You are a penriff pamfa fan mish. Don't deny it. There are pics of you all over the interweb in penny pamfa gear. As alcoholics will tell you, the first step on the road to recovery is admitting you have a problem. We all know you spent many a Sunday afternoon reverently viewing the likes of Joe Vitanza, Lew Zivanovic, Lew Platz, Mark Levy, Craig Izzard, Mat Goodwin, Neil Baker, Col Bentley, MArtin Lang and the superlative Scott Sattler from the grassy knoll at the southern end.
Like your lorry driving friend from penriff, who's as dyed in the wool pamfa as you, suzieq (though she has you covered for size) you upped sticks and changed allegiances when the man who played ordinarily for 13 seasons at the chargers, easts and penriff, scott sattler, moved to the tigers and had a stellar year in 04 averaging 16 tackles, 12 hit ups and 47m per game. One tackle on the slowest winger to play the game since Brett Plowman and you and big suz were in lust .. enough to have the pair of you change your allegiances and leave the penriff pamfas for good
Your world was turned upside down when Satts went back to the Giants as it meant having to fork out for another team's jersey. Only your lust for your game attending friend Alien has seen you still attend Tigers games
And Mish, if you are going to quote books it is best you have read one since The Cat in the Hat