I was in year 9 at Hurstville boys high back when Saints with Smithy and Changa would play most weeks at the SCG match of the day. I would go out every Saturday arvo with a few mates from my footy team Arncliffe Scots, cheering the side stepping freak that Changa was, such a wonderful amazing player, and his cohort in Billy a Smith, who was playing half back. Smithys combination with Changa was magic, something happened every time he touched the ball.
Heartbroken 1971 GF when as massive underdogs we got to 11/10 vs the great Rabbitoh team with 10 mins to go, final score 16/10 rabbits, but great games from our boys, massive underdogs. Then the 1975 white boots GF......
The amazing thing was just 2 years later, 1977 we turned it all around, beating eels.
Watching players like Teddy Goodwin, Smithy, Changa, Johnny King, Rasmussen, Wittenberg, Steve Edge, Stevie Morris, Johnstone, Rocket Rod Reddy.....awesome.
85, 92, 93, 96......all so close. No shame in runners up.
1999, gut wrenching, we had the purple cheaters on toast, we lost, but the better team lost that day. I don’t blame Mundine, he did what he thought was right, went hard at the line.
2019.....bring it on, the rorters are rorting......karma will get them.