Footnote - He lost me the day the of 911 with his interview with a dumbfounded interviewer, Richard Wilkins.
I saw it live at the time and it was one of worst interviews I've ever seen.
Firstly, they had several technical issues. So much so that most interviews would been abandoned, but they persisted because Channel 9 knew there was a big tabloid reward coming up.
Secondly, Mundine basically said that the USA brought it upon themselves. Yes, he said it poorly and too soon after the event. However, the view (that US foreign policy should take some of the blame) has been said by others since but in a more articulate manner than Mundine could muster.
Thirdly, the outrage that followed far outweighed any perceived meaning behind the comments. We are talking about racism, hate speech and death threats... and worst. I received 100s of emails after that 'interview' simply because I had a fan website showing Anthony Mundine's sporting achievements. I was told by many to remove the website or face the consequences, it was far more nuttier than anything Mundine could say. FTR, I ignored it for it was: the ravings of lunatics.
And finally, something that is often forgotten, Mundine also apologised for his comments. His apology was accepted by those in attendance, including a New Yorker, former soldier and US war veteran.
Soes... I think to meself, if those people can forgive him, then what's the big deal?
Anyhow, ever since that interview and the subsequent fallout, I decided that people getting upset about Mundine is more of a pastime than anything else. For some reason, Mundine talks some bullshit (usually for the media) and the level of outage is 10x what it would be if someone else said it.
As for whatever he said about gays, let us all celebrate the reaction. Personally, I think it's great that so many people have emerged as activists for equal rights.