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Channel 9 Blows Dog


I look forward to seeing what the Dragons have to look forward to in the No.6 jersey next season tomorrow night :shock:

Father Ted

First Grade
Willow said:
No.You can call it whatever you like but I think you're getting loans and affiliates mixed up with ownership.
WIN Corp is privately owned by Oberon Broadcasters, which I understand is owned or controlled by Bruce Gordon.
And apart from everything else, the employee reportedly told the MRC without Channel 9's knowledge. To be believed or not.

I'm having a bit of trouble believing a junior employee took the intellectual property of his / her employer away from his place of work without the knowledge or permission of anyone involved at the station ? Is that theft ? Has he been sacked or at least had a counciling session about proper proceedure ?


Assistant Moderator

The Preacher

First Grade
I'll help him go underground if he needs a hand. If any of his more senior employees wish to join him, I'll give them a hand also. :evil:

This whole situation stinks to high hell.


This is all very amusing.

Obviously it's more important that a certain process is followed than Barrett is punished for his actions.

FYI, it has always been the case that anyone, even you or I, can alert the match review committee to an incident provided we have evidence.

A tape of the incident sounds like evidence to me.

Thus, you can't just call them and say 'Hey I saw this happen on the weekend'.

Anyway, I reiterate, :lol:


Rain douses Dragons' fire
By Steve Mascord
June 3, 2006

TELEVISION crews at sporting events rarely welcome the rain but last night at Oki Jubilee Stadium it may well have been a blessing for employees of Channel Nine.

Added security was put on last night for Nine employees at the home of the Dragons after a number of threats were made in internet chat rooms in response to the Trent Barrett suspension earlier this week.

It was Nine tape operator Rohan Carroll who uncovered damning video evidence and sent it to the NRL which resulted in Barrett being charged for striking Newcastle winger Brian Carney.
Internet posts earlier yesterday called on fans to "give it to" anyone working for the network at last night's clash against Parramatta, with sideline eye Matthew Johns singled out for special abuse.
But as the game kicked off and the rain continued, there was barely a spectator within 10 metres of Johns with fans huddling under the cover of the stands and he later said he had no problems at all.
Dragons chief executive Peter Doust said of the threats: "Our supporters are bigger than that, it wouldn't cross their minds."
But it did. Some of the messages posted on the chat sites included:
"As far as I'm concerned, anything with Channel 9 written on it come Friday night is fair game.

I say as soon as any Channel 9 person walks on our hallow turf Friday night, they cop it, and cop it royally," from Ribs.

The Daily Telegraph

Good work Ribs. Getting in the paper for trying to start riots at Kograh



:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Apparently Im a lunatic now, thanks Steve. While my comments werent meant to incite physical violence of any kind, when read in that context they dont seem very nice....

Beep beep beep beep Ribs is in reverse.


Assistant Moderator
HevyDevy said:
Obviously it's more important that a certain process is followed than Barrett is punished for his actions.
Trolls. You still don't get it do you?

No one is saying Barrett shouldn't cop the punishment. This is a discussion about the issues of due process and the tail wagging the dog.

Its a worthwhile topic which can affect any team, and it looks to me like you don't want to see the subject matter being discussed. Keep up or keep out.


Assistant Moderator
Ribs said:

Apparently Im a lunatic now, thanks Steve. While my comments werent meant to incite physical violence of any kind, when read in that context they dont seem very nice....

Beep beep beep beep Ribs is in reverse.
=>Ch 9 blows dog thread.

Just scanning the article from the Telegraph as well.

btw, you've done nothing to reverse over Ribs. Have to laugh at the overeaction from Steve Mascord.


Assistant Moderator
Article and pic:

Click clipping for larger image

In a time where the media is consistently looking for ways to make the news rather than report the news, I guess we shouldn't be surprised by this 'article' from the Telegraph.

However, it is a little surprising to see it from Steve Mascord who normally plays with a fairly straight bat.

Let me say up front that I would like to invite, nay challlenge, Steve Mascord to make a contribution to the forums. Steve, we'd more than happy to discuss matters on this level playing field. That is instead lurking and lifting posts as part of your research.

From your crystal ball, the inference seems to be that it was the weather which doused the aggro and if it wasn't for the rain, there would have been violence against the channel 9 staff - a load of rubbish offcourse.

I also had to have a laugh at the bit about, "there was barely a spectator within 10 metres of Johns." Well geez Steve... do you think that might have been because they were behind the fence? Doing what spectators do... that is, watching the game....?

And they were not all 'huddling under cover' as you suggest. Many braved the elements, and the photo in the article makes your claim look all the more hilarious.

There was never of threat or an intention to harm anyone. It was going to be a verbal ribbing at the very worst.

I also note that you've searched the internet looking for something to back up the mudrake, and the best you could come up with is that someone is going to: "cop it, and cop it royally". Please....

In any case Steve, you are obviously getting the passion of a supporter mixed up with threats. I can but imagine the hysteria if someone actually threw a plastic cup in Matty Johns' direction.


Willow said:
=>Ch 9 blows dog thread.

Just scanning the article from the Telegraph as well.

btw, you've done nothing to reverse over Ribs. Have to laugh at the overeaction from Steve Mascord.

Its just another useless reporter trying to get an inside scoop because he otherwise has nothing. Low act from another form of Media, trying to blow things out of proportion and distort the facts to big name himself.

Well done Steve, next time I see an article by you I will remember to not bother reading it and inform others of the way you get your stories.


I preferred him when he wrote heavy metal articles in The Drum, under the nic "Loudmouth".


First Grade
Willow said:
No one is saying Barrett shouldn't cop the punishment. This is a discussion about the issues of due process and the tail wagging the dog.

Its a worthwhile topic which can affect any team, and it looks to me like you don't want to see the subject matter being discussed. Keep up or keep out.

I'd just like to know what the issue is?

The fact remains, justice was done. Why is it relevant how the footage gets in the hands of the match review commitee? Isn't it Nine's job to hand all angles to them anyway? He just made their job easier by singling out the incident.


Assistant Moderator
With respect, I would have thought it was pretty obvious.

It opens up a whole can of worms regarding consistency and who is calling the shots.

The judiciary and the Match Review Committee haven't been the most consistent in the past and now that have opened themselves to more inconsistency than ever before.

Do you really want a partial observer looking for dirt in every game? Would Rohan Carroll, who is apparently a Manly supporter, have felt morally obliged to report a head high tackle if Steve Menzies was the perpetrator?

Rohan, or whoever was instructing him, isnt paid for this. Its not his job and why would he want the work? Its was not Nine's job to be the MRC's reviewer.
It is the MRC's job to find these things out. There should be some sort of statute of limitations.

No problem with the end result. Its the method which should be questioned. What about all the other little things that were missed? Does the MRC now have to look at every match from that weekend? What counts as being submissible and not submissible? Who decides...? Apparently its a junior sub editor at channel nine, acting on his own, if you believe that.

And I can assure I would have the same criticism if it was Nathan Hindmarsh or anyone if they were suspended in this manner. I'd still agree with the verdict but I would be asking questions as to how we got to this stage where anonymous people are doing the MRC's job for them.

Even Steve Crawley (Channel Nine Sports Director) thought it wasn't right when he reportedly phoned the Dragons Club and apologised. according to the SMH (that paper Steve Mascord used to write for), he said he was “uncomfortable with Nine policing rugby league”.


I heard That Steve Crawley was a Dragons fan though...if so I think we would see why he is not happy with the situation.

In regards to the whole issue, Im not a fan of people dobbing other people in...its just not the way I was brought up.

Looking at the big picture I would look to the FA Premier League and the NFL to see how they handle similar situations.


ParraDude_Jay said:
I'd just like to know what the issue is?

Well, you wouldn't hear of it happening at the AFL. The tail shouldn't wag the dog. In this case its the fleas on the dogs d*ck who are are calling the shots.