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Can you imagine the media outrage if this was a rugby league story


Its a bit of a non story because of the AFL rules and because its a non story.

recreational drugs are on a 3 strikes policy, with 2 strikes having the players results given to the club doctor for counselling. seriously, smoking pot does nothing for your athletic performance

performance enhancing drugs, like league incur an immediate 2 yr ban.

I take no notice of drugs/alcohol stories unless the player does something stupid (see Stewart) or they are performance enhancing. FMD there are 700+ AFL player and close to that number imn the NRL, moslty under 30. let em have some fun.


First Grade
You just do not get it. In fact you will never get it.

Watch this story get buried in the Melbourne media as quick as Dunning can scoff down a 20 piece feed.

There will be no hysteria, no follow up in the MELBOURNE MEDIA.

However if this was a RL story can you imagine the Sydney media scavengers going to work. They would demand players be named and would probably go back into the past in the hope of digging up some skeletons. NRL DRUG CRISIS!!!!! I can see the front page headline now.

You know how it is. Or maybe you don't.

agree with you 100%. it is a disgrace, our sport gets hounded by the media over abolsutely anything, it is front pages news in the papers, the major news story on tv. there are stories of a code in crisis, how women and kids are leaving the code in droves, of how we have a 'poisonous' culture etc. it is double standards, and i cant believe how well the afl do out of it. they make us look like saints off the field, yet they maintain a clean skin image by sweeping the stories under the carpet. imagine for one moment if 12 nrl players tested positive to drugs, some twice, and were still allowed to play.

El Diablo

Post Whore
I know that.

I also don't want to see these issues swept under the carpet.

I understand that some people would like to see equal weight given to 'scandals' in all the footy codes. But in Sydney, it is not going to happen. You start putting five pages of AFL in the papers , and the front and back pages, and no-one will buy them.

League sells. Scandal sells. Put them together and you are booming.

Same story featuring players from soccer, rugby or aussie rules - who cares?

then why do they show feel good AFL stories in Sydney?

never once do they show the sinister side of this disgusting sport

can you imagine if News services only ran stories on Ivan Milat helping little old ladies across the road when he was on trial?

there would've been riots when he was sent to jail if they hadn't reported the truth

parents do not know the dangers their children will encounter should they allow them to play AFL


First Grade
Its a bit of a non story because of the AFL rules and because its a non story.

recreational drugs are on a 3 strikes policy, with 2 strikes having the players results given to the club doctor for counselling. seriously, smoking pot does nothing for your athletic performance

performance enhancing drugs, like league incur an immediate 2 yr ban.

I take no notice of drugs/alcohol stories unless the player does something stupid (see Stewart) or they are performance enhancing. FMD there are 700+ AFL player and close to that number imn the NRL, moslty under 30. let em have some fun.

if 12 nrl players tested positive to recreational drugs of any kind, they would cop a massive suspension. just stop and think about how the media would report the story. if you cant see the difference, you are living in a dream world.


if 12 nrl players tested positive to recreational drugs of any kind, they would cop a massive suspension. Just stop and think about how the media would report the story. If you cant see the difference, you are living in a dream world.

nrl drug crisis/culture


And in Melbourne you'd think the same would apply.

But it never happens unless there's a monumental stuff up like Cousins. Yet even with the Cousins drama, AFL as a code and culture was never put under the spotlight.

We've seen what happens to people in the Melbourne media who bag the AFL. Just ask that Grant Thomas fella from a Melbourne radio station who dared speak up against the AFL. He is no longer in a job.

It's a much smaller place and AFL is the only game in town. Get offside with the AFL or it's fans and you are in deep.

Luckily this isn't the case across the country. Remember when Fitzgerald pulled leagues club adverts off Hadley's station? Doesn't matter in Sydney - big market & lots of competition. Could a station or paper in Melbourne act the same way and survive? Let alone thrive?

There are other examples of blatant media bias. Ever notice that if Fox doesn't own the rights to a sport it is not mentioned anywhere? Not even in the results or the sports news.

El Diablo

Post Whore
There are other examples of blatant media bias. Ever notice that if Fox doesn't own the rights to a sport it is not mentioned anywhere? Not even in the results or the sports news.

Fox Sports always wanked on about AFL even when Foxtel had the rights and they didn't

what are you on about :crazy:


then why do they show feel good AFL stories in Sydney?

never once do they show the sinister side of this disgusting sport

can you imagine if News services only ran stories on Ivan Milat helping little old ladies across the road when he was on trial?

there would've been riots when he was sent to jail if they hadn't reported the truth

parents do not know the dangers their children will encounter should they allow them to play AFL

Wasn't there a rumour that the AFL rights or advertising tearms came with provisos that so many column-inches or stories per week had to be run?

Also, don't underestimate the laziness of journos. If they can run a press release, they will. You wouldn't be able to run a straight press release about league. It is too well covered. Try it for a second-tier code and you'll probably get away with it.

El Diablo

Post Whore
nobody cares enough about them to even remember

and this is about the media bias between NRL and AFL


Yeah I've had a look at the Herald Sun site. Of the the 3 main HEADLINE feature stories with pics I see an AFL-themed one - it's titled CHASER v SAM

The AFL Drugs story is there but it certainly isn't a headline act.

Reni Maitua drugs story v 12 AFL players testing positive

I wonder which story will attact more space in the print version of the papers.

One can only guess.

So now we're gauging the importance of a news article on where it's situated on a front page? lol You can be guaranteed this drug story WILL be big down news down here and it certainly won't be swept under the carpet. Of course it'll get less coverage in Sydney because a sh*tload more people couldn't give a sh*t about AFL. What's so hard to understand about that?

As for the Greg Bird thing, it might surprise you but that got very little to no coverage down here in the print media and definitely none via the tv networks. Why? Because f**k all people give a toss about Greg Bird and wouldnt know him if they tripped over him.. Ask 50 randoms in Bourke St mall who he is and even show a picture of him and i bet my life that all 50 wouldn't have a clue, barring league fans of course.

Matty Johns got a run down here granted but that's more because he's a high profile channel 9 celebrity and the story was broadcast on a nationally viewed current affairs show. If that was an every day league player then it'd barely have caused a ripple down here, just like Bird didn't and just like 99% of any other indescretions don't in regards to rugby league.

Listen, i can understand your frustration that AFL stories up there don't go anywhere near as reported as league's but the answer is blatantly obvious why, nobody cares about AFL up there just as people don't care about the league stories down here. Believe it or not i used to have the same thinking as you before o moved down here but until i did i had no idea how little league is reported down here when it comes to these things.

If you read the HS print edition every day you'd be surprised yourself.


The AFL 3x strikes policy and drugs have been done to death over the past few years,during to Ben Cousins period it was talked about over and over,it is generally not new news or a breaking story,that is why it is not front page news.
Also illicit drugs and peformance enhancing drugs are determined differently.


So now we're gauging the importance of a news article on where it's situated on a front page? lol You can be guaranteed this drug story WILL be big down news down here and it certainly won't be swept under the carpet. Of course it'll get less coverage in Sydney because a sh*tload more people couldn't give a sh*t about AFL. What's so hard to understand about that?

12 NRL players test positive to drugs - now imagine what the Sydney media would do with that. They'd get a week's worth of culture degredation-themed stories out of it.

12 AFL players test positive to drugs - lets see how quickly the story gets buried in the Melbourne media after initially being reported.


So now we're gauging the importance of a news article on where it's situated on a front page? lol You can be guaranteed this drug story WILL be big down news down here and it certainly won't be swept under the carpet. Of course it'll get less coverage in Sydney because a sh*tload more people couldn't give a sh*t about AFL. What's so hard to understand about that?

As for the Greg Bird thing, it might surprise you but that got very little to no coverage down here in the print media and definitely none via the tv networks. Why? Because f**k all people give a toss about Greg Bird and wouldnt know him if they tripped over him.. Ask 50 randoms in Bourke St mall who he is and even show a picture of him and i bet my life that all 50 wouldn't have a clue, barring league fans of course.

Matty Johns got a run down here granted but that's more because he's a high profile channel 9 celebrity and the story was broadcast on a nationally viewed current affairs show. If that was an every day league player then it'd barely have caused a ripple down here, just like Bird didn't and just like 99% of any other indescretions don't in regards to rugby league.

Listen, i can understand your frustration that AFL stories up there don't go anywhere near as reported as league's but the answer is blatantly obvious why, nobody cares about AFL up there just as people don't care about the league stories down here. Believe it or not i used to have the same thinking as you before o moved down here but until i did i had no idea how little league is reported down here when it comes to these things.

If you read the HS print edition every day you'd be surprised yourself.

What the hell are you on about sunshine.

Answer me this, does every newspaper and every TV channel in Melbourne hammer AFL about it's inherit nasty AFL "culture" when incidents arise and then continue for weeks on end.


It is big news here in Adelaide...the whole Johns thing and Cronulla barely get a page in the paper.

It is horses for courses. Over here rugby league barely gets a mention for whatever reason locally. Some are paranoid. NSW is a league state so why would this AFL news be big news?
If I was the CEO of a National sports organisation which was also coincidentally part of a global news organisation, I would ensure that influences were brought to bear that ensured my sport didnt suffer black eyes at all (let alone in comparison to some other meaningless sports) from mainstream news outlets.

And if I wanted positive stories to infiltarte the same mainstream media then i would make it so.


It is big news here in Adelaide...the whole Johns thing and Cronulla barely get a page in the paper.

It is horses for courses. Over here rugby league barely gets a mention for whatever reason locally. Some are paranoid. NSW is a league state so why would this AFL news be big news?

Brutus isn't exactly known for his common sense or critical thinking.


Answer me this, does every newspaper and every TV channel in Melbourne hammer AFL about it's inherit nasty AFL "culture" when incidents arise and then continue for weeks on end.

The AFL pressures the media into only presenting positive spin.

12 positive samples - 2 of which are repeat offenders is a pathetic return.

Something should be done to clean up that sport.



The AFL pressures the media into only presenting positive spin.

12 positive samples - 2 of which are repeat offenders is a pathetic return.

Something should be done to clean up that sport.

Agreed, although AFL has a nice bigger partner...Rugby Union...to give them a helping hand.

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