Manly have scheduled an emergency board meeting at 7:30pm to discuss the developments. Number one on the agenda is whether Stewart will play in the season opening game against the Bulldogs on Saturday.
Now he has been arrested and charged, yes. Stand him down.
Someone who couldn't afford bail would be held in custody until the court case, am I correct?
If by that we mean awful for the recipient of the alleged sexual assault, then I agree.
No sympathy for men who end up in avoidable situations like this from me. Individual responsibility - means knowing your own limits with alcohol, and respecting other people's physical rights always.
Innocent until proven guilty of course - but is there honestly anyone out there that thinks he shouldn't be stood down until the court decides the case now?
If indeed Stewart had been so drunk that he couldn`t remember what happened, then the police had no choice but charge him. It still doesn`t mean he`s done anything wrong.
Now he has been arrested and charged, yes. Stand him down.
Someone who couldn't afford bail would be held in custody until the court case, am I correct?
yes... timmah. hence granted bail. if someone didnt stump up for it he'd still be locked up.
Really tough question and there isnt a right answer.
I know if I was a Manly fan, I'd have a tough time supporting someone who had such serious charges hanging over them, so my guy would say stand him down.
Then I think of the Lafranchhi case, the took most of the season to be resolved. If he was stood down, he'd have missed a lot of football basically waiting to be found not guilty.
I know Barty, you drew a parrallel to Ministers being stood down. One subtle difference is though, they still continue their work as a backbencher - they're not actually stood down from Parliament - and they dont get stood down because it is right - they get stood down as a political fix.
is april 7th the actual trial though?? i think it might just be like arraignment. or possibly i watch too much Law and Order.
i am upset at everything. mostly for more awfulness affecting the game i love so much.
i really want to know the details of the case. lets not forget a charge is just that...a charge.