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Best line from a movie

This forum seems to go for topics like this - what's your favourite line from a movie?
Being an oldie, amongst many favourites, I love the last line of Casablanca
"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" and Rick (Humphrey Bogart) and Louis (Claude Rains) walk off together to fight the Nazis.
From Marx brothers movie 'A night at the Opera,' Groucho and Chicko were going through a contract and Chicko said what's this section ("What'sa disa bit").
Groucho replied it was the sanity clause.
Chicko, "You cain't fool me, there ain'ta no sanity clause."
It doesn't really qualify as a line, but Abbott & Costello's Who's on first ... what's on second ...performance,was a true classic that'll never see its 'use-by' date.



"If the milk is sour, I ain't the kind of pussy to be drinking it" -from Lock,Stock and Two Smoking Barrells
"I'll show you the life of the mind!!!"-Madman Munt in Barton Fink
"I'm gonna git medieval on his ass" -Marcellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction
"I aint got time to bleed!!" - Jesse Ventura in Predator (also the title of his autobiography)
"You're too f**kin' lippy woman!!" -Jake the Muss in Once Were Warriors
"I'm a Derek, and Dereks don't quit..." -Derek in Bad Taste

The Marx Brothers could fill a album. I love the sanity clause line.
Groucho "I would never join any club that would accept me as a member" or "I knew Doris Day before she was a virgin" But they weren't in movies.
Another great Groucho (from Duck Soup)
Groucho: Is your husband still alive
Margaret Dumont: No, I was with him at the end
Groucho: No wonder he left
Margaret Dumont: I held him in my arms and kissed him
Groucho: So it was murder!
Raging Bulldog,
"Whose on first" is the greatest routine of all time, no ifs, no buts.
Bigbopper p
You should always tell the background to the Groucho line 'I would never join any club that would accept me as a member.'

For those who don't know the background - Marx was Jewish but had a non jewish manager who had become very wealthy as a result of the success of the Marx brothers. The manager went to a lot of effort to get his exclusive country club, which didn't accept Jews as members, to make an exception and offer Marx a membership. They wrote to him telling him that they had decided to offer him a membership but only as an exception to their rules. Marx replied that he would never join a club that would have him as a member.
It is one of the greatest lines ever.

mud n blood

okay okay .... I'm afraid my true colours have to come out here .... I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Clint Eastwood - "Dirty Harry" and spaghetti western man, so now you mob hafta listen to my rantings !!!! He has about 30 classic lines in each movie ....

From Dirty Harry -

Two young scumbags Harry charged have just been let off by the judge, and they find themselves in the same lift heading to ground level ....
One scumbag looks at Harry and chuckles, then Harry grabs him by the scruff and slams him against the wall, saying "Listen punk. To me you're nuthin' but a piece of dog shit. And lots of things can happen to dog shit. It can dry up and blow away in the wind. Or it can be stood on and squashed ......." - you guys get the picture !!!!

Harry again - he's spotted three blokes robbing a bank, and in his usual inimitable fashion, he shoots all three, leaving one bleeding on the steps of the bank with a shotty about 6 inches from his hand. He considers grabbing for it with Harry standing over him smiling ..... "Well - have I fired 6 shots, or only 5 ? I seem to have forgotten in all the excitement. So I guess you've got to ask yourself one question ..... do I feel lucky ? Well.... do ya ..... punk ? "

Other Harry classics - his boss just explains that he's been a cop for 20 years and has never had to draw his piece. Harry replies "A man's got to know his limitations" ....


Mud, you are a genius. I was trying to remember some dirty harry lines but you beat me to it. I love the dog shit one. He also started the phrase" opinions are like arseholes........everybodys got one". He also has a couple of good ones in Hertbreak Ridge. I'll get back to you on those ones. I'll try and get some from Every Which way but loose and Any which way you can. Two of my all time favourites.


I'm a big Michael Douglas fan as well. This is from Romancing the Stone. One of the crims is about to die but has a love of crocodiles and all he can say is "look at those snappers". Makes me laugh every time.


"He say, you don't sign this contract, I get friend to sort you out. I say, I don't care. You have friend, I have friend. My friend come over, put bomb under door and blow you to f**king sky!" - Beruk, 'The Castle'
"They say, plane flow overhead, drop value. I say, I don't care. In Beirut, plane fly overhead, drop bomb!" - Beruk again, 'The Castle'

mud n blood

Yet another Harry classic - whenever he doesn't agree with something, but has to go along with it anyway ..... "swell"

Or in Magnum Force(?), Harry and his partner are looking in a car where a bloke has just had head blown off with a shotty. Harry's munching away on a creamed donut and his partner turns to him and says "You're all class, Harry"

Another Harry classic -
He's sitting in a chinese restaurant where a bad guy points a gun at him and tells him to give him his wallet. Harry casually opens a fortune cookie and says "It's for you". The bad guy asks what it says, and Harry says "You're shit out of luck" before blowing him away.

And how could I forget -
"This is a 44 magnum, the most powerful hand gun in all the world, and capable of blowing your head clean off. So you've got to ask yourself .... do I feel lucky? .... well, do ya punk?"

Only to be bettered by -
"Well, this is a 44 magnum automatic, the most powerful hand gun in all the world, capable of blowing your head clean off. And if used correctly, is able to remove the fingerprints"

How's about his spaghetti western classics .....
In Pale Rider(?), the yappy little old fella who's mega-grateful "the man with no name" aka-Clint is gonna help rid the town of the bad guys .... "So, what did you say your name was?" ..... Clint replies "I didn't".

And for something different -
the original James Caan movie "Rollerball" ..... where the packed-house is chanting "Jon-a-thon .... Jon-a-thon ....." gets the hairs of the back of my neck standing every time I watch it. One of my personal fave flicks .....

And some more -
"Red-five standing by" ...... Star Wars
"This never happened to the other fella" ..... George Lazenby as James Bond in On Her Majesty's Secret Service after Connery did the first 3 flicks.
"Always bet on black" ..... Wesley Snipes in Passenger-57
"I'm too old for this shit" ..... Danny Glover in all the Lethal Weapon movies

And an all-time classic -
Frist Blood (?) - Stallone and his mate are alone in a trench about to be charged by about 5,000 armed baddies .... his mate says "what are we gonna do?" .... to which Stallone replies ..... "f**k 'em" and opens fire !!!! Legendary stuff .....

A Few Good Men -
"I'm gonna gouge your eyes out and piss in your dead skull" .... Jack Nicholson
The last 5 minutes of this movie is almost the best I've ever seen!!!


After Clint, surely Arnie has some of the best one liners ever. Classics like:
Give me your addwess dere;
Did you ever quit in front of blair;
Resign or be prosecuted;
Before he was sub zero, now, he's just plain zero;
Hasta La Vista, Baby;
He was skinned alive;
You son of a bitch;
Stop whining;
I'm a cop you idiot;
It's not a tumour;
first, I wuld just like to get to know you;
There is no bathroom.


roflmao mud,yes clint is a classic!!!

how's your book going,whens the big launch ?



Roopy: In Annie Hall, Woody Allen referred to the Groucho line "I would never join a club....", saying for him he would never go out with a girl who wanted to go out with him. Along that line anyway.


Gary Busey in Point Break: "Im so hungry I could eat the arse end out of a dead rhino."


From the movie Three Amigos. Lucky Day (Steve Martin) is aiming a gun at the bandito El Guapo.

"Not so fast El Guapo, or I'll fill you so full of lead you'll be using your dick for a pencil."

One of my favourites.

Legend, all those Arnie one-liners rock.


I love this one from the <u>Godfather:</u>

Al Pachino: Kate, my father's no different from any other important public person, like a senator or a President.
Dianne Keaton: How naive are you Michael? Senators and Presidents don't ahve men killed
Al Pachino: Who's being naive Kate?

Thanks mud 'n' blood for all the Dirty Harry lines. My favourite of those is the have "I had 6 shots or was that 5" one.

I also love the diner scene from 5 easy pieces- I'll give it's own post.


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