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Burt or Hayne


I wouldn't have Burt in my team at full strength but would still make a terrific back up and is definitely paid less than what he's worth, as for Golden Child 1? when you get paid more than 200K than Burt I expect him to play that much better and atleast contribute just as much on the scoreboard...he certainly didn't last year.

Hayne failed in my opinion and let himself and the club down but certainly wasn't alone, this year, I expect nothing short of a big season of him individually, infact by rights he should be taking over Hindy's mantle as player of the year, anything short of that is a failure.

farkkk me,
you are a veryyy angry oldd man..
its funny how everyone is quick to giving playerss sh*t when there down the sh*tter, and praise them when there doing well...
everyone just got to chill and wait to see what happens next year..

parra pete

I wouldn't have Burt in my team at full strength but would still make a terrific back up and is definitely paid less than what he's worth, as for Golden Child 1? when you get paid more than 200K than Burt I expect him to play that much better and atleast contribute just as much on the scoreboard...he certainly didn't last year.

Hayne failed in my opinion and let himself and the club down but certainly wasn't alone, this year, I expect nothing short of a big season of him individually, infact by rights he should be taking over Hindy's mantle as player of the year, anything short of that is a failure.

Surely you mean Golden Child 2...We all know who Golden Child 1 was. (sh*t stirrer)

Stagger eel

Staff member
farkkk me,
you are a veryyy angry oldd man..
its funny how everyone is quick to giving playerss sh*t when there down the sh*tter, and praise them when there doing well...
everyone just got to chill and wait to see what happens next year..

awful and disgusting.....

some of the words used to describe Luke Burts career over the past week by people who claim to be parra fans and you hand pick my post???



The fact is that both were crap last year, but Hayne is 1000 times more talented.

Assuming he lives up to that potential it's a no-brainer.


If their both in contention for the #1 under DA, then I'm happy with whatever he decides, based on training and trials.

I wouldn't be as surprised as some to see Burt in our full strength line-up. He offers good value, solid (if not sensational) performance, and a bit of leadership at the back - something Hayne is yet to develop.

If the plan is to have Hayne closer to the play in attack, and then hide him somewhere for defence, then I'm not sure fullback is the place to put him? Hayne could play wing (his natural position) and be given a roving commission in attack like Blacklock, and then just go back to defend in his best position - no problems.

This would confuse teams, because they'd not only have to watch a random Hayne involving himself in attacking sets, but we'd also have someone else at #6, and then Burt at #1 that they'd have to watch as well.

Burt's defence and calling the play at the back is superior to Hayne, and he's also a handy kicking option. If he's in form I'm more than happy to see Burt selected at #1. And I'm happy to see Hayne on mega-money selected in the #2 - so long as he comes in and gets involved in every attacking set, and uses the talent we know he has.


Assuming that Hayne lives up to his potential? That`s a big assumption. I REALY hope I`m wrong, but in my opinion, Hayne is an extraordinarily talented winger. Full stop. I don`t think he should be let anywhere near five-eight; and I`ve got my doubts about him as a full-back, too.
Personally, I`d love to see Joel Reddy at fullback. He was possibly our second most consistent player last year, and has steadily gotten better and better over the last two years in positions that are not his favourite. I believe full back is his favourite position, and I think he would be a great asset there.


Joel Reddy went wall last year imo, in whatever position the coach used him.

He'd be very unlucky not to have cracked a spot in the full strength backline somewhere, on the back of his performances last season. I seem to recall him being a fullback in lower grades as he came through?


Burty is one of those players that every team needs in order to perform well. he is understated but can add an awful lot to the teams performance on the day and doesn't take up much salary cap space. in 2007 you couldn't have wished for a better contribution from him, and it seemed his injury took a lot out of the balance of the side.

then you need the likes of Hayne to add that bit of class and unpredictability in the backline. he can do things that Burty will never be able to do, but he needs to become more consistent at them or his high salary appears unjustified.

not every player can be a superstar or prodigiously talented.


I believe that Burt is getting a bad wrap , mainly because of last years performance,which I dont think anyone can totally blame on him. The majority of the team performed badly for most of the season and Burt can not be blamed for the whole teams performance. After reading all the opinions I think I will wait until we have played some games to see which one I believe will do the best for the team. The reason I asked the question to start with is I believe they both have the ability to do a great job for the team, although both are very different players to start with.
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Hayne needs to loose the attitude he developed last year and get some urgency about his game.
But to be fair, that was last year and under Hagan.

I'd like to see them both have fair goes in the trials and may the best man win


I think alot know my feelings on Burt.. I dont think he adds anything to the team at all unless the team is killing it.

All I rem is our two best finals series runs in recent years were 2000 and 2007. Both years Burt wasn't in the side. I think he's easy to attack on the wing , and offers next to nothing at fullback.

Hayne on the other hand had a very dissapointing 2008 (NRL level) but the potential is there for everyone to see, and MANY good judges including Phil Gould, Craig Bellamy, Matthew Johns, Sterlo and myself lol ... agree Fullback is a must for him.


I think it's funny that everyone wants Hayne - who said "Gimme, gimme or I leave" - as opposed to Burt - who takes paycuts to stay at the Club he loves.

With that kind of attitude our Club will lose its heart before we know it.


really? so 1 year in 10 he played good and he's a good player?

he's average, he has ;pace and thats it.

We should get tim smith back....hang on just one good year.
Would spend plenty of cash at the bar on level 3 though.
Just stirring the pot...sorry.
Hayne lost me the day he took the second dive. The third dive rammed the final nail into the coffin as far as i am concerned. IMO he is a cat.
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First Grade
vote 1: reddy for fullback
let the other nancy boys fight with handbags at ten paces for the right to challenge

parra pete

We should get tim smith back....hang on just one good year.
Would spend plenty of cash at the bar on level 3 though.
Just stirring the pot...sorry.
Hayne lost me the day he took the second dive. The third dive rammed the final nail into the coffin as far as i am concerned. IMO he is a cat.

Careful, careful...that is dangerous territory there.......you could feel the wrath of this forum..You could be labelled a 'trouble maker'

This is not about golden child 1. It is between Burt and Hayne. ;-)


Burt is a great clubman and a player that wont let you down, whatever position he plays he will do a solid job. Hayne is a freak, some of the stuff he done in 2007 at fullback when burt got injured were amazing, even the games he played at fullback last year were top games. Hayne should be our fullback

Ron Jeremy

We should get tim smith back....hang on just one good year.
Would spend plenty of cash at the bar on level 3 though.
Just stirring the pot...sorry.
Hayne lost me the day he took the second dive. The third dive rammed the final nail into the coffin as far as i am concerned. IMO he is a cat.

Burt has been in and OUT of first grade for ten years now, Hayne is entering his 4th season and is already an SOO representative and has scored some of the most memorable individual trys in first grade and SOO history.

Tim Smiths grubbers have gone, as well as Burts form ( well the only form he has ever had wasin 2007, the other years he struggled to remain in firsts) coincidence?