The speech was pre conceived and you could see he and his writers were preparing all week
The speech is in the same category as Thurstons giving the kid a kicking tee. Forget he swore at the refs all game and called them cheats.
Its media spin 101. You can rest assured he would not have been so graceful to 75,000 fans abusing him if they'd won.
It has taken a mammoth effort by Gal to grab the attention back off smith And Feefs and back onto our mArvellous victory.
The guy Is a grub. He'd break your neck and tell you to play the ball.
He was heavily involved in stealing 4 seasons of rugby league off all league supporters.
He will hit you whilst your eyes are off the play from behind and into your injury.
He is the condoiritor of the introduction of wrestling coaches in rugby league and the test pilot for crushers chicken wings cannon balls and neck breakers.
But he finishes with 20 seconds of a speech acknowledging 75,000 fans that can't wait for him to get off the stage.
Pleeeeessssssee. !!!!!
The wormy pad prik is the embodiment of everything we hate in footy.
Don't be fooled.