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Attn Parra fans (others too if you have an opinion)

No need to apoligise- your question was anwered and it seems you are unable to comprehend english.

Don't let your teams poor form the last 2 decades & your BRAIN get in the way of reading & comprehending answers on the forum.

I must ask you, are you typical of an averages souths fan?
If you are, I'll stick with Parra's mob.

Well, seeing as though I will answer your questions, you can answer mine. Firstly to yours:

1. My team up until 2000 was Norths. Therefore you should be saying don't let my teams poor performance over the past 5 years (2002-07).....

2. I did read and comprehend all the answers on the forum. Matter of fact, your post and one other were the only two that weren't hugely helpful. So for all the others, parramatta fans and co. thank you, I appreciate your answers.

3. Speaking of Comprehension, AGAIN - no where in my original post did I mention what I think he will do at Souths or how I think Souths will go. Perhaps you should put practice the line that Souths clearly have R.E Comprohending 'first fix your own house then worry about others'.

4. If you're talking about the stereotypical 'Soufs' fan pre March 19/06 (i.e - no teeth, no job, no hope) then no. I'm doing well enough and have all teeth intact. Not that it should matter, nor should I need to justify myself to you.

Now, let's see what sort of person you are. I answered your questions with decent detail. Your turn to return the favour.

1. What team do you support?

2. Are you the stereotypical type of supporter of your club? Regardless, I will side with Parra/Storm/Broncos/Bulldogs/Dragons/Sharks/Cowboys/Knights/Panthers/Raiders/Tigers/Warriors fans over you.... Even Sea Eagles/Rooster fans on a WHOLE would be first in line for oxygen in a plane crash over you. Although I do assume you support one of these two teams. But that's an assumption. I apologise to other Manly and Easts fans.

Best of luck for your team on the weekend. I eagerly await your answer. Of course I do. Why, I have nothing else to do, and the Centrelink, where I'm using the public computer, around the corner from my cardboard box is only open til 10pm. Chances are I'll make a quick stop to liquorland and grab a goon, so I might be away from the computer for 10 minutes.

Ron Jeremy

Look at he players we had in reserve grade though?

We do have many fantastic players at our club, it's not as if we have metro cup quality players at our club. That would test him more.
Ron Jeremy said:
Look at he players we had in reserve grade though?

We do have many fantastic players at our club, it's not as if we have metro cup quality players at our club. That would test him more.

Agreed - Souths will test him massively. Having Jeremy Smith and Widders there will hopefully make him feel more at home.

As a Norths fan, I was a big fan. I hope he suceeds at Souths.


Brian won a Under 23's comp in his 1st year of senior coaching so lets see how JT is going in a few years
RabbitohHighlightMaker said:
His opinion had nothing to do with the question.

Although probably clear, I never brought up Souths in my question. All I asked was the general opinion of Taylor as a Coach.

Gosh that is precious.

His opinion had something (at least) to do with the question. Particulary when you add "any feedback appreciated". Your questions were about Taylor's coaching. Taylor is coaching at Souths this year. Ergo, in spite of some of his post not directly answering any of your questions the opinons clearly do not have "nothing to do with the question".

He answered your first and third question, but also qualified it by stating that he doesn't think that this will necessarily remain true in Taylor's future at Souths.

Seems entirely relevant to the topic to me.

Maroubra Eel

JT is a good coach. I would have liked to see him stay at Parra.

I hope he goes good at Souths. He will have some good players over there to work with.

Go the Rabbitohs!!

Mr. Fahrenheit

i was thinkin last year that JT was the logical replacement for BS at the start of 2007, i am shocked and appaled that he is gone, best of luck to him and hopefully he comes back after his contract is done in 2 years (same could be said of guus)


bulldog said:
Played in first grade for a lot longer than a guy of his athletic ability had any right to, he stayed up there thanks to an excellent football brain and hard work, both outstanding attributes for a coach.

My exact thoughts, never thought I'd agree with a Bulldog


RabbitohHighlightMaker said:
Well, seeing as though I will answer your questions, you can answer mine. Firstly to yours:

1. My team up until 2000 was Norths. Therefore you should be saying don't let my teams poor performance over the past 5 years (2002-07).....

2. I did read and comprehend all the answers on the forum. Matter of fact, your post and one other were the only two that weren't hugely helpful. So for all the others, parramatta fans and co. thank you, I appreciate your answers.

3. Speaking of Comprehension, AGAIN - no where in my original post did I mention what I think he will do at Souths or how I think Souths will go. Perhaps you should put practice the line that Souths clearly have R.E Comprohending 'first fix your own house then worry about others'.

4. If you're talking about the stereotypical 'Soufs' fan pre March 19/06 (i.e - no teeth, no job, no hope) then no. I'm doing well enough and have all teeth intact. Not that it should matter, nor should I need to justify myself to you.

Now, let's see what sort of person you are. I answered your questions with decent detail. Your turn to return the favour.

1. What team do you support?

2. Are you the stereotypical type of supporter of your club? Regardless, I will side with Parra/Storm/Broncos/Bulldogs/Dragons/Sharks/Cowboys/Knights/Panthers/Raiders/Tigers/Warriors fans over you.... Even Sea Eagles/Rooster fans on a WHOLE would be first in line for oxygen in a plane crash over you. Although I do assume you support one of these two teams. But that's an assumption. I apologise to other Manly and Easts fans.

Best of luck for your team on the weekend. I eagerly await your answer. Of course I do. Why, I have nothing else to do, and the Centrelink, where I'm using the public computer, around the corner from my cardboard box is only open til 10pm. Chances are I'll make a quick stop to liquorland and grab a goon, so I might be away from the computer for 10 minutes.

You didn't have too respond with such depth and detail, but well done.

I simply answered your question of my thoughts on Taylor and used my answer to extend my thoughts on the place JT is stuck at for next year.

1-League fan/ Parra bias

2-If your stereo-type owns a company & lives in the City of Sydney, drives an expensive car, entertains even more expensive people who want even dearer gifts- I suppose i will confess on one provision-

-That you accept my apology for being a bit overly aggressive on your club.
I always get a bit emotional when I view any organisation that doesn't grow for over 20 years and lives in the past. I don't admire acceptance of mediocrity and the habit itself of accepting that characteristic as a normal part of being a Souths fan.
I realise where sport & team is concerned, this can be forgiven as strong emotional attachment, but cannot figure how your club can be given any sort of compassion for basic management, organisational and staff stuffups of gigantic proportions.

By the way, I loved the Bears and still have fond memories of all their players in the 80's and 90's. They were an unique club who but for one B Saunders may still be with us competing as well as ever, unlike Souths.

You didn't have too respond with such depth and detail, but well done.

I simply answered your question of my thoughts on Taylor and used my answer to extend my thoughts on the place JT is stuck at for next year.

1-League fan/ Parra bias

2-If your stereo-type owns a company & lives in the City of Sydney, drives an expensive car, entertains even more expensive people who want even dearer gifts- I suppose i will confess on one provision-

-That you accept my apology for being a bit overly aggressive on your club.
I always get a bit emotional when I view any organisation that doesn't grow for over 20 years and lives in the past. I don't admire acceptance of mediocrity and the habit itself of accepting that characteristic as a normal part of being a Souths fan.
I realise where sport & team is concerned, this can be forgiven as strong emotional attachment, but cannot figure how your club can be given any sort of compassion for basic management, organisational and staff stuffups of gigantic proportions.

By the way, I loved the Bears and still have fond memories of all their players in the 80's and 90's. They were an unique club who but for one B Saunders may still be with us competing as well as ever, unlike Souths.



I completely understand how frustrating it is for general League fans to have Souths linger around like the geniused cousin of the family. It's like when you're at a family function and theres 14 of you standing in a group talking, then 3 or 4 feet away there's this bloke with one eye bigger than the other, drooling and giggling to himself for no reason.

But see it this way - it frustrates you. Imagine what it's like to actually support Souths and have your team suck beyond belief for over a decade. But because, long long ago, they were a great team and a great club, you stick by them. Even though daily you see your own management digging the grave and doing such blatantly stupid things that will only further the geniusness of the club.

Imagine how frustrating that would be?

Souths will not become competetive overnight. No club could be. But having Phac and Crowe in charge gives us a professional and connected management for the first time...ever... Look at the changes they have made in the 3 and a half months. Do you think if Piggins, Morris etc had any control of our club we would have gotten any of Alcott, Taylor, New training facilites, deal to upgrade Redfern Oval for training purposes, Mark Hughes, Kidwell, Vagana, Asotasi, Widders, irvine (meh) and Smith all in under 4 months?

We've made more progress in 4 months than we had in, as you said, 20 years!

I'm not ignorant enough to pull out the 'when souths are going good, rugby league is going good' type cliche. Because as we all know. Rugby League has and will strive without the Rabbitohs succeeding. However, this is fact.

When (not if) Souths do turn it around and are even a middle of the table team, crowds and interest will rise ALOT in the NRL. As you and others have made very clear, and I will not deny, we have sucked for 15-20 years. But we still get 6-10K people to every game. Yes, that's not great stats if we were competative. But remember, these are the bone hardcore people who go whether its raining or snowing or sunshine. These people go KNOWING that we're 90% chance of losing the game.

No other team would get those numbers with over a decade of utter failure. The Roosters have been nearly as bad as we have this year, but they've been woeful for 16 months, not 16 years - and they attract similar sized crowds. Even with the help of the NRL (Anzac Day clash etc).

Likewise, when we become a good, solid team that you believe will challenge you on game day, plenty of your own fans will flock to the game to see it. It has that 'oldschool' appeal. Even when we've won 2 on the trot (geez it's hard to remember when though) the first away game (Parra Round 4 i think last year? Or Tigers Late in the year) is a near sellout.

Again, I know you didn't ask for a detailed response but all I say, no, PLEAD with people who claim to be 'League' Supporters, is just wait and look positively towards a Souths being anything other than the whipping boys of 2006. Because it is going to happen with the two people in charge. And when it does, it will create a new found mood within the NRL that has been forgotten.

P.S - when Norths merged with Manly, and when Souths were thrown out. I supported Parra for two years. A big reason for that, was JT at half. They'd still rank as my second team.

Cheers mate, and thanks to all for your opinions of JT.

Parra Guru

RabbitohHighlightMaker said:
Do you rate Jason Taylor as a coach? Are you upset he's leaving end of this year? To your knowledge do players like/respect him?

Any feedback appreciated.






He should do well with your playing roster if he's given the top job.


RabbitohHighlightMaker said:

Souths will not become competetive overnight. No club could be. But having Phac and Crowe in charge gives us a professional and connected management for the first time...ever... Look at the changes they have made in the 3 and a half months. Do you think if Piggins, Morris etc had any control of our club we would have gotten any of Alcott, Taylor, New training facilites, deal to upgrade Redfern Oval for training purposes, Mark Hughes, Kidwell, Vagana, Asotasi, Widders, irvine (meh) and Smith all in under 4 months?

When (not if) Souths do turn it around and are even a middle of the table team, crowds and interest will rise ALOT in the NRL. As you and others have made very clear, and I will not deny, we have sucked for 15-20 years. But we still get 6-10K people to every game. Yes, that's not great stats if we were competative. But remember, these are the bone hardcore people who go whether its raining or snowing or sunshine. These people go KNOWING that we're 90% chance of losing the game.

Your logic & common sense is spot-on.

I would just add that other clubs like the Storm have been consistent overnight successes with previous coaching & player turmoil as well as the added burded of evryone having a negative dig at their location etc.
They replace Mark Murray(coach), Anderson(coach), lose Lazarus, Kimmorley, Nikau, Bell, Orford etc. Now they have overcome so much in the last 6-7 years especially with the loss of high class players, that many rated their chances this year no greater than last year.
They look for no excuses, do not rely on emotional arguements for why they may fail or seek to use common sense reasons to fail. They have every reason to have given up by now under widespread pressures but have just got down & dirty to GET THE JOB DONE-no excuses.
This doesn't mean that they have won comps etc, but have proven real winners in attitude, performance, determination & respect.

As for Souths diehard core who still attend their games-we all admire them for their support & passion. But, when you look at the largely ignored fact that their supporter numbers have- at best remained the same- but more likely slowly dwindled over time since the 70's. Consider that simultaneously other clubs like Saints, Parra and the new clubs entered in the Competition have grown exponentially in supporter numbers,especially new fans attracted by success as well as their history, among other reasons.
When you look at the bigger picture, Souths have that core of old supporters who still exist, but where is their growth, re-generation of new fans & furthermore,this leads to a club now that have remained stagnant in too may ways, for way too long. Note some of there core feel sorry for them, like many others.

If i was running the NRL however, i could not get rid of Souths as their previous attempt to do so was fatal & a mistake.

But if i were NRL, i would force them to move to the Central Coast over the next 2-3 years-no questions asked!

As league-followers first & foremost-as you yourself clearly emphasized, for the good of the NRL as well as the Souths future, this will be their only hope of ressurection & much needed new life & support.
You forget two very important factors. Over 75.8% of Souths fans NEVER want to support the Rabbitohs on the Central Coast.

Secondly, the Central Coast supporters will ONLY support a team of their own. Not a relocated team. Only existing Souths fans who live there will support the club.

The way I see it, this is our final chance to succeed. I believe we should be given 4 or 5 years, by then if we have not at some stage become a solid finals contender (challenging for the top 6) then we can look at moving/killing off the club.

Personally, if we havent become successful by then, the club will kill itself off by then anyway.

However, for the first time EVER, I firmly believe there is only one outcome in the near future for Souths and that is on field and off field success. A big part of that is because Holmes a Court and Crowe are both fans AND hugely successful businessmen. Failure is not an option for them.

I just think people should stop seeing the Rabbitohs of the past 20 years, and TRY to see Souths from March 19th onwards. Like you said - stop looking into the past, and start watching the future. That is exactly what HaC and Crowe have stated should be important.


RabbitohHighlightMaker said:
You forget two very important factors. Over 75.8% of Souths fans NEVER want to support the Rabbitohs on the Central Coast.

Secondly, the Central Coast supporters will ONLY support a team of their own. Not a relocated team. Only existing Souths fans who live there will support the club.

The way I see it, this is our final chance to succeed. I believe we should be given 4 or 5 years, by then if we have not at some stage become a solid finals contender (challenging for the top 6) then we can look at moving/killing off the club.

Personally, if we havent become successful by then, the club will kill itself off by then anyway.

However, for the first time EVER, I firmly believe there is only one outcome in the near future for Souths and that is on field and off field success. A big part of that is because Holmes a Court and Crowe are both fans AND hugely successful businessmen. Failure is not an option for them.

I just think people should stop seeing the Rabbitohs of the past 20 years, and TRY to see Souths from March 19th onwards. Like you said - stop looking into the past, and start watching the future. That is exactly what HaC and Crowe have stated should be important.

Being positive is great. Souths relevant success for the next 20 years has to be looked in comparison to the other NRL sides. Most, if not all the other clubs have more financial leagues club backup in terms of the Sydney sides and as for the other one-town teams, they have advantages that Souths could never compete with, no matter who owns them now or in the future-this is overlooked by Souths fans mostly because they really do not look into the financials of other clubs. If you compare the long term financial clout of most other NRL clubs, AFL & Rugby clubs, Souths are over-reliant on Crowe & HaC, who although are successful people no doubt, they will not throw their own money away.
You need no finance degree to work out that both financially & the one-town, one-team factor are vital features for long-term prospects of any sports team competing on a national level.

As regards to Central Coast people & Souths fans perhaps not supporting their own team if they move up the road to a more prosperous region, financially and support wise- then they themselves will have chosen not to compete- FOR NO LOGICAL REASON.
As long as Souths realise that they have to have these needs satisfied for future existance, they will be committing suicide not to embrace a thriving new region all to themselves!

Being emotional & hopefull that Crowe & HaC may save you is natural, but they are not into losing money to prop-up Souths.

If I were betting, they will be the first ones to convince Souths members that in order to survive & prosper, then they have to move- and like all good business, $8 Million incentive is way too good to ignore!


Widders reckons he's the best coach he's ever had and he's following him to Souths, so he must be alright.

NK Arsenal

RabbitohHighlightMaker said:
2. Are you the stereotypical type of supporter of your club? Regardless, I will side with Parra/Storm/Broncos/Bulldogs/Dragons/Sharks/Cowboys/Knights/Panthers/Raiders/Tigers/Warriors fans over you.... Even Sea Eagles/Rooster fans on a WHOLE would be first in line for oxygen in a plane crash over you. Although I do assume you support one of these two teams. But that's an assumption. I apologise to other Manly and Easts fans.
Name the stereotype of each club then? I think the souths one is they jump around like crazy like they had won the premiership if souths had come close to winning a game.
RabbitohHighlightMaker said:
Best of luck for your team on the weekend. I eagerly await your answer. Of course I do. Why, I have nothing else to do, and the Centrelink, where I'm using the public computer, around the corner from my cardboard box is only open til 10pm. Chances are I'll make a quick stop to liquorland and grab a goon, so I might be away from the computer for 10 minutes.
I highly doubt that you are joking around because your team is based in redfern.