So i have this friend. And she has huge tits. How do i make her agree to let me touch her tits? I dont wanna date her or anything because we are really close friends but i just wanna touch her tits. Motorboat would be a bonus. Someone help!!
Introduce the 'bear claw' into your circle of friends. A (female) friend of mine introduced it in Korea and all of us menfolk are forever in her date.
A bear claw is when you gently cup a girl's breast without looking at her and shout 'bear claw'.
It sounds crazy, but for my second year in Gwangju it was just everywhere. Girls doing it to girls and guys doing it to girls. Obviously you couldn't do it to complete strangers without other girls who knew the rule in attendance, but it was magical.
You should have called the police. Rape is a serious offence. Hope your alright though Mis.
It wasn't that bad. I'm a big guy, so she'd have to have been an Amazon (or Cliffhanger) to overpower me and have her way with me. She was just particularly aggressive in her pursuit of me.
Mis... keeping me out of the loop hurts!
I won't go into any details about exs that I know of, but the currently crop, of which I know nothing is driving me mental.
I have been remiss in my duties.
- New York: Jewish girl I met on the party bus you came on. She's very into yoga, vegetarianism, and new age stuff. She's cute and has a banging bod, but has a weird tiny tooth that unnerves me. We've had one date.
- Germany: Super cute and a lot of fun in bed. Hooked up last weekend and she's texted to say she'll be at the same party as me tonight.
- Michigan: Had a crush on her since I met her last July. Had one date that ended with a kiss and a text from her saying we should do it again. We'll see how that pans out.
- Belgium 2: The girl who stood me up. Haven't really bothered to chase her, but she texts occasionally.
- Georgia Peach: You know.
I'm sorry Mis, it was just there and I couldn't let it go.
Michigan eh? Detroit?!
A small town about an hour out. She's apparently never killed anybody, which was a disappointment.