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Bulldogs Fans: When Braith signs with the Rorters...


First Grade
I dont like braith that much now as i see him as an arrogant prik that only plays for himself. I will not boo him but would be pretty happy to see him leave. I actually hope he signs with the roosters as he will be so hated by not only bulldog fans but all other fans aswell.


First Grade
Anasta is not going to sign with the Bulldogs, but haven't Bulldogs management made the choice that Mason would be the overpaid egotist they were hanging onto? Anastacedes and Mason were both trying to milk more cash from the Bulldogs, and they went with Fitz...er...Mason.
If you boo Anasta because he's not being offered a decent contract, then you're pretty bloody mean.
Boo him because he's an arrogant prick, fair enough.


I actually hope Braith goes to a top club, and absolutely carves up the Bulldogs, religiously.

That'd be sweet justice for those pitiful fans of the Bulldogs (not all, just some feeble minded ones) who have no idea just how good a talent he is, and no idea that if your club can't offer him a contract good enough for his needs that he's perfectly entitled to go elsewhere.

I can't recall, aside from a clown like Chris Walker, a player being so feebly taken apart by his own club fans - even when he's what 23 or so, played 4 tests, played Origin, won a grand final - not a bad effort really.


Fairfax said:
But I thought that the rorters had signed Willie Mason and didn't have any money left for Braith.

Coaching staff really wanted Willie (and apparently had a good chance of getting him to sign).

The Roosters management (& reportedly, some sponsors) weren't overjoyed at the idea.

Looks like management won, although the same could be said of the Bulldogs in this situation


NO-ONE - apart from perhaps a small handful of melons in the crowd - because the law of averages dictates that there's ALWAYS 1 or 2 melons wherever u go - would boo Braith whilst he was still in the blue 'n white!! The choice to leave - is now not his, after all - he is just about being shown the door!

If he ends up @ Souths next year - he will go with my joyous blessings - I wiouldn't boo him @ the Bunnies!....And I suspect - nor would any toher Dogs fan, really! BUT - if he hooks up with the Roosters - he will be given MERRY HELL each & every time he returns to Dogs territory!!!...Ohhhhh YES he WILL! :D

Raider Azz

ozzie said:
yeah right - and the pope is a catholic. You are either a liar or a fool - take your choice. Geez I sat in a bay and watched this year's game against Canberra. The language directed to Monaghan and Finch was shocking and it was also highlighted by someone assaulting Monaghan's family. Now tell me another story - something like Peter Pan.

Also while you are at it tell me the problem you guys have with Lozza and Stuart..
Once again... how many times does this need to be explained to you. You have no idea what happened in that incident... all you know is from what you read in the papers. Let me put it in perspective for you: if the person involved was not banned from any games, obviously there is more to the story. But no, you are too blind in your hatred of the Raiders to use your brain.

Boing Boing

Dogs Of War said:
Who do you think we are? Canberra Fans?

I just cheer the Boys in the Blue & White. Once they leave I hold no aminosity towards them, their just looking after their career.

But I must admit it's nice when they cop a big hit in a game against us!

That was uncalled for mate. What reason was there to take a stab at us?


I harbour no lasting animosity to any former Bulldogs. Braith stuck with the club through some turbulent times. To my mind he wasn't entitled to cop the bagging he did at certain times of his career and the club seemed reluctant to be on the front foot defending him.

Congrats to whoever signs him (please be bunnies, please be bunnies) and good luck to him, although I hope he never walks away from a game against the Blue and Whites a winner and I hope to see him hammered in some legal tackles when he does play against us.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Canberra fans would have to be the most sooky. I watched yesterdays game and to be quite honest I don't think I'e ever heard so much booing. In a lot of respects Penrith were robbed yesterday and while Canberra deserved to hold on the crowd did them no favours.

Over & Out.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
El Diablo said:
Better to boo than start riots or rip apart a train.

Better to move on from the past than to live in it.


Dodge said:
Canberra fans would have to be the most sooky. I watched yesterdays game and to be quite honest I don't think I'e ever heard so much booing. In a lot of respects Penrith were robbed yesterday and while Canberra deserved to hold on the crowd did them no favours.

Over & Out.

The booing in the first instance was because Penrith scored a try a few plays after the most blatant obstruction of the season was let go by the ref. The booing in the second half was in response to Rhys Wesser who took not one, not two, not three, but four players out without the ball at various stages of the match, and acting like a spoiled brat for the rest of the match, trying to start a fight at every opportunity. The booing was specifically reserved for when Wesser touched the ball.

Fans of other teams would do the same thing so don't give me that crap. Idiot.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
skeepe said:
The booing in the first instance was because Penrith scored a try a few plays after the most blatant obstruction of the season was let go by the ref. The booing in the second half was in response to Rhys Wesser who took not one, not two, not three, but four players out without the ball at various stages of the match, and acting like a spoiled brat for the rest of the match, trying to start a fight at every opportunity. The booing was specifically reserved for when Wesser touched the ball.

Fans of other teams would do the same thing so don't give me that crap. Idiot.

Yes, there was a blatant obstruction (if you're referring to the same thing as me) but it meant jack all because penalties are awarded for the first illegal play which was Croker? being offside back at halfway. The obstruction meant nothing because play should have already ceased. You're a dead set fool if you believe that was a try. Penrith scoring a few plays later is irrelevant given the fact Canberra shouldn't have gone near that tryline.

And further onto the booing, why not cheer your team instead of boo the other constantly.

And El, that's a nice try, but your technicality argument is severely lame and childish. At current Canberra fans still boo incessantly. As such, no incidents involving train vandalism by Bulldogs supporters have been reported since 2003, maybe even 2001. One riot, incensed by both Rooster and Bulldog fans was reported last year.

Believe what you want El.


I believe the play Skeepe is referring to is the obstruction of Jason Smith. In the first half after Campbell cut back in behind his own player stood still while Smith had to try and move in through the number 17 then ran back out and around making a break the near length of the field.

Heaven forbid a crowd boo the oppposition at a sporting event. As far as Wesser goes it was part of the game itself he had a number of indiscretions with Raiders players, made a few crucial mistakes and then in an amusing incident once actually played the ball then lept at the marker who was moving in to try and tackle the dummy half. You can't tell me that other crowds don't give it to the opposition or certain players, players are professionals as long as the crowd don't overstep the mark then they should be free to dish out all the booing they like, its part of being a live spectator and the enjoyment of the game in booing the opposition and cheering on your team.

Do you also think its unfair that the Sydney crowd boo Carl Webb or that the QLD crowd boo the guys like Johns during origin?