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Cameron Smith: We deserve our premierships


Players deserve premierships: captain
July 17, 2010

MELBOURNE Storm players were comfortable in their refusal to co-operate with the News Ltd-commissioned audit into the club's books and still believed that they deserved the premierships which have been stripped, skipper Cameron Smith said yesterday.

News Ltd boss John Hartigan, in releasing the results of the forensic audit on Thursday, revealed that 13 players - including seven who are still at the Storm - had been receiving payments outside the regulations of the cap.

Hartigan said no evidence had been found that the players or their managers had been aware of the illegality of the payments, but he had been critical that the players had not co-operated with the investigators from accounting firm Deloitte.

However, Smith yesterday said the players' stance had been vindicated.

''We were given advice at the time of those investigations that it was probably best that we didn't go in and have those interviews. At the time there was plenty going on, the rep season had just started and eventually the investigation was sorted out by itself,'' Smith said.

''That was the advice we were given and that's what we stood by. We like to think that we're given fairly good advice by the people we trust and at the time we did what was right for us.''

He was also unequivocal when asked whether the players still deserved the premierships from 2007 and 2009. The audit found that the club was nearly $3.2 million over the salary cap since 2006 but, when asked, Smith declared that the players ''absolutely'' deserved the lost premierships.

The players yesterday woke to a rumour that was spreading through league circles that they would boycott tonight's game against the New Zealand Warriors in Auckland. However, club officials moved quickly to quash the speculation as the team arrived at its old home ground of Olympic Park for a final training session.

The media was kept a distance away from the players as they walked between AAMI Park and Olympic Park, and was forced to stand on the footpath to take pictures and television footage as the Storm kept to its practice of closing its final session before a game.

The players, however, showed they had not lost all their humour when television networks countered by taking to the air and shooting from two helicopters. In response, the players lay in formation on the ground to spell out ''hi''.

However, they were in little mood to talk when they arrived at the airport to fly to Auckland. The players bore stand-offish body language and barely acknowledged the waiting media.

However, Smith spoke for the team and declared that the players would play out the year.

''We're committed to playing football for our club for the rest of the season and playing for the fans. They're the ones who have stuck behind us the whole time,'' he said.


He just doesn't get it does he? It must be nice to live in Smith's fantasy land, where you never have to face up to reality.


Cameron Smith - what a stuck up arrogant tosser.

How are those cap-busting free home renovations feeling now Cam? And that club-guaranteed cap-busting Fox Sports contract?

What a wanker.


A News LTD-owned club. News LTD virtually own the game.

Yet News LTD come out of this smelling like roses and people like Cam Smith are treated like murderers.

f**king pathetic.


Cam's face when taking a kick for goal versus Warriors tonight was priceless - crowd chanting "cheats, cheats, cheats" ...minutes later he appears to have scored a try - throws the ball into the crowd in spite... Video ref: No Try... haha. Dick

Gotta love one of the signs in the crowd too: "Slater's a c**k"


A News LTD-owned club. News LTD virtually own the game.

Yet News LTD come out of this smelling like roses and people like Cam Smith are treated like murderers.

f**king pathetic.

So you'd have a ticker tape parade for cheats would you?

Does that also mean steroid cheats would get hero status? Rodney Howe for Australian of the Year?

Friggin hell, what is it about the word FAIR that you detest?????


I loved it, he's right! The media are just as f**ked up as you guys. Why ask the question?
Do you deserve your premiership? Absolutely! Good on ya Cam.


As much as Ben Johnson deserved his gold medal.

When first caught by the NRL, the Storm were over the cap by 6.2 percent in 2007 - that of course has increased since, but at the time of first being caught they had that premiership stripped.

The Roosters were over the cap by about 4.8 percent when they won in 2002. When they were caught, there was no 'independent' audit called for to see what the real figure was.

I thought steroids were steroids and it didn't matter 'by how much'?


What a pack of arrogant merkins

And I have no doubt that if quizzed just about any other player in the comp would say the same thing in the same circumstances. In fact I can hear Ben Hornby saying it now.


Wether they would get to those same circumstances is an entirely different thing. Not everyone is a salary cap cheat.

Besides, I wasn't aware the Rooster were over the cap in 2002. They certainly weren't found to have rorted the cap for years, offered players multiple contracts for certain people to see only etc etc.

So, having condoned Johnson's drug use, you'd be against any penalty for any breach of the cap? What is a club doubled their cap? Would you be for that?

I didn't think you would support cheating. Ya think ya know a bloke......


I'd be surprised if he would've said anything else. He's got to stick by this story - it's not like he would've said "Yeah we didn't deserve it at all"...this is Cameron Smith we're talking about...


Wouldnt surprise me if RACQ boat insurance looked to get in some third party deals with Greg Inglis. Apparently it was his charter boat the guy ran into.


Cam's face when taking a kick for goal versus Warriors tonight was priceless - crowd chanting "cheats, cheats, cheats" ...minutes later he appears to have scored a try - throws the ball into the crowd in spite... Video ref: No Try... haha. Dick

Gotta love one of the signs in the crowd too: "Slater's a c**k"

Noted your location - In the Sewers. Says it all.


I loved it, he's right! The media are just as f**ked up as you guys. Why ask the question?
Do you deserve your premiership? Absolutely! Good on ya Cam.

Of course they deserve it. Playing in a team that was 30% over the cap didn't make attaining those premierships any easier :lol: