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Can someone please think up a different arguement....


I told you to go away.

Begone !!

I bet you cant contribute to my other posts, because Ray didnt tell you that did he ?
Firstly, you're incapable of making me go anywhere and secondly, why would I look at your "other " posts?

If this crap is anything to go by, I'd be comatose in minutes and I'm not due for my next coma 'til February when Uncle Ray comes back on Saturdays and my brain seizes up because I like his show.



Damn OVP, after copping that, i'd be off to the shade from whence YOU came.

Question, I'm yet to see a non-roosters fan stick up for the roosters. Are we all f**king idiots, and the roosters' fans are the most intelligent?


Perhaps you should form your own opinion ... it wouldnt hurt in a world full of media junkies who need "journalists" ... LMAO...to make their opinion for them.

What is the problem with a small rise in the cap ? I seriously cannot see one.
but of course, i dont read the papers ... so my opinion is actually my own. Whats wrong with giving players a little bit of the 600 million ?


ovp you state we should put this into perspective. all of a sudden your club is on the verge of losing players because of a salary cap which has been put in place to keep the lesser clubs turning over, a fact known to your two main advocates of your supposedley great club from day 1, now they can see what clubs such as bris, parra , dogs ,knightsand to a certain degree 3 to 4 other clubs have already gone through, and they dont like it . TUFF SH!T . now it is your turn to feel the heat and instead of thinking lateraly all your club can do is threaten the entire code. what you dont see is this is destabilising rl and the fact of the matter is that young guys will not want play in a code if there is no stability.you also state that rl players have a short life span in which to earn $$$$ what you dont realise is that great players play with pride and passion and $$$ will come on playing that way.You i am almost sure have never played the game and would not understand this.you are defending a hollow issue based on $$$$ and there is a lot more to life than that. you should stop trying to defend your quote "caffe latte sipping team " and look at the big picture . this will kill the game i love to watch especially the under 6's and like jnrs, its all about the kids who will grow up to be poached by your power hungry team. if you have ever been to a jnr rl carnival you will know what i mean ,you dont lure kids into doing things for money , they do it cause they love to do it ,only when they grow up and the likes of your bosses fill their heads with the same sh!t they they believe money , money money that things start to change. BY THE WAY HOW DOES IT FEEL TO HAVE KNOCKED THE DOGS AS THE MOST DESPISED TEAM IN THE COMP . EVERY TEAM WILL BE OUT TO KNOCK THE SHIT OUTTA YOU EVERY WEEK, HOW LONG CAN THESE BOYS TAKE IT =D>


OVP said:
Glenn said:
Hmmm seems the problems with the roosters are visible, to all except Rooster fans. How about you look at this from the bigger picture than just your club. Like it or not the game does not revolve around you

Do you think its great that the NRL receives $600 million just from TV rights alone, and yet refuse to help ANY club in any way whatsoever ? The NRL itself could even afford to actually pay for each clubs Salary Cap and still not have to make a paycut for all their exceedingly overpaid staff. But why wont they ?

Because their boss is the Kingpin, Mr Rupert Murdoch. Every single club, even the bottom clubs, pay their CEOs and coaches and coaching staff and general staff etc etc quite a handsome fee per year. So why is it that its the players themselves who are the ONLY ones to actually be forced to have pay-cuts FORCED upon them ? Because Rupert wants to recoup his investments .. thats why !! And therefore, you WILL NEVER see a rise in the Salary Cap until the Evil one gets his money back.

You people need some perspective ... these players are only in the game for a VERY short period of time. Why is it, that THEY who make the money, who make the game enjoyable to watch, who are the ones who drag the people through the gates ... i.e the The Players ... are the ONLY ones who are FORCED to have lower wages, and NOT the big-wigs of each club ??? Why is it ? Why do YOU allow this to happen ? The NRL has truckloads of money, but THEY GIVE NOTHING, SFA, BACK TO THE GAME !!

And yet its the players who are the "evil" ones according to the Telush!t.

Pfffttt go and grab a brain you idiots. I really wish i could find ANY truth in a newspaper, but you people seem to regard EVERY word as gospel.

You aint no supporters, you are ONLY helping the rich CEOs and the like get richer by believing that the Salary Cap actually works. Rubbish !!

The ONLY people hurt by the Salary Cap is the Players themselves ... shouldnt we, as a fair and decent code, be looking after them ? I wish i could say that its true. Isnt that what Rupert promised them ? Why isnt this the case, then ?

There are about 4 clubs lined up already, who can afford to pay players what they DESERVE, why keep the pathetically managed ones in the game at all ? Nothing will change with them, theyve already had shitloads of time to make their management work, but THEY ARE FAILURES. Good bye, and dont come back !!

Why cant you Chooks supporters see what all other clubs and supporters see...

The Players can still get good money, they just have to leave the club to do it BECAUSE of the cap. The cap is there to SPREAD the talent, not let a few cashed up teams hog them and dominate for years...

An equalibrium is what it is all about. A better game to watch and for supporters of ALL teams to follow is what it is all about.

OH, btw, if the NRL got $600m a year in TV rights, they could dance your club a merry dance for years in the courts untill packer and poltis were sick of chucking money at it. Infact I hope they force the Chooks to take this to court, keep it in the courts untill the end of next year and beyond, or untill the renewal of the NRL contracts are up, then dont send a renewal of that contract to the Chooks. This would mean your then fighting a court case for a game your not even involved in... just something more for you to ponder ;-)


So Aries believes in rewarding the administration people ONLY. Congratualtions, keep forcing our players OUT of OUR game, just because a very few clubs CANT GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER !!

Are you people aligned with Yawnion by any chance ?

Such intelligence ... let us forever reward the CEOs and do-nothings while the players dont get a payrise in OVER 6 f**king years.

You people should join the Freemasons.


OVP said:
So Aries believes in rewarding the administration people ONLY. Congratualtions, keep forcing our players OUT of OUR game, just because a very few clubs CANT GET THEIR sh*t TOGETHER !!

Are you people aligned with Yawnion by any chance ?

Such intelligence ... let us forever reward the CEOs and do-nothings while the players dont get a payrise in OVER 6 f**king years.

You people should join the Freemasons.

How soon we forget, OVP.

Those players have been OVERPAYED for the past six years, IMHO, and are only now just starting to get what the game can sustain. We had "nuffies" getting $250,000 a year during the SL war FFS.

If I remember correctly Freddy was approaching $1m a year in the SL days... NO PLAYER is worth that amount, not even Joey. This isn't the NFL with billion dollar TV rights and Millions of supporters for every club. The hard cold facts are that the game of Rugby League is now just starting to pick itself up off the floor after SL. Both parties of that war agree that the game was tearing itself to pieces and something had to be done or lose the game forever.

Your club, along with 21 others, then went about drawing up plans and a criterion to stop the rot. Many clubs went by the way side because of it, and as a national game, it may never recover to where it was pre SL, not for decades anyway.

Because of greed, arrogance and self-centeredness, it appears that your club wants to revisit those days. Make no mistake, the cap will be in or out after a court case. There will be no middle ground...


redeel said:
now they can see what clubs such as bris, parra , dogs ,knightsand to a certain degree 3 to 4 other clubs have already gone through, and they dont like it . TUFF SH!T

Do you seriously believe these clubs said nothing when they lost these players cause that is what you are implying. Everyone keeps cr@pping on how they copped it. In the end the NRL forced them to let them go but they tried every means bar legal action.

Remember every newspaper splashed with articles about Newcastle and the NRL to get concessions so they could keep Matty Johns?? How about Bronco's with Sailor going to Rugby, same deal. The NRL has slammed the door shut every time.

Then what happened, they left the game. They didnt go to a lesser club. This is where the Cap fails. Players are human and being human they want to go to a winning side. How many stars could have played for a few more years but chose to retire or go to the UK rather than finish their career and bottom of the ladder team and finishing with a low point. All the cap has done is reduced the retiring age of players. The teams constantly at the bottom of the ladder need to make their team attractive to get players. The cap isnt the miracle that just puts players into their team.

The point is every team when its in their interest have approached the NRL without success. The Roosters arent the first.


First Grade
sretsoor said:
redeel said:
now they can see what clubs such as bris, parra , dogs ,knightsand to a certain degree 3 to 4 other clubs have already gone through, and they dont like it . TUFF SH!T

Do you seriously believe these clubs said nothing when they lost these players cause that is what you are implying. Everyone keeps cr@pping on how they copped it. In the end the NRL forced them to let them go but they tried every means bar legal action.

Exactly. They recognised that legal action wasn't going to benefit anyone. They were laying in the bed they helped make. Rules are rules.

The roosters can whinge all they like, but it was the instant that they threatened legal action that they lost my sympathy.


westie said:
OVP said:
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
Renowned League Expert said:
These blokes have never had an original thought in their life -- and they're not likely to!

They're jealous of our club because we have enough dash and go in us to get what we want, and make progress. They're just dreamers, and always will be.

Jealous. lol

Jealous of a club that has turned whining into an art form?

Jealous of a club that's done nothing but piss and moan since they were beaten by a better team in the Grand Final?

Jealous of a club who cannot accept defeat because they think they should be unbeatable?

Jealous of a club who has supporters who still think that 2003 was a mirage and that they really won the grand final, they just haven't woken from the nightmare yet?

Jealous of a club who has a high profile representative coach on its books who can't do much more than tell everyone how wonderful he is?

Jealous of a club that is blaming the Salary Cap for its current woes of only having won one comp in the past two years? The same salary cap that every other club has?

Jealous of a club that is attempting to pervert the game I love for its own, blatantly selfish gain?

I don't think so.

Relatively speaking, the side I follow that has been crap since it was formed has overachieved based on my expectations. You expected to win the comp 2002 and did, you expected to win the comp in 2003 and didn't. I don't think I've ever seen a bunch of supporters trying to swallow a more bitter pill. You made the Saints supporters from '99 look positively benign in comparison.

I'm happy and you're a bitter twat. You and the other three of four scrotes that permeate these boards with your own brand of cyber-wank. Willow should be sending you a weekly dry cleaning bill.

And your club sucks the big fat one.

By the way, you really should consider changing your nickname. You should leave the word "League" in it but the other two words should be witheld from you due to incalculable misuse.

How about "Unknown League dope" ?

Your avatar offends me greatly.

You choose to have a picture of John Cleese, who is one of the funniest and truly talented comedians in human history. Who would NEVER stoop so low as to love the "establishment" , and who would merely have to post one single post in this forum and we'd ALL have respect for him.

You give him a bad name. Your intellect is miniscule, your bias is sensational, and you suck up to the "establishment" like all good sheep.

Go away, return back to the shades of WORL from whence you came. Their forums are back up and running, so all the idiots can go back to where they came from, and maybe this site will have some valuable discussions apart from Rooster bashing caused by the Great Evil of a Rag .. the Telucrap.

Cya later ... dont forget to say Hi to MattO for me.

ANOTHER hypocritical coment from a rooster. I believe you spent a bit of time at rleague aswell didnt you...
Yes we did..keeping the bastards honest.


ibeme said:
Renowned League Expert said:
They're jealous of our club because we have enough dash and go in us to get what we want, and make progress.

Translated: The roosters are spoilt brats who can't handle not getting things their own way, so decide to make everyone elses life a misery to spite them

translated: Canterbury are whores....sell their soul to Superleague and then do the most unusual thing - cheat on their salary cap which their board knew for ages...


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
OVP said:
Who gives a stuff?

well quiet frankly I don't - all the clowns in here are running around (excuse the pun) like a chook with their head cut off..

That includes you.

Now nothing has been decided on a legal front just a letter....

can anyone sit down and think for a while - why shouldn't ALL players get a pay rise...

Its the bottom dwellers - the last of the 25 players who would get some of the hard earnt cash. Name any person who works in Private industry or Government and those on the dole and pensions who don't receive a CPI increase??

Footballers don't...and don't tell me you would knock back a pay rise. It's going to happen sooner or later - the Salary cap has to rise! Maybe $400,000 in 2005 - which is when the Roosters have challenged it not 2004... Then 5 years time to $4m - but it certainly has to happen.

Clubs have now got a one year notice - can't they plan ahead or are they stupid??


ozzie said:
Its the bottom dwellers - the last of the 25 players who would get some of the hard earnt cash.

But there's the catch Oz, who says they will?

I know at The Dogs if we get an extra $500K to spend on the cap all's we'll do is punt a couple of Hughes's and then sign up Wing & Morley.

Doesn't mean anyone else in the joint is gonna get another red cent - especially Willie.

I'd imagine your lot would probably do something similar. I mean are you's gonna give Tood Byrne some extra cash or use it to buy Barrett and/or Thurston?

I know what I'd do.
ozzie said:
well quiet frankly I don't - all the clowns in here are running around (excuse the pun) like a chook with their head cut off..

That includes you.

You wish mate. I just enjoy your supporters painting bullseyes on their faces. They're defending the indefensible, that sort of attitude come with a cost.... ridicule.

ozzie said:
Now nothing has been decided on a legal front just a letter....

Derr, and we all know that your club will toe the line eventually. They're just doing a bit of chest thumping.

ozzie said:
can anyone sit down and think for a while - why shouldn't ALL players get a pay rise...

That doesn't mean the cap should be raised and anyone who can think straight knows that. It means rearranging your player roster, maybe even starting at the top. Every other club has accepted it, even Saints.

ozzie said:
Its the bottom dwellers - the last of the 25 players who would get some of the hard earnt cash. Name any person who works in Private industry or Government and those on the dole and pensions who don't receive a CPI increase??

Hard earned? Those blokes are doing something they love. Most of us silly sods would do it for free. That doesn't mean they don't deserve CPI rises but it's not the cap's fault if they don't get it.

ozzie said:
Footballers don't...and don't tell me you would knock back a pay rise. It's going to happen sooner or later - the Salary cap has to rise! Maybe $400,000 in 2005 - which is when the Roosters have challenged it not 2004... Then 5 years time to $4m - but it certainly has to happen.

No it doesn't. The game has a finite amount of money and without controls it'll go broke. And the people in charge of that money know a shitload more about it than you or I because we're not them. I'm for letting them run the game the way they see fit, they've brought it back from the brink and that's a good enough reason on its own.

If in 2 or 3 years the controls can be loosened then the cap will rise. But until then, the players will have to suck it up. They took the goodies during and after Stupid League, now it's time to repay the piper.

ozzie said:
Clubs have now got a one year notice - can't they plan ahead or are they stupid??

Yep, some of them are stupid, no argument, they'll eventually be weeded out, but not by anyone here.
By the way, it's good to see you having a say, I was beginning to think we'd never get an intelligent Roosters supporter here.