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Betrayed by a kiss, claims rejected Tynan


First Grade
Interesting comment from Borg at the meeting tonight when responding to Damien
about whether or not a deal was actually made.

Said something along the lines of there was only him, Madeliene and Damien at the meeting, meaning we can pretty much narrow down where the press leak came from.


No Frenzy at the meeting? I wonder why?

Take your pick;

a) Weak as pjss
b) His favourite dress was not dry
c) Weak as pjss


First Grade
Not much really.

Only interesting part was Borg trying to get some mud to stick re Irvine's credibility at having a deal and backing out. Irvine responded with similar to what was in the press i.e. Tynan agreed to supply resumes etc for her candidates but these never arrived so Irvine couldn't agree to have them on if he didn't know who they were or what their credentials are.

Borg raised the valid point in how can Irvine expect the members to have faith in the Board when Irvine himself was entertaining the idea of replacing some of them himself as part of the Tynan deal.

Few people spoke against the motion, and with the exception of Borg the problem was with the lack of a vote, few spoke for the motion (and surprising to me most of these were not CSSC members and quite a few were old to very old members) mainly on the grounds that some positives were starting to come out and we need some stability at the moment to try and get sponsors on board etc.

IRvine handled it all well and one guy, who at first spoke against the proposal got up again near the end and said he was happy to vote for it now after what he had heard. Chief reasons he gave was the support older members had for the board, the fact they had decided to not take honorariums and the obvious passion they had for it.

Vote was overwhelming for the proposal for both leagues and football club. Have to say it was a dissapointing showing from the membership though on what should have been an important issue.

Really all in all it was a non-event. Tynan didn't even have anything to say and only appeared that it was her, Borg and our poor excuse of an ex marketing manager from her rival ticket, which made me wonder about her commitment.

On the way out down the front steps though someone asked her about Plan B and she said wait and see, so we may have more press releases etc from her camp and some more attempts at destabilisation.


Post Whore
The old woman scorned thingy, it was a dark day when they were relesed from the kitchen.


The Borg mudslinging was obvious and Irvine put him in his place.

The fact that Irvine met with them, agreed that compromise (instead of in fighting) was the way ahead in unstable times for our club does not mean that he had agreed to sack board members or not have faith in board members. He merely made an undertaking to take their resume's to the board for discussion. Irvine has maintained consistently that he is all for having the best people available on the board, he has said that he will step aside himself if those people come forward. Those resumes were never forthcoming from the Tynan group though, so how can they move forward? Not by leaking the story too early to their journo mates, thats for sure.

As Irvine correctly pointed out, however, he was not at the Borg/Tynan meeting to speak on behalf of the board, he went there with the best interests of the Sharks in mind to forge a way ahead with what was building as a showdown between Tynan's group and the new board. That showdown may still happen, which would be ugly and costly and considering the membership voted overwhelmingly to endorse the new board last night, is unwarranted.

Irvine says he will step aside if the right people are available. Well he is the right person. He is passionate. As passionate as I have ever seen. He knows the ins and outs of being a sponsor and what they expect, from the big guys right down to the minor sponsors. He knows about us, the fans, too cause he's there with us every week in the concourse, he's been on these boards with us and he's still one of us. He's not accepting honorariums purely to save the club money, and he's convinced his fellow board members to do the same. He is transparent. He is honest.

Yes, I am a close friend of Irvine's, yes along with a few others, we started the CSSC together. Yes I have nothing but respect and admiration for a guy who is working ridiculous hours trying to get this club back on it's feet.

The membership has spoken, Let's get on with it!
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The mood changed drastically when Irvine was challenged as to the appropriate voluntary position of the chairman and he responded by announcing the board agreed NO honourariums would be taken as it should not be a position of financial gain, but a position of gaining stability and being transparent to the members whilst getting the ship back on course.

It even changed the tune of that bloke (one with the half gimp accent) that stands up at every AGM just so he can speak. He opposed the resolution in the Leagues Club meeting, but openly admitted he was now in favour of the resolution in the Football Club meeting :?

As for Borg the (failed) Bully - he was just funny to listen too. He asked for the microphone back while Irvine responded to his question and the guy said "you can wait for the response to finish" - ha ha. It was also noticable had his support sitting with him, who were too gutless to stand up and speak, and he drowned himself on his own questions. He appeared quite dejected after it all.

It was good to see M. Tynan NOT in the white suit.

The Popper

That's Peter O'Driscoll. He and Dane Sorenson were Gow supporters long ago. He ran for the Board before but failed.
I didn't even notice Madeline Tynan.
I thought Damien Irvine ran the show very well.
I was disappointed when Jack Stewart intimated during his talk that Barry Pierce got the club outta the shyt in the 90's. Everybody knows it was the nous of Peter Gow. Still, they do stick up for their own.
Yes, the club does have very good equity. Our problem is that we are not liquid.


First Grade
Jack did himself no favours in my opinion Popper.

At one stage he was talking about how great our position was in 91 then about 30 seconds later he was talking about Pierce took us out of receivership in 93.

Sounded like a Pierce croney. Don't know the guy so not sure if he is or isn't but certainly how he sounded.


Post Whore
Nothing but a keyboard hero!

HAHAHAAH yeah that's right. NO ONE one here has ever met me. NO ONE here knows who I am.

Here's a scoop for you Mr Anonymous. I'm no secret. Most of the forum has met me. Half the club employees and board know exactly who I am and of those that do know me, they will, if they are honest, confirm to you that I have no problem at all speaking in a public forum and airing grievances WHEN IT SUITS ME.

You on the other hand, are who? Just another transient anonymous sniper. Nice one Wally.


HAHAHAAH yeah that's right. NO ONE one here has ever met me. NO ONE here knows who I am.

Here's a scoop for you Mr Anonymous. I'm no secret. Most of the forum has met me. Half the club employees and board know exactly who I am and of those that do know me, they will, if they are honest, confirm to you that I have no problem at all speaking in a public forum and airing grievances WHEN IT SUITS ME.

You on the other hand, are who? Just another transient anonymous sniper. Nice one Wally.

Weak as pjss

The Popper

Jack did himself no favours in my opinion Popper.
At one stage he was talking about how great our position was in 91 then about 30 seconds later he was talking about Pierce took us out of receivership in 93.
Sounded like a Pierce croney. Don't know the guy so not sure if he is or isn't but certainly how he sounded.

Jack was a long standing President of the Leagues and Football Club and, before that, the President of DLS. Pierce followed in his footsteps. Jack may have been his mentor.


Post Whore

management has sent out a memo

you are no longer allowed to be critical or criticise or question anything related with the sharks board

do so again and your status will be upgraded from keyboard hero to undesirable and you wont get the secret code to the new cone of silence at the official site

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