Booyah said:
her family may not have been able to afford sport activities.
Oh please!
How much does it cost to go for a jog around the park, or swim at the beach?
Last time I looked, absolutely nothing.
Actually some people are not suited for jogging. I hate jogging, I have crappy knee joints due to previous netball injuries. Jogging can be quite damaging on your joints so it may cost you physiotherapy in the end. Besides for jogging to be healthy it must be done regularly - a jog in a park is not going to do it.
To swim you must be taught first and that can amount to more than $10 per child per lesson. Swimming at the beach does not reduce weight.
Plus with the rising statistics with drowning each year it's not a good idea to take your kids to the beach without some sort of beach awareness and to do that it has cost me just over $200 to put 2 of mine through nippers.