ShireShark said:
I dont watch that godawful karaoke TV show nor do I approve of other people doing so but unfortunately due to the shallow nature of our society, I have to hack the exposure to it within papers, TV, radio etc. The fact that this disgraceful obese 16 year old monster can be crowned the title of being an "Australian Idol" just shows that our country has taken a turn for the worse.
Back in the good days a filthy creature of such gigantic proportions and hideous features would have been rightfully used as a target for all the insults and missiles that could be mustered, and been generally ostrified in her own (albeit mighty LARGE) corner of the playground by the rest of her reasonably-sized peers.
How dare people pretend this is normal. What a disgrace. Being obese is a choice you make, it's PC to beat around the bush and not mention that these despicable fatties have brought it on themselves. Luckily not all of us subscribe to that theory and the tide is turning. As the country gets fatter and fatter, the rest of us who fulfil their commitments to looking good and staying healthy will increasingly voice our disgust at being uncomfortable around these ogres - exhibit 1 being this disgusting excuse for a sub-human in Casey. Put simply, if youre fat, dont expect me to sugar coat things for you.
Step one for this national tragedy who is a winner but ultimately a failure is that she must give a good example to the kids. Stunning, rapid weight loss is the key. She must get herself down to a weight that is healthy and acceptable. I dont mean sizing down her whale-like proportions until she is merely tubby - I mean normal body mass index size. Otherwise she should just end it. If the judges didnt make an issue of her almighty girth, this country is going in a direction that is just plain wrong.
At least if you want to crown such a behemoth in some sort of pop culture glory, keep it confined to that one shitty TV show. Dont write about it in my papers or talk about it on the radio.
She aint my idol.
Amen to that.
I know skinny girls 'role models' and the like are dangerous because they influence young girls with anorexia and the promotion of seriously skinny women and what not, but I think Casey is a serious problem.
There will be a lot of impressionable young people looking up to this morbidly obese 'role model'. I would say she needs urgent medical help to prevent heart and liver problems later in life.
What the hell kind of role model is that for young kids to follow?
This country has a problem with Obesity, and now some stupid teeny boppers have just voted in someone who we will be inundated with. This blimp will have her mug plastered left, right and centre on every major newspaper and TV network for the next 18 months.
"Hey kids, Obesity is cool!"
"Why should I lose weight when Casey doesn't have to?"
God knows we saw the Afro spring up after Sebastian. What's to say that the next thing you know we'll be seeing kids deliberately putting on weight to look like their 'hero'?
Oh, and she can't sing for shit either. I've done farts in the morning that have produced a better sound then her.