Schooners are a minimum size re: beer. Not sure what the penalty should be (buy a round for everyone). ??????
^ see i view penalties a little different (and you'll see on the guides i send thru..)
penalties are great accumulated as penalty points... (eg 1 point for every infraction based on the various rules at the pub)
then when you achieve a certain number of penalty points, you have to conduct a punishment..
some of the ones we've used have included:
- for 5 minutes walking round scoring members of the opposite sex, using a set of scoring cards similar to a diving or dancing judge
- confide in a stranger that you have genital herpes
- no talking for 10 minutes (which one time was rather hilarious - the guy who was suffering that penalty was a fairly big unit, and we were on our way to another bar and the bouncer wouldn't let us in. he was first in line and just stood there, not saying a word and just looking at the bouncer, shrugging his shoulders.. poor bouncer didn't know what to do)
- go and clean your teeth with toothpaste & a toothbrush
and a few more i can't remember just now..
:lol: Oh man, this is going to be a fun evening. Looking forward to seeing your ideas and adding some of my own.
Sounds like it'll take some prep work, which is good. I'd feel pretty lazy if all I did was organise a generic pub crawl for the guy's last hoorah.
I'm not a virgin. I've had sex. And I didn't even have to pay for it (directly).
you poor deluded fool. I reckon i got more shots off in the first 12 months of moving in with my mrs than i have in the last 10 years of marriage. (wanking stats not included) can't complain about the quality, but the quantity leaves a lot to be desired. Kids are a fantastic contraceptive.
Marriage doesn't mean less sex.
Well... I hope your bus driver is ready for the night (unless you'll be walking/cabbing it to the destinations).What do ya'll think of this running order? Any suggestions for better bars/running order?
12 - 1: The Australian **LUNCH**
1 - 2: Hart's Pub
2 - 3: Lowenbrau
3 - 4: Glemore
4 - 5: Hero of Waterloo
5 - 6: Mercantile Hotel
6 - 7.30: El Phoenician **DINNER*
7.30 - 8.30: Lord Nelson
8.30 - 9.30: Fortune of War
9.30 - 10.30: Ship Inn
10.30 - late: Men's Gallery
I've got muzby's very cool passports ready to go, just need to finalise running order and challenges so I can get them to print this week.
You should be fne to get into the first few pubs but count on more of your group getting kicked out refused entry as the afternoon moves into the evening. Bucks groups send off security guards alarms like nothing else. It freaking sucks but thats what NSW has become. Last Bucks I went to started at the casino then a pub crawl into the afternoon, we could barely get into anywhere once it got dark. I suggest not wearing suits or costumes of any kind & dont all try & go into a pub in one big group, go in 4 or so at a time staggered over a 15 min period to bring less attention to yourself. Also remember that the security guards all talk to one another so if you get refused/kicked out of one pub chances are the other pubs in the surrounding area have been tipped off to your group. Good luck with it all but have a back up plan for the evening in case it goes bad. Sorry if I put on dampener on your plan.
That's a tight schedule. Do you think an hour at each is enough.? Maybe drop 1 before El Phoenician and 1 after. There is always stragglers who buy another beer just before moving time. Gets a bit like herding cats.
Last one I organised we had a bus on the south coast. Ended having to pay the driver more to get us home because some of the blokes ignore you when it's leaving time.
Well... I hope your bus driver is ready for the night (unless you'll be walking/cabbing it to the destinations).
yep, security can be a nuisance, but when i've run these sort of things in the past it just takes having a group leader who is coherent and level headed who can talk to security..
plus having these passport things works well as it shows them you are only spending a short amount of time in their premises..
only once were we ever refused entry using that approach..