It seems to have become a tiresome battle of "sides" with this topic. If I've mistaken you:
Main thing is he is gone. We need to make sure the next coach is the right fit and feels like everyone is pulling in the right way.
These are the puzzling things from what we know:
Gus said hook took everyone to Brisbane by himself... Surely someone higher up vetoes the trip if no assistants are going?
The changing story about losing the players
We went from Ivan speaking to WT so had to fire Griffin to no offer being made.
Before hook was sacked. People said Phillips wanted to be used more. So who approved him to go work with origin?
Then of course there were issues with Moylan. Hook's side was taken despite knowing he had such issues.
Then there was re-signing him while this was all going on. The basic gameplan was the same all along now..
Results say it was a success.. Even with the truth lying somewhere in the middle it was a circus. Just punting the coach won't fix it. So hope after the season more changes come