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Dodge mate, just ignore it and concentrate on the good stuff. Games will be starting this weekend, so get along and cheer for your team and just try & enjoy footy.

Screw the media. They can't tell you what not to enjoy. The best way to stick it up them is by giving your team and your footy code your support.


dodge said:
I was just hoping that there might be some fans who might agree. Guess I should've known better.

no I do feel for the fans - how can the majority be held to critisism for a minority..yes I feel sympathy for you dodge. I know how I would feel - if I was in your shoes..


I feel bad for the Bulldogs fans, but I have no sympathy for the Team.
I mean, really, why the hell did the Doggies go back to the same place after what happened last year? Why didn't management do something about this type of mentality that is obviously rife through certain sections of the club?

The media attention that this debarcle has generated is no way over the top..
Ladies and gentlemen we are talking about PACK RAPE here.. 6 on 1.
Wether they were footballers or not, this would have been a big story.. The fact that the alleged perpertrators are footy players just makes it even more interesting.

I truly wish that the whole affair turns out to be bullshit and that the players are exhonerated. But the bulldogs have to really learn through this crap.


First Grade
I feel bad for the Bulldogs fans, but I have no sympathy for the Team.
I mean, really, why the hell did the Doggies go back to the same place after what happened last year? Why didn't management do something about this type of mentality that is obviously rife through certain sections of the club?

Exactly right, the management at thebulldogs at the moment, to let this happen, whether guilty or not, is piss poor.
I fully empathise with the fans because something like this is out of their control.
If players get charged, then i feel that the management should be looked at.


Nah, ol Dodgie boy has played you all for fools. If it was my team, I'd be laying low and I certainly wouldn't be posting news about the clubs financial strife especially because no one else has mentioned it as far as I can see.

It's hard to stomach seeing a fan start a thread asking for sympathy and mention some related news article that was tucked away at the bottom of page seven.

By all means, jump into an existing conversation where people are abusing the Dogs and vent your spleen and ask for sympathy, but to start a thread like this was plain silly if you ask me.

Better luck next time Dodge...


First Grade
Doesn't look like the consequences from the salary cap fiasco will be too disastrous for the club:


Bulldogs' extra pay hidden in Oasis project, court told
March 10, 2004 - 3:14PM

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Payments made to Bulldogs players in breach of the NRL salary cap were disguised as costs related to the so-called Liverpool Oasis project, a Sydney court was told today.

The Bulldogs League Club is being prosecuted under the Registered Clubs Act for failing to correctly record the payments as being made to players.

Instead, the payments were recorded as being made for "professional services" relating to the Oasis project and other developments, the NSW Licensing Court heard today.

After admitting in 2002 to breaching the NRL salary cap by $1 million over two years, the Bulldogs were fined $500,000 and stripped of their competition points, relegating the club to the bottom of the ladder.

Prosecutor Ian Lawry, for the Director of Liquor and Gaming, told the court today that, in the year ending October 31, 2000, the club breached the cap by $300,000, and by $750,000 the following year.

In 2002, the players were paid $120,000 above the cap, breaching the salary cap by a total of $1.17 million over three years, Mr Lawry said.

The prosecution alleges the club fabricated invoices from two companies, International Sports Design and International Sports Marketing, totalling about $1.5 million between December 1999 and June 2002.

But the invoices were "actually for payment to the players of the Bulldogs football club", documents tendered to the court said.

The league club has admitted to 17 of the 19 complaints levelled against it, relating to $500,000 paid to players.

But it disputes that it failed to disclose payments to players of $300,000 and $750,000, saying they were grants made by the league club to the football club.

Mr Lawry said the prosecution would seek to impose a $100,000 fine on the league club and to have its general manager, John Ballesty, banned from holding office for two years.

The Oasis project - a 35,000-seat football stadium, indoor basketball stadium, ice rink, water park, apartment complex and a leagues club - was to be a joint venture between Liverpool Council and Canterbury Leagues Club.

The Bulldogs pulled out of the $900 million development in Sydney's south-west in April, 2002 but Liverpool Council struck a deal with Macquarie Bank for a revamped version of the original plan, renamed Liverpool 2020.


First Grade
The size of the stain is in the eye of the beholder. A lot of people have put it behind them when the offending board members were turfed. Obviously a lot of people haven't


ozzie said:
dodge said:
I was just hoping that there might be some fans who might agree. Guess I should've known better.

no I do feel for the fans - how can the majority be held to critisism for a minority..yes I feel sympathy for you dodge. I know how I would feel - if I was in your shoes..

Couldn't agree more Ozzie... I have genuine sympathy for the supporters and also the innocent players and their families (if the allegation is true). I'd be extremely upset now if this was happening to Penrith.

- Can't believe I'm finally agreeing with a Roosters supporter! :lol:

Chin up Dogs fans... You'll see it through! ;-)




First Grade
Instead of asking for sympothy and to be left alone, how about you ask those gutless f**king bulldog players who are responsible for this fiasco to step forward like men and take the heat??

Why not ask why your knights in shining armour, post the 2002 debacle, allowed this gutless cowards culture to fester within your ranks??

Why don't you ask your stupidly arrogant players why they dressed like they were going to the beach instead of fronting police investigators??

Why don't you ask why we should have respect for your club when your players obviously don't??

Leave you alone!! I'd prefer to horse whip your players, administrators, coaches, cheergirls, trainers, strappers and violent fans through the streets of Sydney lined with people throwing rotten fruit for all the crap your whore of a club has brought my game!!

Sympothy, piss off!!



LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Chook said:
Instead of asking for sympothy and to be left alone, how about you ask those gutless f***ing bulldog players who are responsible for this fiasco to step forward like men and take the heat??

Why not ask why your knights in shining armour, post the 2002 debacle, allowed this gutless cowards culture to fester within your ranks??

Why don't you ask your stupidly arrogant players why they dressed like they were going to the beach instead of fronting police investigators??

Why don't you ask why we should have respect for your club when your players obviously don't??

Leave you alone!! I'd prefer to horse whip your players, administrators, coaches, cheergirls, trainers, strappers and violent fans through the streets of Sydney lined with people throwing rotten fruit for all the crap your whore of a club has brought my game!!

Sympothy, piss off!!


Oh how rich it is coming from the mouth of a Rooster.

Instead of demanding the alleged rapists come forward, how about we let the police do their thing and see what the real story is instead of believing everything the media forcefeeds you?

Instead of believing in a festering culture, how about sitting back and waiting for the verdict.

Instead of attacking their dress sense, get over yourself, realise that going to a police interview isn't a fashion show (I've seen people dressed a lot worse).

Instead of making your typical blanket statements saying no player in our club has respect for it, actually look at the facts and bother to use words like minority and alleged? On the topic of respecting clubs, why should we respect your club trying to tip the scales of the game heavily in it's own favour in light of the recent salary cap issues your club has put forward? Put simply, it was an attempt to get more premierships at the expense of the other 14 teams. Sad.

Instead of going off the deep end and wanting to saddistically cause physical pain to the innocent players, innocent administrators, innocent cheergirls, trainers, strappers, and the NON-VIOLENT FANS (if you'll recall, we haven't been under the hammer for hooligan behaviour since the brisbane game almost 2 yrs ago), why don't you look at the facts, wake up, and realise that you have become a bitter person who has allowed the media to manipulate everything he believes about anything but his own interests.
You are disgusting mate, and as much as I dislike your team, I won't sink to your level.


wel I guess after that dribble I will retract my statement - thanks dodge...I for one did have sympathy - and am a Roosterfan - but after reading that crap forget the sympathy...

doctor death

Quite frankly, there is a culture at the Bulldogs which is damaging to rugby league. How you stamp it out is the issue.

Salary cap rorts, the Oasis fraud, violent/disgraceful fans at games and now allegations of rape and an utter disdain for the police process, choosing instead to cover arses.

Your fans? Mate, for the first time I can recall, Bulldog fans have given rugby league fans a bad name.

What is wrong with you people?

And how can you come on here and say "give us a break".

I'll give you a break - a break of 5 years from the game til you get your shit together.


First Grade
doctor death said:
Quite frankly, there is a culture at the Bulldogs which is damaging to rugby league. How you stamp it out is the issue.

Salary cap rorts, the Oasis fraud, violent/disgraceful fans at games and now allegations of rape and an utter disdain for the police process, choosing instead to cover arses.

Your fans? Mate, for the first time I can recall, Bulldog fans have given rugby league fans a bad name.

What is wrong with you people?

You should tar us all with the same brush next time.

For the record, those responsible for the salary cap rorts are gone. That's one down.

As for utter disdain for the police process, I'll reserve my judgement on that one. According to reports, all players denied any involvement, and claim that they weren't even there, in their prepared statements. If that's true, then what more information can they provide outside of what they were dreaming that night? Hopefully, DNA test results can clear up this matter, and I'll make a judgement then.

I too share you concern with the crowd behaviour, but it was a major improvement last year. I wish I knew the solution, but I doubt there is one under the circumstances. I'm hoping as much as anything, that they show their support in a positive manner on Saturday night, and for the rest of the year.


You Bulldogs Supporters should be contacting the football club Demanding that they bring forth the "accused" parties and hand them to the Authorities with the TRUTH !


First Grade
Briza said:
You Bulldogs Supporters should be contacting the football club Demanding that they bring forth the Guilty parties and hand them to the Authorities with the TRUTH !

You're implying that there are guilty parties, despite the accused parties claiming that they are not guilty, and despite the fact that no charges have been laid.

If the players are telling the police, and the club that they are not guilty, then how much power does the club have? The players may or may not be lying, but nobody in the Bulldogs adminstration are mind-readers. Until someone admits that they are guilty, or are proven to be guilty, then the club are obliged to treat it as the truth.

We are demanding the truth, and the players say they're giving the truth, but that doesn't necessarily guarantee anything. We can only hope that the police investigation reveals the truth. There's no quick fix.