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LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
OK, I'm not sure where this has come from but I heard a brief report on ABC radio today that apparently there's some newer revelations regarding the salary cap and the Dogs, something to do with gift money.

All I can say is that if this becomes another mainstream media storm I will lose it. Can't the Dogs be left alone? I know it's 'only footy' but do the media not realise the impact has on the lives of the fans and players? It really sucks to be a Bulldogs fan, and as strong as our faces show, it hurts because we're all made out to be devil's apprentices.

So media, please cut us some slack, attack no-one instead of Canterbury all the time. Or attack Yawnion, it needs to be taken down a peg or two. I'm just not likin the current way things are.

*Prepares for flaming from other supporters*


Well it is regarding the Oasis stuff & on the radio in QLD it said the Bulldogs Leagues Club could lose it's licence if they lose the court case.


Now the rape allegations have not yet been proven but based on reports today it looks like players are set to be charged and if proven guilty then the dogs deserve it

For the Oasis/Salary Cap cheating the Dogs deserved what they got

The latest cap dramas as mentioned in this topic if they are true then again the dogs deserve to be beat up by the media.

If the rape allegations are proven false likewise these latest cap issues then yes the media should back off but if proven guilty then the dogs should get it through their obviously thick heads that this continued bad behaviour by Adminsitrators, players and fans is not going to be tolerated

Once Dead

Every team is treated with the same scrutiny when they are in the midst of a controversy. Remember a few years back to when the Wests Tigers drug and Hopoate controversies arose.....sponsors were turned off by these controversies and subsequently dumped the club at the end of the year......remember dodge, that every team goes through it....i hated it, but that's the way it goes


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member

Mate, don't make blanket statements. As petty as it sounds, I reckon when writing again, pair the following words:

Administrators haven't been a problem since Turvey came into play.
Players is only 6, if that, and allegedly.
Fans, back off them now, simple. Most of them have a hard enough time dealing with the above without being reminded of the minority's riots which occurred almost 2yrs ago.

All I want, and other Dogs fans want, is for everyone (not just the media) to leave us. If you all knew what it was like to deal with our footy team going through this along with all the shit in our own lives, you may see it differently. At the end of the day all I'm asking for is a little compassion. Not too much IMO.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
George_Illa said:
dodge said:
Can't the Dogs be left alone?

Classic Bulldog response. The siege mentality permeates the entire length and breadth of the club, from the CEO to the fans.

I'm just sick of the shit being slung at the fans instead of at the players. We're being victimised for the team we support, how is that fair, pray tell?

Raider Ultra

Only 6? Are you having a laugh? The word 'only' should not be mentioned anywhere near an alleged crime like this!

Godz Illa

I concede my generalisation was vast and sweeping, and perhaps unfair. But you must concede that the Bulldogs - and I mean the administration, the players and the fans - the collective Bulldogs, have stretched the patience of the wider rugby league community to breaking point.
In recent years, members of this collective club have dragged the game of rugby league through the mud. Yet, you always, without fail, ask for compassion, ask to be left alone. It is a siege mentality. Your club is always under siege.
Mate, when you write again, consider the following words: you reap what you sow.
My cup of compassion is empty.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I'm sorry, what do I sow? I'm a fan sitting here, who has had nothing but faith in the club despite it's misgivings. Yet I'm being punished for... believing in something? Remind me next time, maybe I should give up God.

:roll: idiot


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I was just hoping that there might be some fans who might agree. Guess I should've known better.


Your letting the media get to you.

Just sit back take a few deep breaths, and relax.

Your stressing wont solve anything.

Dogs Of War

I just can't wait till this saga is over, hopefully the next step is winning the bloody comp cause all the agro I've felt through the salary cap and now this makes me feel their better be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, if not gold then their bloody better be some pot.



I can only imagine what fans like yourself are going through.

I don't know how I would handle it if my team was mentioned like what the Dogs have.

I know it is wrong for posters to blame the fans, but maybe the have been treated badly from certain Bulldogs fans & they just lump all Dogs fans together.


i know we're having shyte thrown our way left and right and the media and rival supporters will not leave us alone just coz we want them to. just grit your teeth and bear it.
We can so get through this!


dodge said:
George_Illa said:
dodge said:
Can't the Dogs be left alone?

Classic Bulldog response. The siege mentality permeates the entire length and breadth of the club, from the CEO to the fans.

I'm just sick of the sh*t being slung at the fans instead of at the players. We're being victimised for the team we support, how is that fair, pray tell?
WestsTigers fans went thru this...albeit not as severley....though Hoppas exploits were a major embarrasment....the drug busts....the coaches snickerin...the sponsors laughing at us....

Fair...it may or may not be....life IS a bitch, as they say.

But you say Dodge,your sick of it already :lol: :lol: :lol: my friend......you aint seen nothin yet...wait till you go to a game!!! :lol: :lol:


Not only does this whole thing suck for Bulldogs fans and players, but it sucks for every single league fan out there, because our beloved game is being ripped to pieces in the media!!!

Godz Illa

dodge said:
I'm sorry, what do I sow? I'm a fan sitting here, who has had nothing but faith in the club despite it's misgivings. Yet I'm being punished for... believing in something? Remind me next time, maybe I should give up God.

:roll: idiot

OK, so you call me an idiot, and then wonder why I have no love for you...

The rest of your post is an adroit exercise in 'playing the victim'. And (although we've heard it all before) it works - I feel sorry for you. I wont be shedding any tears, but nevertheless I do sympathise. However, you wont get my sympathy if you continue to blame the media for your clubs problems. The media are not responsible. Sure, they don't help, but they aren't directly responsible.


Having our whole team on 'innocent 'til proven guilty' players tarred as rapists is very bad.
Unfortunately for other clubs even their players are coming under scrutiny, or being wrongly singled out as evil-doers e.g. the Roosters pub/night-club woes over the weekend.

I feel to some degree that with the Lockyer joke, the Storm investigation, and the Roosters, etc being given stick by wives, family, and general public that us Dogs fans are having the burden relieved to some degree

All I want is to see the Police do what they feel is proper to do, then get on with the game. If the Dogs happen to lose 6 top flight players then we're f#^%ed for this season and probably more, if they're not the cream of our crop we might get by.

Justice must be done, but at the same time I had HUGE hopes for this season and I really want to see what kind of team (of non-criminals) we can field so the Bulldogs and the NRL can move along