I took him to the footy once, got him in the sheds after the game.
Two things:
1) He turned into the biggest fanboy, especially around Gal
2) He didn't tell his missus, she'd gone to the club when the game finished. Quigs was in the dog house.
Good times.
(1) Fake Nooze !!!! Fanboy in the Sheds hotly disputed. This by the way was Gals 200th game. Me and Gal. I tell youse the truth. I have not told anyone this to this day. Gal sought my advice and subsequently youse might of noticed something. I told the young fella back that night, mate if you want to make a name for yourself and one day bring it home to the Shire well, the plan is simple. Tackle anything that moves and always remember to demand the ball on the fourth, tuck it under your arm and head down and charge. I don't accept any credit for the 2nd October 2016 but I believe I can be credited with the possiblity of laying a good strong foundation stone.
(2) Quigs was not in the dog house. His poor wife was drawn asap to the shrills of the cluster of the pokies that habitate the club.
(3) Poor Quigs thought his kids had all grown and flown the coup that night. But BBB morphed into the biggest whinin' brat as the hours ticked over. I won't confess to witnessing him partaking of funny cigarettes but by 10pm all he wanted to do was feed his face. It was just like taking your kids on a roadtrip. "Dad I'm hungry" "Dad I'm hungry" "Dad, I'm hungry" .... talk about a bad case of the munchies.
Had to drive the prick back to the grubby Cazbah Maccas to shut him up. Then he was just like a school of piranhas feeding on his fries and cheese burgers. Lucky the joint was dark and dhingy. I was of the opinion that the poor sod had worms. Deadset I thought at any moment he'd start draggin' his arse across the floor.
But all in all it was a good time. Got to meet the Hon. Tom of Poland and 73'. Had a chat with Dammo and also got to yell at Premier Barry and got to laugh at Buzz as he walked past. What more could one ask for.