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Bad Crowd Behaviour @ Roosters Game?

Raiders Rock

I had an interesting phone call this morning from Jason Mathie, the Raiders opertations manager. He said the club had recieved several complaints from Roosters supporters sitting around the bay 54-56 area on Saturday night. [-( [-X [-( [-X

Apparently the people who made the complaints claim that there was foul language and some anti-social behaviour in front of their children and they also claim that it came from members of the Sydney Green Brigade?? (I think they may have been mistaken about that part anyway)

I wasn't there myself, so I can't shed any light on it. Anybody else know what happened?? I don't even know who went down from the SGB, nor do I know how they could pinpoint that it came from SGB members unless Jed was there with his SGB banner??

Regardless of that, the club were forced to apologise on behalf of the Sydney Green Brigade, something they should not have to do for ANY Raiders supporter!! If it was anybody here, (which strongly I doubt) an apology to the club and to the offended persons should be forthcoming.

We're all Raiders supporters here and we're better than that!! We don't need this grubby bullshit to smear our reputations.

I know from experience that the SGB are very controlled when it comes to language, alcohol and far from anti-social which leads me to believe that it wasn't SGB members causing the trouble. The whole idea of the Sydney Green Brigade is that we are the Sydney-based supporters and we don't get huge numbers to the Canberra games anyway.

I believe this was a case of mistaken identity... It's probably just a few disgruntelled Raiders fans who had a few too many drinks letting off some steam. Unfortunately, whoever you are, you offended several fans and children to which you should be ashamed of!! You know who you are so if you really do love this club then try to do the right thing in the future.

The people who made the complaint, being Roosters fans, are probably used to seeing the SGB only at the Sydney games. It's not hard to see how they could be confused as to who it was.

Let's hope it doesn't happen again!!

Raiders Rock

kris_man said:
nah, i've heard the SGB use swear words in their chants before, no doubt.

No doubt you have, but I don't think Jason was talking about swear words in a chant, it was more like alcohol fueled anti-social behaviour that offended the young family. I must say again that I don't know for sure!! Maybe it was the Raiders Army boys getting a bit vocal, who knows?? I think they sit up there??

Was anybody there that can comment on what actually happened?? Anyway, regardless of that, my point is that it reflects poorly on all of us and should not have happened!!

I have a child myself and I know how uncomfortable it is to be in a crowd next to a bunch of pissed idiots who can't keep their mouths shut and act in a civil way around women and children. I'll do anything to protect your family even if that means picking up and leaving the game.

As a member of the SGB I've had heaps of oposition fans come up to me after games and say that they enjoyed the chants and that even if we lose the SGB are still happy.

Don't get me wrong, I love giving it to the opposition fans during the game, but you can do it in a clever way rather than resorting to excessive bad language. We always shake hands with the opposition fans after the games and often congratulate them if they win too!!

Yes some of the SGB chants contain swear words but the overwhelming majority do not!!


As for "Anti-Social", behavior I have know I idea what they would be referring too. We have sat up there all year and never had a problem. Usually we get a couple of Idiots from opposition "fans" who give us a bit of verbal (only when their team is winning of course). On Sunday there were 2 roosters "fans" (you couldn't really tell as they had no roosters colours on) who gave us a bit of lip. We just replied with the standard "who ate all the pies", "what's it like to buy the comp" and other such chants. Some of our songs contain swear words, but we avoid the f word.


First Grade
thickos & Montz were sitting about Bay 7, jed and #1 were both sitting with the Raiders Army in Bay 25. I don't know precisely where hrundi was sitting, but I know him well, he's definitely not the sort of person to be causing trouble. I don't know of any other SGB'ers who were present, and I apologise if I've forgotten anyone.

As far as identifying the "troublemakers" as SGB, the SGB banner is only ever taken to Sydney games, and none of our other flags & banners were taken to this game.

None of our songs or chants use any offensive language, and while some of our number may have a drink or two, no-one has ever gone on an alcohol-fuelled attack on rival fans. We are proud of the reputation that we have built up over the last few years as a family-friendly group.


First Grade
I was there on Sunday sitting in the terrace with the lovely lady - I think we were in Bay 6 or 7. From my recollection that means we were sitting roughly behind that area of Bays 54-56. None of the SGB regulars besides Montz and myself were there in that area, so apportioning blame onto us is definitely incorrect. Having a shot at the Raiders Army is also a no-go, they were on the other side of the ground. Personally I did not here one peep out of that whole area, besides a bit of boo-ing at Finch during his late try.

As jed has mentioned, the SGB is proud of its 'family-friendly' image with regards to no (overly) offensive chants, welcoming of Raiders fans of all ages, plus an environment of minimal alcohol consumption. We are there to enjoy the football and support the boys.

Without being harsh, whatever happened to those Roosters fans, they were probably asking for it. They aren't the best behaved bunch themselves.

Rock - if Jason Mathie would like to have a word with me so I can point out the SGB were not responsible please PM me.


He said the club had recieved several complaints from Roosters supporters sitting around the bay 54-56 area on Saturday night
That is near the tunnel isn't it. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Hrundi and Bay 56 going at each other :D Either that or Mario wanted another Pie and was calling the kid over.

There was a fair bit of banter in 25 i'm not going to deny that but it was all under control. I personally have cleaned out a few of the bad Raiders Army songs this year and pull anyone up in the group for going too far with language etc so if the club has a problem they have my number and can call me. The fact that some people who support teams like the Roosters and have been doing so for 5 minutes, see a group of Raiders supporters singing and decide to try and dish it out when they are 10 points in front doesn't help. Security needs to look at the antagonists as well. Instead people try and make a meal out of everything. Why does it surprise me that no one has complained all year and now some Roosters fans do. Perhaps the coffee temperature was unacceptable as well?

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
All up, I can say from what I know, there were 4 or 5 ppl max from the SGB in attendence. Sitting in Bay 25, and Bay 7. To say that it was us, sitting in bay 54-56 is showing that these people were making assumptions. Not one of us abused or swore at Roosters fans. This has and will never happen by any of us.

I don't think the Raiders should apologise on behalf of the SGB as it wasn't us in the first place, and now other groups of fans, will think the SGB does that sort of things.
I think it should be cleared up. We could just say now that we were abused by the Chook Pen, (even though we weren't - i don't think....cause we couldnt hear them) but it sounds like people saw a group of supporters and made a assumption that they were the SGB for whatever reason.

Raider Ultra

What a load of crap. We were physically threatened and abused at the Roosters game in Sydney. Although two wrongs don't make a right, I'd say the Roosters fans more than likely were the protagonists.

Raider Ultra

I think it sounds like they got the SGB confused with the Army. None of them would know the SGB, they live in Canberra mostly! I admit I probably did step over the line in terms of language on the weekend, but when you're being antagonised by a supporter of a club that you hate it really is hard.


First Grade
Yes I was in Bay 56 and I didn't hear anything like this.

I screamed out "Go Walker" when he was stepping into his kick and he missed it, and I like to think I had something to do with it. :twisted:

I shouted a few comments at other Roosters players like Hodges but nothing crude.

When Politis and his hangers-on walked past us I said "hey look, it's the mafia" (yes I know he's Greek).

I had a family with 2 teenage kids in front of me. They were all Raiders supporters apart from the father who was supporting the Roosters. We had a bit of banter between us but it was harmless. He had another guy taking the piss out of him but again it was harmless.

I saw nothing which could justify the complaint.

At half time I went to Bay 25 for a quick visit with the Raiders Army. When I was there, there was a woman who complained about the language in the chants due to there being children around. The last time I was in Canberra I sat with the Army and to be honest I did think the swearing was a little inappropriate, but that's probably the prude in me talking.

Ultimately, I think that it should be expected that swearing will be heard at the football. It's the big bad world and it's a part of life. If the parents don't want their kids swearing like sailors then it's up to them to raise them appropriately. I've often heard the F-bomb (tm) on 8:30 shows, so if it's accepted on TV it's perfectly reasonable to expect to hear it at the footy.

This is not even taking into account that kids in the same area were chanting "sucks" and other things, and no doubt hear the language every day.

It's the thin edge of the wedge to complain about this considering this type of thing...


Raider Azz

I was in Bay 55, and I also did not hear or see anything. I don't know where this complaint came from, but it certaintely wasn't the SGB.


First Grade
It wouldn't surprise me at all if it was Roosters-supporting members of this forum (and Chookpen members) who did this just to try and get us into trouble.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

The truth is out there...


Raider Ultra

Yeah, there was no way it was the SGB. It is pretty hard to confuse the SGB with the Army when we have Raiders Army written on the back of the shirt in big letters.

Raider Azz

hrundi99 said:
It wouldn't surprise me at all if it was Roosters-supporting members of this forum (and Chookpen members) who did this just to try and get us into trouble.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

The truth is out there...

That was exactlly my thoughts, but I wasn't going to say anything.

Raider Azz

It's probably best not to make assumptions about anyone just yet. I do think Raiders_Rock should give the club a call back though, because whoever blamed the SGB was false in that aspect at least.


First Grade
The thing that makes me suspicious is that how many "average fans" know enough about the SGB to name them?

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