Pretty sure Fifi was picked up with part freight from the Tigers too. It's these deals with top quality discards that really helps with the overall cap management. Think Woods will be a massive asset the further we go along. Other upside is these players usually appear to have a point to prove with their new club too.
Matt Prior was another we picked up on good price
Mick Ennis, Dogs didnt want him , thought he was past it.
Taga did his job from bench each time
Heighno up in years but generated enrgy when got on field
Leutele/Feki combo have done well for year, Flanno stuck with them and were key in 2016 and still are able to perform
Maloney is another
Flanno has rarely gone out and spent big money to bring players to the club, its more he is looking for players who want to buy into his culture.
And sometimes it takes a player a full season to adjust to Flanno so in that i am willing to give players like Gray, Ava, and Uele to mid next season, that way plenty of time for Flanno magic to take place