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Beers cost footy players three days in recovery


Footy players aren't the average suburban bloke, yes, but it's going to get to the stage where we'll hear about this constantly in an off-season...there are times they just gotta have lives, don't go over the top obviously. Don't wanna piss them off, just because some people take it too far.

AFL players cottoned on to this years ago. at the end of the season GO OVERSEAS. Ho Chi Min City is good atm, plenty to do, safe and out of the way.

blowout for 2 to 4 weeks and then return to Aus. the WCE went to LV a few yrs ago, one guy ended up flatlining. story got out about 6 mnths later, caused a bit of stir. imagine if he did that in Aus. HUGE news, reporters on at the hospital etc etc, ACA, TDT bullsh*t etc.

lesson, don't s*** in your own backyard.
People keep saying that like it is some sort of mantra. Is it true? Why should a group of young men who earn up to 10 times the average wage be representative of wider society?

For one - they are vastly fitter than the rest of us and possess extraordinary talents both physically and mentally.

I'll put it another way - if you claim that these blokes are just as varied as any other group are you also claiming that anyone can be an NRL player? Of course not.

Are they over represented in the areas of alcohol fuelled incidents and sexual misconduct? Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. But repeating the "same as everyone" else mantra over and over doesn't make it so.

They are not representative of wider society at all - they are an elite group. I would expect the differences that make them NRL players are also reflected in other traits as well.

You are so wrong, kiki should be allowed to get a fish and slap you with it.

And gee man, you really have these guys up on a pedestal, dont you?
And there's the problem.

Footy players "need" alcohol to enjoy their lives. They have a couple of months off during the off season, two bye weeks when they can go mad, get absolutely blotto, take nude pictures of themselves, whatever.

But for the season, is it that hard to go for a month off the grog? Going out for beers if you have a Friday night game and don't have a game till the next Monday, and in bye weeks means you can still drink far far more than the average athlete at the AIS busting their hump to exist on a meagre government sponsorship.

Right on.

These guys need to toughen the hell up. Some of them are sooks. But hey its like this in most sports. They need help balancing their lives.

So anyone who goes to a bar and doesn't drink is a creep?

There is a difference between going to a bar, not drinking and picking up and going to a bar, not drinking with the intention of picking up the most drunk bag in the room.

A root is a root but.

LOL. The world is not black and white. Not all the effects of alcohol work for you, if any.

Some guys, who are not naturally gifted with the ability to express themselves and their desires to women may be better served too drink to build up their courage.

I actually found that not being drunk helped me charm women better, as I was often thinking very clear while only having one or two beers.

I'm a guy who never found it hard to get a woman. But it has nothing to do with alcohol, rather probably confidence, self belief, a drive to better myself, ambition, how funny i am.

In a nutshell, the more 'man' you are, the more 'woman' you can make her feel.

The actual problem with society right now, is that men dont know how to be men often, and usually make up for it by getting drunk and going to bars.....so the choice drunk girls make who is the best dancer, or who is in the near vicinity, etc.

These as you can tell are not particularly things a discerning girl should be basing their decision on.....but it happens in modern society all the time....

...as for guys, well guys get drunk, and base their decisions on dumb things too, like thinking an ugly fat girl is actually attractive...why is this btw?

Well, drinking lowers testosterone, but at the same time heightens the sex chemical (forget its name) lhd? ldh? It also impairs thinking properly.

As you can see its really a short-term strategy to drink and pick up chicks. You will never find your wife most likely.

If you go into a night club district, or just generally anywhere actually, and get, say 50 phone numbers (on any given week, i could easily get 10-20 numbers, no joke, i can be charming and funny and confident all at once, dont worry), its possible....but anyway, just say you got 50 numbers. Well out of those, you might go out for coffee with only 25 for one reason or another: some didn't really like you, they actually had a bf and cant go through with it, your phone call didn't go as well as you might have liked, etc....well then out of those 25, you might only ever see 10 again, and or, you may only ever sleep with 5-8.

So you see its a numbers game....and alcohol just makes it easier for us humans, and easier is what we seek.

But its NOT always smarter, and I advise anyone who i give advice to, to have just a few drinks, and you'll meet more women and have more fun.

See, i dont get footy players....wrong attitude. I met my future wife at a bbq. A friend of the girl i picked up at the clubs a couple of weeks earlier. (who i severed ties with/dumped that night b4 my future wife arrived because i was not going to take any of her crap. given that i had not known her for long made this easier).
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First Grade
when guys talk about numbers games and strategies to get girls it makes me soooooo glad im a chick. ive never even had to think about 'how' to find a guy.

(and before anyone implies i think im hot or something i just mean...im a girl and guys come to us)


when guys talk about numbers games and strategies to get girls it makes me soooooo glad im a chick. ive never even had to think about 'how' to find a guy.

(and before anyone implies i think im hot or something i just mean...im a girl and guys come to us)

And every time I see a girl get hit on by drunk bogans twice their age it makes me soooooo glad im a guy. :lol:


2 weeks ago, I did squats at the gym. Legs were a bit stiff the next day. Fine 2 days after.
Last week, same squats, same day. Got drunk that night. Legs were very sore for the next 4 days. Had to play touch footy and it f**ked me up big time.
This week, same squats, same day. No drinking alcohol, lots of water and good food. Recovered in 24 hours.

Yes I agree, but you got drunk. Remember thou that getting drunk mean more than just alcohol, first and for most in large proportions alcohol becomes a diretic but it does not happen when you drink in smaller amounts (i.e 2 or 3 drinks). Also when your drunk it decreases your sensitivity to pain, and you where probably doing alot of inapropriate activity after squating legs. Also you might have to take into consideration that you did some damage at the gym.

If it takes 4 days to recover, you have done damage to your quads (which alcohol can be responsible for) and if it takes 1 day for recovery, that is Calcium deepeltion in your muscles which takes a day to recover from. If you drink coffee, the caffine actually attaches to phosphates and frees Calcium quicker (i.e Caffine is great for increasing recovery)

There are to many variable for your simple statment to be worth much... sorry.

The point is thou, to have an alcoholic drink in moderation is not damaging to an athlete.
when guys talk about numbers games and strategies to get girls it makes me soooooo glad im a chick. ive never even had to think about 'how' to find a guy.

(and before anyone implies i think im hot or something i just mean...im a girl and guys come to us)

so true kiki, in nature and humans are no different, the guy tries to impress girls but the girls always do the choosing.

hate to make it all sound scientific when i speak about it, but its the truth.

and guys, this kind of thinking can be helpful in this modern age where guys tend to over-think at the cost of action.

to increase his chances, the guy tries to impress many girls at once. One must also take into account what allows things to be like this: look at our organs. The guy can obviously 'make love' many times a day, in that he has LOTS of sperm to go round, so he can fertilize many women so to speak (if he passes the girls standards).....the girl on the otherhand only has one egg per month with which to fertilize.

This tells us why girls are picky and guys are, well, not. Its a simple supply issue! lol

There are numerous other factors involved of course, this is merely at the center of it.
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First Grade
And every time I see a girl get hit on by drunk bogans twice their age it makes me soooooo glad im a guy. :lol:

hahaha aw i dont mind the old blokes. most of the time they just want to talk to you and call you 'schweetheart' alot. i would much prefer to have a beer with them in a dive bar than the coked up suited wankers at places like The Ivy. least u can talk footy with them etc etc

(note just a beer with them....nothing else :lol: )