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Boys did well tonight despite the loss.


I'm a Kiwi & I was at the game & talk about one-eyed! It's a bit of the pot calling the kettle black - please don't try to say the Warriors are squeaky clean when it comes to on-field filth... Plus I was shamed and embarrassed by the unsportsman-like crap coming from the crowd - fair enough to support the team but ignorance is another story - I've always thought we were better than that.
I saw enough arrogance and bully-boy tactics on the field and still had to see it outside the park - never thought I'd see the day that a person couldn't support the team of their choice without having to defend themselves against ferral Warrier fans on the street! Took away any satisfaction or pride from the Warriors game that night.

Frig, that's just digusting what happened after the game. I just hope it was a small minority, but nothing surprises me anymore about rugby league fans.

We can't even have a forum to ourselves to discuss Storm stuff without some buffoon making an idiot of themselves....as if we had anything to do with the salary cap.

Frig off all of ya's:p


Frig, that's just digusting what happened after the game. I just hope it was a small minority, but nothing surprises me anymore about rugby league fans.

We can't even have a forum to ourselves to discuss Storm stuff without some buffoon making an idiot of themselves....as if we had anything to do with the salary cap.

Frig off all of ya's:p

I didn't see anything untoward happen while leaving the game. In fact, I saw more than a few Warriors supporters shaking Melbourne fan's hands (myself and a couple of mates included).

There will always be a few dickheads who will pay out on fans but this is not limited to Storm fans. It usually only shows up during semi's games when the '1 minute fan' turns up.

The 'cheats, cheats' chant is warranted. The Warriors were playing a team that is still miles above the salary cap but still has the means to decide what happens between now and the finals. Field a team that is under the cap and I will support Melbourne. Until then...forget it.

As for frigging off....if you are going to lump all opposing fans into the same heap then GFY
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First Grade
That's a nice bite!!! I think you've overlooked the complexity of the situation you club has got itself into:lol:. The penny will drop when you see who runs out for your mob in the next couple of seasons, compared to what you had illegally assembled.
Remember I told you:cool:

Big Norm
Tiny Norm, to be perfectly honest, I could care less if a "pub team" runs out next year or the year after. I am perfectly confident that will Bellamy at the helm and the culture we have down there, that it won't be long before you're left licking your wounds once more.
Remember I told you!

I didn't see anything untoward happen while leaving the game. In fact, I saw more than a few Warriors supporters shaking Melbourne fan's hands (myself and a couple of mates included).

There will always be a few dickheads who will pay out on fans but this is not limited to Storm fans. It usually only shows up during semi's games when the '1 minute fan' turns up.

The 'cheats, cheats' chant is warranted. The Warriors were playing a team that is still miles above the salary cap but still has the means to decide what happens between now and the finals. Field a team that is under the cap and I will support Melbourne. Until then...forget it.

As for frigging off....if you are going to lump all opposing fans into the same heap then GFY

How about you go jam yourself with a nine iron!
The FANS have done nothing, NOTHING at all to cop the constant sh*t we have to put up with lately.
You've got no idea so FOAD. Quickly and quietly if possible.


How about you go jam yourself with a nine iron!
The FANS have done nothing, NOTHING at all to cop the constant sh*t we have to put up with lately.
You've got no idea so FOAD. Quickly and quietly if possible.

Did you not read the bit about how we went and shook hands with some of the Storm fans sitting behind us? Or, are you just so bent out of shape you think everyone hates anything to do with the Storm? Go order some valium.

We did not give any fans a hard time but only the team - which is deserved until they turn up to play with a team that fits under the salary cap.
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dont worry tkr, his braincell is away on holiday.

Plus I was shamed and embarrassed by the unsportsman-like crap coming from the crowd -

dickhead, did you go to watch the game or the crowd ?

I have never, ever seen a punch up, harrassment of a rival fan in 15 yrs of attending Warriors home games.

Bit of wishful thinking from sour Storm fans, I think.

to discuss Storm stuff without some buffoon making an idiot of themselves

lol, just following your lead ?


dont worry tkr, his braincell is away on holiday.

dickhead, did you go to watch the game or the crowd ?

I have never, ever seen a punch up, harrassment of a rival fan in 15 yrs of attending Warriors home games.

Bit of wishful thinking from sour Storm fans, I think.

lol, just following your lead ?

I went to watch the game - been to many games of various codes over the years but haven't heard a crowd like that at any of them - not saying it was the whole crowd either but a fair few of them. My daughter & family were on the opposite side of the park & when we linked up after she had the same experience as we did. Just disappointed really - thought it wasn't our go as kiwis.
Didn't see a punch up but could have if the traffic cop directing the traffic outside of gate C hadn't been there. 2 young Storm fans, bit inebriated were walking down the road chanting Storm - not in anyone's face. Some young w****r came running out of a car park to stand over them with something in his hand (could have been an umbrella or similar - doesn't matter), nose to nose type intimidation until he was moved on. Totally cowed the young fellas with his aggro behaviour. What? You can't support the team of your choice any more? Who the f*** does he (and anyone else for that matter) think they are? Anyone has the right to support who they want & if they are not in your face about it what the hell has it got to do with anyone else? Call me dickhead if you want but I thought we were better than that.
I went to watch the game - been to many games of various codes over the years but haven't heard a crowd like that at any of them - not saying it was the whole crowd either but a fair few of them. My daughter & family were on the opposite side of the park & when we linked up after she had the same experience as we did. Just disappointed really - thought it wasn't our go as kiwis.
Didn't see a punch up but could have if the traffic cop directing the traffic outside of gate C hadn't been there. 2 young Storm fans, bit inebriated were walking down the road chanting Storm - not in anyone's face. Some young w****r came running out of a car park to stand over them with something in his hand (could have been an umbrella or similar - doesn't matter), nose to nose type intimidation until he was moved on. Totally cowed the young fellas with his aggro behaviour. What? You can't support the team of your choice any more? Who the f*** does he (and anyone else for that matter) think they are? Anyone has the right to support who they want & if they are not in your face about it what the hell has it got to do with anyone else? Call me dickhead if you want but I thought we were better than that.

Mate...that is a not a good situation if it did occur.

Unfortunately some fans do get caught up in the heat of the moment.

The "cheats" chant would not really phase the players that much IMO.


First Grade
Did you not read the bit about how we went and shook hands with some of the Storm fans sitting behind us? Or, are you just so bent out of shape you think everyone hates anything to do with the Storm? Go order some valium.

We did not give any fans a hard time but only the team - which is deserved until they turn up to play with a team that fits under the salary cap.

You were being a prick to MsStorm who has been nothing but nice even to dickheads on this board who don't deserve it. Go away!

dont worry tkr, his braincell is away on holiday.
At least I have a braincell to go away on holidays. What do you have? A cranium full of dumb that hardly fits in your dunce cap.


I didn't see anything untoward happen while leaving the game. In fact, I saw more than a few Warriors supporters shaking Melbourne fan's hands (myself and a couple of mates included).

That's great to hear, because I'd be doing the same thing.

There will always be a few dickheads who will pay out on fans but this is not limited to Storm fans. It usually only shows up during semi's games when the '1 minute fan' turns up.

True, and as I said in my original post, I was hoping it would be a minority.

The 'cheats, cheats' chant is warranted.

IMO that should be directed at the admin. who orchaestrated the rorts. Certainly not at the fans.
As for the players that may have been involved, I am afraid you and I will NEVER know that. I would never ever trust News Ltd. nor the Daily Telegraph as a resliable source of information.
This is not just not my opinion but also from other people where I work, where we think this Cheat Chanting is not a good look for rugby league.
If I was an outsider looking for a code to follow and saw how the crowd were behaving, it would really turn me off.

The Warriors were playing a team that is still miles above the salary cap but still has the means to decide what happens between now and the finals. Field a team that is under the cap and I will support Melbourne. Until then...forget it.

You can blame the NRL for that. They never gave us a chance to do that for this year. The whole thing should have been handled differently.

As for frigging off....if you are going to lump all opposing fans into the same heap then GFY

Not at you. Other buffoons.:)
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You were being a prick to MsStorm who has been nothing but nice even to dickheads on this board who don't deserve it. Go away!

I was not being a prick as you point out. I merely took exception, as a season ticket holding Warriors fan, to being lumped in with any fans who acted like idiots. The rest of my post was not at all inflamatory.


Hi MsStorm. We are not so far away. We are both proud supporters of our chosen teams.
The sitution is not of your doing and it is great to see Storm fans still supporting their team.



I went to watch the game - been to many games of various codes over the years but haven't heard a crowd like that at any of them - not saying it was the whole crowd either but a fair few of them. My daughter & family were on the opposite side of the park & when we linked up after she had the same experience as we did. Just disappointed really - thought it wasn't our go as kiwis.
Didn't see a punch up but could have if the traffic cop directing the traffic outside of gate C hadn't been there. 2 young Storm fans, bit inebriated were walking down the road chanting Storm - not in anyone's face. Some young w****r came running out of a car park to stand over them with something in his hand (could have been an umbrella or similar - doesn't matter), nose to nose type intimidation until he was moved on. Totally cowed the young fellas with his aggro behaviour. What? You can't support the team of your choice any more? Who the f*** does he (and anyone else for that matter) think they are? Anyone has the right to support who they want & if they are not in your face about it what the hell has it got to do with anyone else? Call me dickhead if you want but I thought we were better than that.

You are right in what you say about bad behaviour not being required.
However, in the past 4 seasons I have missed just 6 games (damn work) and I have never seen any behaviour like that in the upper west stand, where we are surrounded by fellow season ticket holders who are there every game as well, nor on leaving the ground although generally we don't leave until the players have left the ground so we miss the majority of the fleeing crowd.


If this whole situation was about face, ie Warriors miles above the salary cap and Melbourne under, there would be just as many dickheads turning up to Melbourne home games and dishing out exactly the same crap. It is human nature for a few to be idiots. They exist everywhere, not just in Auckland.


Little Norm, Do we come and troll your teams sub forum? No, so f**k off you subhuman, bottom feeding, little fail at life.
Please let the door hit your arse on the way out, there's a dildo attached, I know you'll enjoy that.

Ohh looky, another spastic enters the sandpit. lmao. Go have a cry elsewhere you gimp.

Neither of the posts you replied to in the above had any derogitory remarks against anyone but your first point of call is to go to the gutter.


You are right in what you say about bad behaviour not being required.
However, in the past 4 seasons I have missed just 6 games (damn work) and I have never seen any behaviour like that in the upper west stand, where we are surrounded by fellow season ticket holders who are there every game as well, nor on leaving the ground although generally we don't leave until the players have left the ground so we miss the majority of the fleeing crowd.

I was just posting about my experience on the night. I'm not saying its like that all the time - I wouldn't know as it was my first visit to Mt Smart and do acknowledge that I have not heard of anything negative coming from Warrior games.
I think the circumstances Storm are in exacerbated the situation for Warrior fans.
The on-field MC got his cracks in every opportunity he could & even the other MC. It all added to inciting more of the crowd to be more abusive vocally than usual??
The consequences are that some individuals think that gives them a licence to take it outside the park as well. You only have to come on the forums to see how people are lead / incited, whether by other people's opinions, by newspaper articles, by anything that feeds their pet hates.
I was disappointed in that aspect of the experience & actually felt a bit afraid for those young guys being picked on. And I have really got quite incensed at the ignorance & bias of people who vilify fans for loyalty to their team. Last I looked it was a free world.


The on-field MC got his cracks in every opportunity he could & even the other MC. It all added to inciting more of the crowd to be more abusive vocally than usual??

Re: the MC - I am over Nic Brown and that other silly chick with the high pitched annoying voice...

I also think that as a result of the Warriors being the first team that played Melbourne after the whole thing came out and the result of that game, intensified the feeling on the night.
Everyone knew Melbourne would come out firing and the Warriors were first in line so it didn't help the Warriors season either.
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First Grade
Neither of the posts you replied to in the above had any derogitory remarks against anyone but your first point of call is to go to the gutter.

Are you really slow or did someone stomp on your head at birth? They are TROLLING this forum, so I will dish it straight back to them.
As for you, precious, hitch up your skirt and toddle off if it's all too much for you. :roll:


Neither of the posts you replied to in the above had any derogitory remarks against anyone but your first point of call is to go to the gutter.

Let's be honest here, tkr. I troll the sh*t out of this forum. I love stirring the pot. I simply can't stand anything to do with that francise down south. Don't worry about me:D

I must get over to In Zid for a Saints game one of these days, and spend a week or so on your picturesque patch of land. I hope there are a few nice golf courses, that always helps:).

Big Norm


Let's be honest here, tkr. I troll the sh*t out of this forum. I love stirring the pot. I simply can't stand anything to do with that francise down south. Don't worry about me:D

I must get over to In Zid for a Saints game one of these days, and spend a week or so on your picturesque patch of land. I hope there are a few nice golf courses, that always helps:).

Big Norm

If ya ever do, PM us and I'll even buy ya a beer. See you at Mt Smart :)