Well I would come this week if I could... do the last 18 years as a season ticket holder count?
Regarding the "drop" in crowds over the years, I think Pay TV had an effect, but not so much through people staying away and watching it. It had to do with the changing of game times. You went from a league where you had one night game (Friday - or Mondays, remember them?), one or two Saturday games, and the rest Sunday arvo games.
Now days, Saturday arvo games are a thing of the past, and you're in fact more likely to get a night game than a Sunday arvo game (four to three), especially if you team is doing well. The emphasis on night games has taken away a whole demographic of supporters, being the senior citizens that I know used to sit all around me back in those days, now not game enough to brave the night chill. Also I'd imagine it is hard for supporters with young kids whose bedtimes are before 9:30/10pm to attend anymore? It made a big change over a period of just a few years.
Since the game times are now more or less controlled by the TV interests, the club has to focus more on those demographics that are up for night (or Sunday arvo) footy to increase the crowds. That would mean providing things that would appeal people from age 15 upwards, independent young adults, people with (not too young) kids, and wider family groups, to get them to the games.
The Parramaniacs thing sounds like a good idea, just needing the time to catch on. And like everything it will gain momentum the better the team goes on the field.