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Campbelltown Crowds

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Well this really is an interesting little trieste into the banal.

I am a member of the WTF. Does this mean I am a mong? Bearing in mind that apart from supporting my football team I also pay a mortgage, run a business and still have time to complete my post graduate studies. If this means I am indeed a mong as you have so delicatley put it than mong on I say.

Also if you want to have an informed debate/conversation on the issue than please just come up to me at a game and we can discuss pretty much any issue you care to.


First Grade
mulvihill said:
mother's day excuse is rubbish.

Were the 14000 there all orphans ???

You're inability to deal with reality is frankly embarassing.

If you're so cut up about the fact that you've "lost half your team" then bugger off and watch Balmain-Ryde-Eastwood in PL.

Build a bridge, it's only been 7 years... :roll:


First Grade
mulvihill said:
tottie made a point on the forum about the scheduling of campbelltown games and welfare weeks. This came from someone high up at the club. I was there I heard it. Sinclair had a dummy spit when tottie wouldn't disclose his source and banned him. They are the facts. Asking someone to name their source is a surefire way to ensure that source never tells you anything again

That is complete BS.


Sincas said:
Yeah thats right. Your source is either fictional or with less of a clue than you. As if the NRL would pump welfare payments into an already complicated scheduling process. :sarcasm:

This is what the club (as high as it gets) had to say about tottie's post:

Stupid, uninformed comments like this don't help anyone.

I only posted this so people know that the welfare payments line is complete rubbish.

Good luck with your new crew brook and madunit. Its amazing some people could fly to the other side of the world to support their team but are still not welcome at the club's forum. I never made the decision to ban them. It was the club and the response was unanimous. Unwanted by your own club. Well done.

Thank god we don't have to hear about your soccer debut in England anymore. Like anyone cared. :roll: It was a humourous title though "Big sporting event in London this morning". Gee what a popular thread that was. :lol:

I believe the ozspurs forum have similar forum rules. :(

God....now I'm in a tizz.

I just dont know what to believe.....someone posting malicious rumours anonymously on the internet....or the highly respected CEO of the NRL premiers. :-k


At first glance the crowd (14,500) at Campbelltown appears a little disappointing. But in all honesty & with no hidden agendas you'd have to admit there were legitimate reasons for it being about 3K less than you'd expect.

Mother’s day WAS an issue. Not to the extent that it would account for an extra 3 or 4 thousand not turning up, but maybe another 1000 would have turned up on a normal Sunday.Other issues that would account for another 2-3 thousand are weather, ground ameneties, & FTA TV coverage.

There was rain about on Sunday morning, & with Campbelltown having minimal coverage from the elements this would have deterred some from going. Also the game was being shown on FTA television.

So when you think about it, we have a game being played on Mother's Day, with rain about, at a ground with no cover from the weather, which will be shown on FTA TV on a 1 hour delay. Not hard to see that those who had intended to go, woke up on Sunday morning, took everything into account & opted to give this one a miss. This would be particularly true for families.
My understanding is that ticket pre-sales for the game were good but game -day sales were lower than anticipated. That would support my theory.

Finally let’s not forget that crowds were down in all games (with the possible exception of Brisbane). Next to the Broncos (who will almost always boast the week’s largest gate) the game at Campbelltown was next best.

St.Geo/Illa v NZ - 10,100
Brisbane v Manly - 24,900
Storm V NQC - 10,800
Dogs v Parra - 13,200
Wests Tigers v Knights - 14,500
Raiders v Sharks - 9,700
Penrith v Souths - 10,900


What people have to remember is that the people of the Macarthur Region get 3 games a year... Thats right 3 games a year only. 14,500 is not a good crowd for this fact alone whether it be Mothers Day or Xmas Day to see their Premiers.
You can't blame the people from the Balmain side for not showing up, you also have to remember is that some in fact most people aren't as fanatical as you and I who use these forums, of course more people will show up at Leichhardt games from the Balmain area and more from the Macarthur Region will show at Campbelltown. I come from neither but go to every game. The crowd was disappointing FULL STOP!


Sinclair, you weren't there when it was said and you have not an ounce of clue what was said. Govt payment weeks are a factor in determining which games CS gets. You think you know everything when in actual fact you know less than little. Whilst you may think you are a big man among the WTF the truth is if you had have been there when there was discussed (and we still haven't said by whom) then you would know tottie is speaking the truth.

Please also advise where we said the NRL takes this into consideration. It is not the NRL it is the WT when deciding which games to allocate and when to each of the respective home grounds once the NRL has made the draw. See the difference.

Perhaps sinclair can't handle that others know (a lot) more than him ??


First Grade
Last warning, this forum is not the place to be discussing the official forum or any of the individuals who might post there.

I believe the thread is supposed to be about the crowd at campo last sunday, so lets keep the discussion along those lines.

For the record I wasn't there on sunday, theres no way I was spending my mothers day without my son (and he's not up to an NRL game at this stage, still getting him used to the lower grade matches). I don't think mothers day is enough to explain why the crowd was as low as it was but I'm also sure I wasn't the only one staying away for that reason.

the spoon

Lets be honest what have the wests TIGERS done for the people of the campbelltown district? gone form 12 home games a year to six and now three and look who we get! a team from canberra abit far for away team support and newcastle also a fiar drive away! its a bloody discrace the way this district is being treated thats why myself and many others on sunday were watching a local group game and and having a kick with the kids afterwards which was alot more fun and cheaper then watching our sometimes home team go around at ctown oval.


YEt Leichhardt gets the same amount of games. One against Melbourne (who are the poorest drawing crowd in the league) and one against souths (who are one of the poorest teams to have ever graceed a first grade premiership in neary 100 yrs. Yet the Leichhardt games are supported. There were 2 absolute superstars on display on Sunday. One who has dominated the game for nigh on 10 yrs in Johns and his heir apparent in Benji. Both teams were playing well, it was a nice day, not too hot not too cold. Why do people have to be so sensitive about the crowd issue. All we want is for people to watch the WT in sufficient numbers whether they play at Leichhardt, Telstra, Campbelltown, Timbuktu or Christchurch


I love going to Leichhardt and have for the past twenty odd years and now I like going to Cambo.

Yes the crowd was disappointing but to say Leichhardt deserves an extra game and all of the other rubbish being spouted is just childish.

We won a comp together......fairdinkum, if you don't like then p***off


I love going to Leichhardt and have for the past twenty odd years and now like going to Cambo.

Yes the crowd was disappointing on Sunday but to carry on like some people have is just childish.

Leichhardt does not deserve an extra game and visa versa...it's quite simple.

We won a comp...fairdinkum some people are just morons.

If you don't like it then p***off.


Get what we are saying. None of us have a problem heading out there and we all do it. But support is a 2 way street. The WT support the people of macarthur and it should follow that the people of macarthur support the WT by turning up in sufficient numbers. End of story.


mulvihill said:
Get what we are saying. None of us have a problem heading out there and we all do it. But support is a 2 way street. The WT support the people of macarthur and it should follow that the people of macarthur support the WT by turning up in sufficient numbers. End of story.

But like what i`ve said 1000 times, we still have to play a fair share of games out of Campbelltown even if only 200 people were turning up to the games , because we have to show support to the juniors that are the future of the club. Right ???


mulvihill said:
Get what we are saying. None of us have a problem heading out there and we all do it. But support is a 2 way street. The WT support the people of macarthur and it should follow that the people of macarthur support the WT by turning up in sufficient numbers. End of story.

Generally speaking I think they have been turning up.

So I think this arguement is irrelevent at the moment, it just causes friction which is not needed.

If the Cambo crowds are poor for an extended period of time then you have an arguement.


mulvihill said:
But if only 200 turn up the club can't or won't survive will it ?

Put it this way, if the crowds were consistently still getting packed houses at Leichardt and consistently under 15,000 at Campbelltown, then i suppose it would then become an issue to be looked at. Wait and see how the next couple of crowds at Campbelltown are, then worry about it.

simon says

First Grade
On a positive swing....the crowds at Cambo have been good in the past,and I dont think anyone would really think that LO deserves more than Cambo......equal share has to be the way.

Im still really dissapointed in that crowd though....guess I thought we would get about 20k to all our real home games.
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