In terms of water, especially at the start of a new diet, it is very important to flush out the toxins that lay dormant in your body from the previous crap you have eaten. Water acts not only as a hydrant, but also as something that keeps you full - the human body is about 90% water I believe.
Shadow I believe breakfast and snacktime is where you are letting yourself down. Make sure you eat a piece of fruit or two during these times, and FFS stay away from the chips. Grog is also bad.
Each time you feel hungry, take a deep breath and drink a glass of water. In terms of dairy, all major health groups recommend low fat. It is much better for you and your man boobs.
Also I would advise you to enrol in some group sporting activity - very good for the body and soul.
Oh and yes soups are fine for lunch, but make sure you also add some solids. If you are eating at work take in some vegetables or fruit which will also act to fill you up. Make sure you also bring in snacks for morning and afternoon tea type times, around 10.30 and 2, after breakfast and after lunch, which will continue to keep your blood sugar levels up.
Healthy food is a lot more effort, yes, but it is worth it. Sushi is a good thing to eat every now and again too, just not schnitzel sushi, as are turkey and salad sandwiches.