aww cmon 95% of them are more famous, more popular, have more members, more premierships, a better culture, more trophies, a brighter future & don't play out of a swamp
why set yourself up for humiliation??
95%? gee maths is not your strong point.
You keep up with all the stats on membership? Obviously not.
And that's not the same swamp a developer is building multi storey buildings on is it? Lol.
I can already tell you're a Stains supporter without you even admitting to it.
You're so f**king dumb!!!!
But hey I can understand why you don't want to admit that you're a Stains supporter.
The Red V is heading down the toilet like a raging turd.
Shit players, shit coach, shit CEO, suffocating in debt and no home ground to be proud of.
But worst of all they have some of the dumbest, whining supporters you'd ever find.
Because there's nothing exciting happening with the Dragons they have to find enjoyment by dribbling on a Sharks forum.
What a sad sack of shit you are.