Ridders needs sleep.
Pulled an all-nighter for the cricket and stayed up to watch the 4 nations.
Was worth it to see our boys prove themselves as the greatest club side in T20 history.
Smith is a very interesting bowler.
Too many of the balls he bowled were complete rubbish, but he mixed that up with several balls that were unplayable and unreadable.
I think he can really turn into our next spin king - all he needs to do is to get rid of the rubbish deliveries, and maybe get the good ones on the stumps, because the batsmen weren't good enough to get near them when he got the flight, dip and spin happening.
:lol: he'll have 1 night at least before he comes back down to reality.lucky Liverpool aren't playing tonight
That will come with time, if he continues to work hard on his bowling. The hardest part of being a quality spinner isn't bowling the rippers, but rather limiting the amount of rubbish balls you deliver.
As you indicated, could be one for the future.
Well now we know that NSW, not Victoriania, are the best club 20/20 side in the galaxy.
I see smith as more of an all-rounder whose spin bowling is a very handy convenience.