like there is something going on, and with 2 of them it certainly sounds like it is with the board.

With the dramas we had the club needed to get a quality administrator in there ASAP to save the club. Gow and co, pushed for Fisk and he came in. There was no time to recruit anyone else.

So is there time now? We need someone in the organisation who can attract players. IMO Flanagan is not that person at the moment and Fisk offered some hope. Stability would have been very nice at the moment.


Have I said that? All I have said is I do not expect to be able to sign any halfway decent player with the situation we have now. I stand by that and would love to be proven wrong. Pretty confident I won't be but the spin we get will be a couple of benchies from other clubs and untried juniors are going to be world beaters.

As to being Irvine's fault, I don't know that at all and don't believe I have said as much. But all the resignations it does look like there is something going on, and with 2 of them it certainly sounds like it is with the board.

So is there time now? We need someone in the organisation who can attract players. IMO Flanagan is not that person at the moment and Fisk offered some hope. Stability would have been very nice at the moment.

Stability would be nice, I agree.

Sorry, I wasnt directing my comments at you personally. I am just trying to say generally to all those here making out Irvine is the devil and this is the end of the world. Until I see some cold hard facts, of which none are on here then I am dont support those views.

We signed some good players last year with the club in turmoil. I actually dont think we need a lot anyway. Couple of backs, thats it.

For the last couple of years Ricky Stuart came top 2 in the coach players least wanted to play for. What exactly do you know about Flanagan? Do you know how he is looked upon by players in the NRL?

He has served his apprentiship and is the current SOO assistant? Let me ask you this. What is the difference between Flanagan and say:

Rick Stone, David Furner, Ivan Cleary, Kevin Moore, Jason Taylor (before sacked), Mathew Elliot two years ago, Neil Henry when he first took over, John Cartwright was a rookie.

Is Flanagan any less appealing than those guys. He deserves a chance and he might be highly thought of. Players at Cronulla certainly do.


Flanno will be ok but PJ is on the money.

The club needs to be stronger in areas it isn't to make it appealing /attractive to players.
having a rookie coach at a weak club is not appealing.
Every player in the NRL has nothing but praise for Ricky Stuart & was seen as the main reason for playing with the Sharks, after our higher money offers ofcourse.
Now we need to throw more money at them IMO. & I mean that with no disresepct to Flanno. He just doesnt have a profile . Fisk would have compensated for this.
I agree with PJ.
the club needs a respectable figure head now, more than ever.
Sticky is a HUGE loss.


First Grade
We signed some good players

Who? A couple of potentials a few others who would be hard pressed to find somewhere else.

I never said Flanagan was looked down upon, I just don't think that he will be someone who players want to come to now, which is when we need them.

Those other coaches at the time may not have had anything above and beyond what Flanagan has. Having said that though I bet their clubs are seen as a better prospect than ours is.

Do you know for certain that the players at Cronulla think highly of him (not saying they don't) but it would be a brave player to say they didn't think much of their new coach.

Clearly we need some established, well credentialed players. I believe that we will get no one other than players with no choice.

Again I will say that we will get no one decent in terms of recruitment (someone with experience that other clubs are after) this year given the turmoil in the club and a new coach, but if you think Collis, Morris, Cuthbertson count as "good" recruiting then we have very different definitions of whta is good.

So that is my stance. Flanagan has said he wants Baz for another year and Gasnier, so there is a starting point for him. What is your criteria for good recruiting this year?

Since 73

First Grade
Suits come and suits go.

As long as I've been following the game I've read many a newspaper column sprouting plaudits for the very best.

Denis fitzgerald
Brian waldron
Tony Zappia
Richard fisk

They all end up gone one day.

This game's about players.

Does any player come to the club because of Fisk.

Not one.
Except maybe his son.

Yeah, we're broke,
We've lost our coach and we're doomed.

We've been broke before - financilly worse actually - and recovered.
And we've lost much better coaches than Stickman.

We are the paradox of this comp.
The Holy grail.
The Ancient Quest.

We are the challenge that has brought low every coach who ever took it on.
Even men who had first grade premierships in their kit like Gibson, Stuart and that dikhead Anderson.

If the coaching job was made vacant and advertised today it would touch a cord in every coach's heart from here to Wembley.

Like Arthur pulling Excalibur from the rock - if you could be the chosen one to bring the cup to Shark park you would be able to go to ANY club and command ANY price.

That's doesn't only go for the coach.

Any suit with an appetite for jumping to the top of the tree would yearn to be in the office when it happens.

We'll have no difficulty attracting talented candidates who are prepared to take a little bit less to take up the greatest challenge in our game today.


Who? A couple of potentials a few others who would be hard pressed to find somewhere else.

I never said Flanagan was looked down upon, I just don't think that he will be someone who players want to come to now, which is when we need them.

Those other coaches at the time may not have had anything above and beyond what Flanagan has. Having said that though I bet their clubs are seen as a better prospect than ours is.

Do you know for certain that the players at Cronulla think highly of him (not saying they don't) but it would be a brave player to say they didn't think much of their new coach.

Clearly we need some established, well credentialed players. I believe that we will get no one other than players with no choice.

Again I will say that we will get no one decent in terms of recruitment (someone with experience that other clubs are after) this year given the turmoil in the club and a new coach, but if you think Collis, Morris, Cuthbertson count as "good" recruiting then we have very different definitions of whta is good.

So that is my stance. Flanagan has said he wants Baz for another year and Gasnier, so there is a starting point for him. What is your criteria for good recruiting this year?

There are pros and cons to a lot of clubs. Canberra for example might be more financially secure and better facilities but who wants to live down there.

I can only go by what Ive been told and that is the players think highly of him.

Some of the players we signed last year were sought after and had other choices. We didnt just get the dreggs. I think Morris has been a decent buy and I rate Collis a class player. We havent seen the best of him.

If Barrett plays on, all we need IMO is two first grade quality outside backs.


I think Aiton, Morris and Collis were all great signings and significantly strengthened us in areas we were ridiculously weak.

I don't think we'll be hitting the player market too hard this year. As someone else said, a decent back and I'd be very happy. I'd re-sign Wright and Mannah though.


First Grade
Aiton yes. Collis was good for us but hardly groundbreaking and he didn't have many choices, similar for Morris.

If these signings were all so good why are we still at the bottom?

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