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Best punch ever in origin?


First Grade
Price was knocked out from his head hitting the ground after the waterhouse tackle, not from White's punch.

lol, you are watching the wrong fight if you cant see that whites last punch on the chin knocked price out cold.


lol, you are watching the wrong fight if you cant see that whites last punch on the chin knocked price out cold.

To me the video shows that Price had the upperhand (orprobably it was very even) until Kimmorley grabs his left arm, which allows White to land with his right. White then follows up with a second right, which does definitely land flush in the jaw, and does turn his head a bit, so it is possible that he is knocked out on his feet by this punch, but not all that likely. A split second later, Waterhouse grabs price and flings him off his feet and his head hits the ground with waterhouse landing on it at the same time. It is at this point you can see Price's legs straighten, as would happen when someone is out cold.

It was definitely a big punch, it possibly was (but probably wasnt) a knockout punch, but it definitely wasnt the greatest punch ever landed on a football field. That honour would surely go to Soloman hauomone whose ko of Dan Stains many years ago now, was the most devasting punch (or punches) that i have ever seen on a football field. It was actually Frightening to watch.

In all reality, the White punch only landed flush because Prices left arm was dragged down, and that cant be disputed. I dont really think white would have necessarilly even won the fight if his team mate hadnt been involved.


To me the video shows that Price had the upperhand (orprobably it was very even) until Kimmorley grabs his left arm, which allows White to land with his right. White then follows up with a second right, which does definitely land flush in the jaw, and does turn his head a bit, so it is possible that he is knocked out on his feet by this punch, but not all that likely. A split second later, Waterhouse grabs price and flings him off his feet and his head hits the ground with waterhouse landing on it at the same time. It is at this point you can see Price's legs straighten, as would happen when someone is out cold.

It was definitely a big punch, it possibly was (but probably wasnt) a knockout punch, but it definitely wasnt the greatest punch ever landed on a football field. That honour would surely go to Soloman hauomone whose ko of Dan Stains many years ago now, was the most devasting punch (or punches) that i have ever seen on a football field. It was actually Frightening to watch.

In all reality, the White punch only landed flush because Prices left arm was dragged down, and that cant be disputed. I dont really think white would have necessarilly even won the fight if his team mate hadnt been involved.

Actually, just looking at a HD youtube clip again (from a different angle) to what i last looked at, you can see that Steven Price actually lands a right hand on White, just as Waterhouse is tackling him to the ground. Something which is hard to do if you are out cold. The closer you look at things frame by frame, the less likely it becomes that the punch is what knocked Price out cold.


First Grade
Actually, just looking at a HD youtube clip again (from a different angle) to what i last looked at, you can see that Steven Price actually lands a right hand on White, just as Waterhouse is tackling him to the ground. Something which is hard to do if you are out cold. The closer you look at things frame by frame, the less likely it becomes that the punch is what knocked Price out cold.

Price is swinging as he gets hit, he doesnt throw another punch after White chins him, that punch is almost simultaneous.

Watch it, watch his eyes just roll the moment it lands.

Im sorry but I just cant fathom a person with eye sight working not seeing it, the whole world seems to have accepted it.

On your first post, who cares how many Price landed, the argument here is, White knocked him out.

Again watch his eyes.


Price is swinging as he gets hit, he doesnt throw another punch after White chins him, that punch is almost simultaneous.
He actually lands the punch (not just throws it) as can be seen by whites reaction. Hard to land after he is supposedly knocked out cold (though as i admitted, it was hard but not impossible).

Watch it, watch his eyes just roll the moment it lands.

It is impossible to see his "eyes" from any of the videos that i have seen. But, his body is clearly reacting until his head hits the ground after the waterhouse shot.
Im sorry but I just cant fathom a person with eye sight working not seeing it, the whole world seems to have accepted it.
The reality is that it is not 100% one way or the other. The rest of the world used to think the World was flat but it does not necessarilly make that right.

On your first post, who cares how many Price landed, the argument here is, White knocked him out.

Again watch his eyes.

I say waterhouse KOd him. But even if that is not correct, it is undisputed that White only KOd him while Kimmorley held his arms. That much is surlely not disputed is it?


Kimmorley hardly held price's arms, he tried to grab price at the beginning of the fight but never held an arm, when Price got knocked into disneyland he was still swinging freely, you sir must be blind
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There's no way Waterhouse KO's Price, his legs are gone by the time House comes in contact with him and there's no way a man of his Steve price's size would go down the way he did from Waterhouse's initial contact


He actually lands the punch (not just throws it) as can be seen by whites reaction. Hard to land after he is supposedly knocked out cold (though as i admitted, it was hard but not impossible).

It is impossible to see his "eyes" from any of the videos that i have seen. But, his body is clearly reacting until his head hits the ground after the waterhouse shot.

The reality is that it is not 100% one way or the other. The rest of the world used to think the World was flat but it does not necessarilly make that right.

I say waterhouse KOd him. But even if that is not correct, it is undisputed that White only KOd him while Kimmorley held his arms. That much is surlely not disputed is it?
Are you blind mate?
White clearly Ko'd him right on the sweet spot. It was at this point Price's legs gave in and he collapse as Waterhouse was coming in to give him a bear hug.


zzzz.yesterdays news. price stood toe to toe .someone was gonna fall.just take it like a man. haven`t heard price complain NSW PASSION YEAH
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Bender is clearly a blind idiot, or a complete spanker. The only person who knocked Price out was White.


Kimmorley hardly held price's arms, he tried to grab price at the beginning of the fight but never held an arm, when Price got knocked into disneyland he was still swinging freely, you sir must be blind

Watch some of the footage, frame by frame. When White lands, Kimmorleys arm has clearly dragged down Prices left, which drops it enough for white to land cleanly. ONe of the Angles on youtube shows it perfectly. That part isnt disputable.

I can accept arguments that it was ko punch. The fact that White is badly off balance when he throws the punch makes it unlikely, but then again, it does land well and he does seem to somehow get his body behind it, so it isnt totally out of the question.

All of this talk about looking at eyes, or it being impossible to go down from a tackle etc is just rubbish. It is also undisputable that in the split second after price was hit, he was still on his feet and he landed another punch. It is also undisputed that when Waterhouse tackled him, his head hit the ground hard. My guess, is that he was hit with a good shot which meant that he could not brace for the waterhouse tackle and the ground finished him off. Either way, it is of no relevance. It definitely wasnt a one on one KO as many are trying to say and to be honest i doubt seriously whether either white or price would be standing at the head of the class if there was some type of all in NRL front rowers brawlathon.


I hope Price is injured for the rest of the season. He deserves to know what its like to be carried off the field in a stretcher. Over the years, this dirty grub has charged down or drop his body on so many knees and giving season ending or career ending injuries to other players. Suck sh|t steve price. White and Waterhouse should be given medals.


Staff member
Waterhouse just read the situation badly; he was trying to get Price off White, but White didn't need any assistance. The fact that White threw the knockout blow about a second before Waterhouse arrived made Waterhouse look terrible.

The only grub in the fracas was Poore (and perhaps Thaiday) and the only cat was Creagh


First Grade
Sad thing is out of all this is the 110kg of whipped cream that Brett "I cant believe its not butter"White is, will now think he's nails because he knocked out Ben Ross and Steve Price.

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