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Captain Crisis

Chippo Raiders

Bay56 said:
greeneyed said:
There is not one season ticket holder sitting around me who are happy with management. There is very widespread dissatisfaction in my view.

:shock: :shock:
susprise surprise ... funny how I've had similar experiences with the unfortunate fact that some wont be renewing their tickets next season .. true fans, dont know, but the fact is they will not pay their hard earned next season.

I work in a rugby union environment and most guys there think that Raiders management is doing just fine :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't like them but I don't want to ruin our club by fully exterminating them and all the coaching staff, it would literally send us broke and any guy who initiates that sort of manslaughter will definitley not be welcome in my house :evil:


First Grade
Chippo Raiders said:
Bay56 said:
greeneyed said:
There is not one season ticket holder sitting around me who are happy with management. There is very widespread dissatisfaction in my view.

:shock: :shock:
susprise surprise ... funny how I've had similar experiences with the unfortunate fact that some wont be renewing their tickets next season .. true fans, dont know, but the fact is they will not pay their hard earned next season.

I work in a rugby union environment and most guys there think that Raiders management is doing just fine :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't like them but I don't want to ruin our club by fully exterminating them and all the coaching staff, it would literally send us broke and any guy who initiates that sort of manslaughter will definitley not be welcome in my house :evil:

are you sure you were responding to the correct post chippo :?: :?:


greeneyed said:
He doesn't have to. He doesn't own the club. And we won't have one if the current management continues on like it is. My plan... get some decent management consultants (people who understand sport) and review the whole organisation... get them to make some recommendations about the structures and who we need in it. Then do it.
You've got to be kidding me! Our management is not THAT bad... my goodness. We don't need to "sack the lot of them" we don't need independent inquiries, we need to see how we go next season, and people who are going to wait and see how our improvements turn out. Our management learned from their mistakes of not recruiting for 2004, and they have learnt their lesson. People need to see the positive side every so often, instead of being incredibly one-eyed about the whole situation. I would love to see all you guys who are criticising them do a better job, because I imagine none of you would have any idea.

Just give all the bickering a rest... I appreciate that we're on a forum here, where the whole point is to have differing oppinions. After all, what would be the point of the forum if we all had the same opinion? We do share one thing though, and that is the desire to see the raiders perform well, but seriously... some of the stuff that is popping up is ridiculous, and hasn't been thought through at all...

Raider_69 said:
i know 6 blokes that dont post here that are all livid at management

WHOAH!!!!!! Six blokes!!! Man we're in trouble.... :roll:


Post Whore
raiders_boy said:
Raider_69 said:
i know 6 blokes that dont post here that are all livid at management

WHOAH!!!!!! Six blokes!!! Man we're in trouble.... :roll:

i was mearly stating that all the people i know that are raiders fans and i know 6 of them, they are livid. if thats anything to go by then there are alot more out there... ffs dude, look at the bigger picture :roll:

if all 6 raiders fans that i know well are unhappy about management chances are there are alot more of them out there, from what bay and greeneyed are saying, im right and there are more then the "three" tonio said there was

I bet half the people in the elections couldnt do a better job running the country then Howard... does that mean they shouldnt have a say anything and just shut up knowing there are plenty better out there (in there opinions) that could run it better like Lathem supporters? of corse not idiot, i means they should follow their opinion... Bulgarelli would run over the top of anyone on this forum i recon, does that mean he should be in first grade? f**k no, but he can do better than all of us so i guess we should all just cop it sweet ay raiders boy? :roll: :roll:

Thats the exact type of head in the sand stuff that has us in this situation, "he can do better then me so who am i to complain". They may be better off than you me and every other joe bloggs on this forum but their are plenty out there that can run the place better

and you say we (the negos) are looking at things with one eye open, i dont settle for crap, if i can do it better or not fine dosnt matter its irrelevent, but there are plenty out there that can do it better. those are the ones i want running the club


First Grade
Actually, I am a manager and I know what I'm talking about. A club that is well managed doesn't produce the results we have. The retention program this year was a farce! People organising the pie stall could have done better. And our situation is more serious than people seem to think. The challenge of rugby union is not just a challenge... it is looking like Everest at the moment, because of incompetent management over a long period. The current management has not fixed things. People who think otherwise truly have their heads in the sand.

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
So I'm guessing your all bandwagon supporters, who just started supporting the Raiders after they won a premiership so that's what you base your expectations on? Nothing is perfect, we are going to go through high's and lows. Don't think everything is goin go be rosy and sweet forever. FFS pull ur heads ouf the the sand and get back to reality. Get behind our club, support it, and success will come. Look at the Panthers, Look at the Cowboys. No one rated them, and they did very very well. If we get behind our team, anything is acheievable, but if you got ppl who continue to put everything into a negative perspective, nothing will ever happen.


Post Whore
Raiders 2005 said:
So I'm guessing your all bandwagon supporters, who just started supporting the Raiders after they won a premiership so that's what you base your expectations on? Nothing is perfect, we are going to go through high's and lows. Don't think everything is goin go be rosy and sweet forever. FFS pull ur heads ouf the the sand and get back to reality. Get behind our club, support it, and success will come. Look at the Panthers, Look at the Cowboys. No one rated them, and they did very very well. If we get behind our team, anything is acheievable, but if you got ppl who continue to put everything into a negative perspective, nothing will ever happen.

you tell bay not to assume things about the way the club is run yet go off making assumptions of your own that we are all "bandwagon" fans. Is it so wrong to want the club we love to be a success!?

The cowboys and penrith have always had good management behind them, especially penrith, Richardson is a major reason why they won the premiership tonio... and hawkins, furner jr and co sure as hell arnt a shade on Richardson.

Nothing will ever change if people continue to be rossy and happy with everything that is going on, burying your head with the idea that everything will be ok. We all stll support the same club mate, we are all passionate and love this club, i, like everyone else here isnt going to stop supporting the raiders but that dosnt mean we have to have blind optimism like some here, i prefer my club to be successful and my problem is with the current management and coach combined i dont think that is possible, that is my opinion.

Tonio, you stop trying to tell people how to support the club, if they disagree with you it makes them no less a supporter, labelling loyal fans "bandwagons" and telling them to "go support another club" for having a differing opinion is not any way to go about it mate, thats what i think anyways


First Grade
Raiders 2005 said:
So I'm guessing your all bandwagon supporters, who just started supporting the Raiders after they won a premiership so that's what you base your expectations on? Nothing is perfect, we are going to go through high's and lows. Don't think everything is goin go be rosy and sweet forever. FFS pull ur heads ouf the the sand and get back to reality. Get behind our club, support it, and success will come. Look at the Panthers, Look at the Cowboys. No one rated them, and they did very very well. If we get behind our team, anything is acheievable, but if you got ppl who continue to put everything into a negative perspective, nothing will ever happen.

As many know, I am not a bandwagon supporter. I have supported the club since inception in 1982. I have seen worse times at this club than you can ever even imagine. And I still strongly support the team. Don't presume we don't, or are "bandwagon" supporters, because we don't think current management is all that flash.


I think you've created a problem for yourself with that bandwagon comment there mate. Look, the simple fact is that it's hard for someone to get interested in a sport before the age of 5 or 6 yes? Well, I was 6 years old when the Raiders won in 1989, and I've noticed there are a lot of people here around my age.

Does that mean, that just because I started supporting the Raiders then that I'm a bandwagon supporter? Hell no. If they were getting the wooden spoon year after year I would still support them. But I was lucky, our greatest successes were in the period I started watching, and for the first 6 or 7 years we were a huge force in the competition.

After a start like that, I found it hard to get used to the idea of just being a middle of the road team. Now I want the team to get back to the dizzying heights of when I started watching. But I'm realistic and know it's going to take some time. Sure management have made some mistakes in the past, but the most positive thing for me is that they are doing things to rectify it.

I know your post wasn't aimed at me Antonio, but I didn't like the bandwagon comment.

One thing I am confused about though... I've heard time and again that we need to get back some of those people involved in the club's golden era into coaching and management positions. We do that with David Furner, and people complain that it's jobs for the boys. Can't have it both ways guys.


Post Whore
One thing I am confused about though... I've heard time and again that we need to get back some of those people involved in the club's golden era into coaching and management positions. We do that with David Furner, and people complain that it's jobs for the boys. Can't have it both ways guys.

yep fair point skeepe
but i think they were talking in reguards to people who have had some sort of expereience, unfortunatly none were available all being still contracted so Dave will have to do (no disrespect to dave) :clap: :mrgreen:


Raider_69 said:
raiders_boy said:
Raider_69 said:
i know 6 blokes that dont post here that are all livid at management

WHOAH!!!!!! Six blokes!!! Man we're in trouble.... :roll:

I bet half the people in the elections couldnt do a better job running the country then Howard... does that mean they shouldnt have a say anything and just shut up knowing there are plenty better out there (in there opinions) that could run it better like Lathem supporters? of corse not idiot
Your English is no better than your spelling, so I don't understand that at all...

Raider_69 said:
and you say we (the negos) are looking at things with one eye open, i dont settle for crap, if i can do it better or not fine dosnt matter its irrelevent, but there are plenty out there that can do it better. those are the ones i want running the club

Look mate, thats fair enough. I want the best running our club too... We just have to give these guys a chance first. As I have said, IMO they have learnt from their mistakes of 2004. Now we should give them 2005 to see if they really have.

If you can locate and contact the ones who are better at running our club, then go right ahead, but it ain't gonna happen, so just get behind them, give them credit where credit is due (all the time... not just when you feel like it) and if next year is a complete disaster, and we see that management and coaching staff have learnt nothing, then criticise all you like. Until then, or until you can change things, give it a rest.


Raider_69 said:
but i think they were talking in reguards to people who have had some sort of expereience

Yet you people were saying we need Laurie Daley back to coach? What experience does he have, other than being an assistant?

As a head coach, he has as much experience as Furner. They all have to start somewhere though.


Post Whore
raiders_boy said:
Raider_69 said:
raiders_boy said:
Raider_69 said:
i know 6 blokes that dont post here that are all livid at management

WHOAH!!!!!! Six blokes!!! Man we're in trouble.... :roll:

I bet half the people in the elections couldnt do a better job running the country then Howard... does that mean they shouldnt have a say anything and just shut up knowing there are plenty better out there (in there opinions) that could run it better like Lathem supporters? of corse not idiot
Your English is no better than your spelling, so I don't understand that at all...

its pretty simple mate, your said in your post "I would love to see all you guys who are criticising them do a better job, because I imagine none of you would have any idea. " so based on that thoery all who couldnt do a better job themselves have no right to critise, i was making a comparision with this to the recent election. In which most if not all who oppose Howard/Lathem could do no better then them. Based of your idea they would then have no right to critise those who are running it... which is utter crap IMO

raiders_boy said:
Raider_69 said:
and you say we (the negos) are looking at things with one eye open, i dont settle for crap, if i can do it better or not fine dosnt matter its irrelevent, but there are plenty out there that can do it better. those are the ones i want running the club

Look mate, thats fair enough. I want the best running our club too... We just have to give these guys a chance first. As I have said, IMO they have learnt from their mistakes of 2004. Now we should give them 2005 to see if they really have.

If you can locate and contact the ones who are better at running our club, then go right ahead, but it ain't gonna happen, so just get behind them, give them credit where credit is due (all the time... not just when you feel like it) and if next year is a complete disaster, and we see that management and coaching staff have learnt nothing, then criticise all you like. Until then, or until you can change things, give it a rest.

Ive said i would give the coach this year to prove his worth, he has had one shit season and one decent season, alot would argue the decent season occured due to no one really taking us seriously. But management have had 100 chances, the way they treated Wiki and Davico... and even now if reports are true Woolford, its smacks of Stuart/Clyde... and those clowns are the reason Clyde is media manager for the dogs and stuart head coach for the roosters... would love to have those guys back here but piss poor management has made that almost the impossible. I dont want to see that happen again, unfortunatly it has. Thats all i need for me to want them shafted


Post Whore
skeepe said:
Raider_69 said:
but i think they were talking in reguards to people who have had some sort of expereience

Yet you people were saying we need Laurie Daley back to coach? What experience does he have, other than being an assistant?

As a head coach, he has as much experience as Furner. They all have to start somewhere though.

good point
but having experience some where is better than no where
dont get me wrong skeepe, im more than happy with furner being back at the club, and as you say, ya gotta start somewhere and im happy for him to start where he is, im just saying understand where they are coming from with their point on Furners lack of experience :)


Yeah I know, it's not aimed at you specifically, just something I found strange. Btw I find it pretty funny that I make something up about The Rock playing for the US and you post it in the NRL forum as a rumour you've heard :lol:

I'll be interested to see how far this one goes...


Post Whore
skeepe said:
Yeah I know, it's not aimed at you specifically, just something I found strange. Btw I find it pretty funny that I make something up about The Rock playing for the US and you post it in the NRL forum as a rumour you've heard :lol:

I'll be interested to see how far this one goes...

:lol: :lol: :lol:
i know its bullshit
im hoping rebecca wilson catches a glimps of it :lol: :lol:

i can see it now:

We hate: That idiot Gehrig for pissing on that female
We Love: the tri series
A for effort: The rock wanting to play for the tomahawks :roll: :cry: :lol:


my final verdict: give the management/coach one more season. i almost want to see us fail, though, so we can axe the coach for someone a bit less boring and Brian Smith-like. cos even if we succeed playing boring, i'm not gonna be completely satisfied (unless we make the GF or win the comp.)

btw, did Elliott start coaching in 2001 or 2002?


First Grade
Kris_man said:
my final verdict: give the management/coach one more season. i almost want to see us fail, though, so we can axe the coach for someone a bit less boring and Brian Smith-like. cos even if we succeed playing boring, i'm not gonna be completely satisfied (unless we make the GF or win the comp.)

btw, did Elliott start coaching in 2001 or 2002?

2002. He was Mal's assistant in 2001 so as to be ready to take over for the start of 02. However the troubles we had in 2001 led to Mal 'stepping aside' for the last half of the season and only be head coach 'in name only.'

Apparently Matty was calling the shots for the last half of 01.

And while Bay56 and others may be anti-Elliott, no one can see Mal was a better coach. He was terrible.


First Grade
Kris_man said:
my final verdict: give the management/coach one more season. i almost want to see us fail, though, so we can axe the coach for someone a bit less boring and Brian Smith-like. cos even if we succeed playing boring, i'm not gonna be completely satisfied (unless we make the GF or win the comp.)

btw, did Elliott start coaching in 2001 or 2002?

elliot already has one more season Kris .... are you advocating one more after that :cry: :?