Hahaha TV Ted you have me down to a tee
The Gold Coast in 92 .. going for 3rd ... pissing rain ... crowd of 2,100 ... Dale Shearer playing ... we start up `Shearer's a rapist' and he starts playing like a complete spastic ... O'Keefe walks around from the Latchem and threatens to eject us
They were the yrs when we would go to watch reserve grade get belted ... Levi Tuhetoka steamroll some unfortunate but John Mulvihill be responsible for 4 tries conceded per game ... i'd run down to the fence behind the huddle and shout `your poor mulvihill' without fail ... the bloke was the biggest imposter to wear the shirt in any grade. Makes J Mo look like Andrew Johns
Carroll, Parish, Mulvihill, McCann, Upfield, Delaney were personal `favourites'. The worse thing about the big crowds these days is some new fan prick telling me not to swear/stand/sing/shout/chant. Where were they when we were sh*t eh
As for campbelltown the only time there's any passion in the crowd is when the freebie wokka noodles are running dry and tracy contemplates going without for another week