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As supporters it's time to speak up


First Grade
I think alot of people would be happy to win a premiership, then retire from the game. Whilst winning the GF would be fantastic for the club and bringing new fans, I reckon alot of old die hards would walk away. Until we win one, all and sundry are hanging on.

Stoner Rock

Sharkelicious does have a point though. After supporting this club for 43 years I too am fed up with this underperforming rabble. Here's a list of the ways I have tried to rectify this situation as a supporter.
1. Called for the sacking of the coach
2. Called for the sacking of the players
3. Got down to the ground and supported my team loudly
4. Given the club my hard-earned cash (even loaned them money)
5. Stopped supporting them during the mid 80s
6. Kicked and punched things in anger
7. Complained on internet forums

And guess what. It's made no difference whatsoever. Nowadays I go down to the games and listen to whatever goose is screaming loudly into the microphone asking us to get loud and support the team and I just get angry because I know there IS NO POINT. Like everything else it makes no difference.

So do I turn my anger on the coach? The players? The club? My cat? Nope, been there done that and it doesn't help. And for better or worse I am a Sharks supporter and that aint gonna change either.

From now on all my anger will be directed at other teams. I'll be booing everything they do that harms us, and cheering everything they do that helps us.

Conversely I will remain totally silent if our team actually does anything good. I refuse to encourage this team any more, but goddam it if I won't abuse the opposition.

What I'd love to see is some anger down at Shark Park. A riot or two wouldn't go astray. Some opposition fans beaten senseless. Refs knocked unconscious by stray bear cans. Opposition players spat on. But I guess that's asking for too much in these politically correct days. Verbal means will have to suffice.
Went to game in Auckland and the Sharks, like last week were right there after a cricket score looked likely....bit messy, but closed it up, so don't slit your wrists just yet. You just knew the firepower wasn't there to roll a fired up Warriors team at home despite pisshead Buster missing.

They fell apart when looking like they could get to the line and take a lead...little creativity on attack, and it nigh on impossible to stop Vatuvei - 12 points alone. Covell needed a gun to stop him running like a late bus passing his last stop.

Re: Souths have a million dollar bench and look sh*te - exactly.

The Shire

hahahahaha a good riot wouldn't go astray. at the refs before the game, let them no if they send off our captain for f**k knows what they can expect a can to the head. :lol:



And they tried hard, showed a ton of courage, left no doubt to their efforts and the referees were against them! WOW.

Let's not forget this club has a lot of something that other clubs wish they had.

FFS there's no point comparing to other teams. Other teams are not in the hottest kitchen in the NRL. Other teams are not the JOTL.

Send your email to DIrvine@sharks.com.au. If that doesn't work try damianirvine@sharks.com.au etc etc etc

Don't use the sharks@sharks.com.au email as anything going there that they don't like just gets sent to trash.




Really? Who should he write to then? The guy selling the hot dogs? The raffle ticket girl? The Big League spruiker?

What is pathetic is your unconditional crush on Irvine and amusing need to try and shield him and his cronies from criticism.

He took the hot seat and now he can answer any questions people have.

You may be of use though Nullajerk. You may know the actual email address for Elmer Fudd. Might save Sharkelicious some time trying to figure out the combos.

Oh and Nullajerk, your number is 15.

Qld Shark

Really? Who should he write to then? The guy selling the hot dogs? The raffle ticket girl? The Big League spruiker?

What is pathetic is your unconditional crush on Irvine and amusing need to try and shield him and his cronies from criticism.

He took the hot seat and now he can answer any questions people have.

You may be of use though Nullajerk. You may know the actual email address for Elmer Fudd. Might save Sharkelicious some time trying to figure out the combos.

Oh and Nullajerk, your number is 15.
You really are a bitter twisted f*cker but I gotta say your good for a laugh


Really? Who should he write to then? The guy selling the hot dogs? The raffle ticket girl? The Big League spruiker?

What is pathetic is your unconditional crush on Irvine and amusing need to try and shield him and his cronies from criticism.

He took the hot seat and now he can answer any questions people have.

You may be of use though Nullajerk. You may know the actual email address for Elmer Fudd. Might save Sharkelicious some time trying to figure out the combos.

Oh and Nullajerk, your number is 15.

Its funny coz its childish!!

I'm not shielding anyone from anything...all your criticisms are pathetic because it wouldn't matter what Damien did...you simply are to bitter to contemplate that he could do anything good.

I feel sorry for you because all you get out of supporting the team is self satisfied misery!! You love it..its all you do is piss and moan....

Yes I know its all Irvines fault...the club was in such great shape until he came along. He is just in there now to help contribute to its demise..thats what its all about. No wonder you hate him...he couldnt possibly be actively doing anything positive to help the club like you do...

Thank god for the Frenzy's of the world who keep the bastards honest whilst sitting at home doing nothing themselves!!

And Redback, if being thankful for having a club at all is 'part of the problem'...then count me as part of the problem!!! Stupidly, I'd rather suffer the current lack of form and have my team in the competition, struggling as they might be then be bemoaning the fact that they seem to exist just to make you miserable.

Not a single one of you whingers has been able to come up with a sure fire way to make things better....all you do is whiteant the ones who are trying.

Anyway...we all have our points of view so I'm not going to keep going on about it any further...enjoy your misery....by all your accounts there is plenty to come.


First Grade
I love the Sharks , I love Ricky and Gal . New guys start playing well, and we start to win a few what will you say then Sharkilisious? Your new here so get some perspective and start writting sensible.


Couldn't have said it better mate. I would love to be a fly on the wall at some of the peoples work places in here. I would hate to see some of them in management or high level positions, accepting poor performance and making excuses to validate just doesn't cut it.
It's farkheads like you that accept this sh*t as alright......your dismissed you walking wank sock
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Sharkelicious does have a point though. After supporting this club for 43 years I too am fed up with this underperforming rabble. Here's a list of the ways I have tried to rectify this situation as a supporter.
1. Called for the sacking of the coach
2. Called for the sacking of the players
3. Got down to the ground and supported my team loudly
4. Given the club my hard-earned cash (even loaned them money)
5. Stopped supporting them during the mid 80s
6. Kicked and punched things in anger
7. Complained on internet forums

And guess what. It's made no difference whatsoever. Nowadays I go down to the games and listen to whatever goose is screaming loudly into the microphone asking us to get loud and support the team and I just get angry because I know there IS NO POINT. Like everything else it makes no difference.

So do I turn my anger on the coach? The players? The club? My cat? Nope, been there done that and it doesn't help. And for better or worse I am a Sharks supporter and that aint gonna change either.

From now on all my anger will be directed at other teams. I'll be booing everything they do that harms us, and cheering everything they do that helps us.

Conversely I will remain totally silent if our team actually does anything good. I refuse to encourage this team any more, but goddam it if I won't abuse the opposition.

What I'd love to see is some anger down at Shark Park. A riot or two wouldn't go astray. Some opposition fans beaten senseless. Refs knocked unconscious by stray bear cans. Opposition players spat on. But I guess that's asking for too much in these politically correct days. Verbal means will have to suffice.

Sadly, what you have written is just what your players are thinking too. I'm pretty certain Stuart isnt the kind of coach the sharks need, you need someone to fill people with self belief, get some confidence back into the place because atm, its shattered and I have never seen Ricky do a revival job for a team and bring them out of that. Do yourselves a favour and go and get a bloke that has rebuilt a club, give him the call to do whatever he wants and see how it works out. If you keep going down this road its going to end badly. All ricky has ever done is have success off other people's sides, when he's had his own choice of players its random name grabbing ftl.


imagine if he was still national coach

can someone who gives a sh*t tell me about the timing of stuart losing his tenure as Aus coach and when we started to go like a busted?

imagine the national coach coaching a side to13 straight losses.
Problem with the Sharks is NOT your players, if you look at your line up you have some good players, good forward pack, decent playmakers...

Ricky Stuarts coaching is your problem, club's finances and most of all their seems to be a bit of a sh*t culture at the the Sharks at the moment.

I watched all of last night game's the way the sharks played even made me cringe, and i hate the sharks lol cant imagine what you poor bastards but be going through.
So yeah there's my two cents, wat do you guys think?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Sadly, what you have written is just what your players are thinking too. I'm pretty certain Stuart isnt the kind of coach the sharks need, you need someone to fill people with self belief, get some confidence back into the place because atm, its shattered and I have never seen Ricky do a revival job for a team and bring them out of that. Do yourselves a favour and go and get a bloke that has rebuilt a club, give him the call to do whatever he wants and see how it works out. If you keep going down this road its going to end badly. All ricky has ever done is have success off other people's sides, when he's had his own choice of players its random name grabbing ftl.
Today's coaches aren't as good as those from the 80's and early 90's.

Sharks need a coach of the same breed as Warren Ryan, Phil Gould, Wayne Bennett etc.

The Popper

Problem with the Sharks is NOT your players, if you look at your line up you have some good players, good forward pack, decent playmakers...
Ricky Stuarts coaching is your problem, club's finances and most of all their seems to be a bit of a sh*t culture at the the Sharks at the moment.
I watched all of last night game's the way the sharks played even made me cringe, and i hate the sharks lol cant imagine what you poor bastards but be going through.
So yeah there's my two cents, wat do you guys think?

Yep, `sh*t' culture says it all IMO. Seems no matter who we have coaching or who we have playing for us, we still crumble. Nevertheless, I'm willing to give the new Board time to turn things around. I'm still of firm belief that the Board in the years between Gow and Irvine believed they had a Divine Right to rule no matter the circumstances and, consequently, our club was brought to its knees. Let's hope and pray we can recover. On paper our team doesn't look too bad; on the field they play like krap. I believe it is an attitudinal thing. Possibly due to our former Board's lack of support for the players...who knows???


First Grade
I'm sure Hisense are really happy with their 500k per year investment over the next two seasons......................NOT!

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