Over here basketball is very much a minor sport.
It has few spectators ( I would guess about 2000 maximum for each team). They used to get up to 10000 at some games, but they were mostly free tickets. And there really is very limited interest in the sport. Saying this, they are the most professionally run sport by a long shot and easily as well run as rugby league, AFL etc. This means they do get very good sponsorships, media coverage, tv sponsorships etc. They had their chance to become a mainstream player in the mid 80s but they have probably dropped right off now.I think this is due to mainstream society simply deciding that it is not all that exciting a game to watch. STill, with the way they are run, i do think they have the administration and finances to become a main player, if the major codes ever do drop the ball.
By the way, as a matter of interest Steve, how popular is nascar racing and dirt track speedway racing in Canada?