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Chasers handing out fake weapons

Red Bear

Going downhill? last night was a top episode. Animal segmant wasnt the best but the rest was hilarious


You can watch the bulldogs segment online mms://media3.abc.net.au/tv/chaser/war/broadband/20060721_2200/story1hi.wmv

It should stream in media player.

Funny stuff. Still can't believe he got arrested for this.

Other videos can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/tv/chaser/war/


Assistant Moderator
cainen said:
You can watch the bulldogs segment online mms://media3.abc.net.au/tv/chaser/war/broadband/20060721_2200/story1hi.wmv

It should stream in media player.

Funny stuff. Still can't believe he got arrested for this.

Other videos can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/tv/chaser/war/
lol. Obviously not all Bulldogs suporters are miserable buggers. Quite a few seemed to get the joke.

There's one bloke laughing and yet in at least one publication he is photographed with the false caption, 'angered Bulldogs supporters'.


Assistant Moderator
i just like them showing up how much the situation was blown out of proportion.

For a start, the claim about him handing out packets with 'rape' written on the box is a load of rubbish. People will say anything from behind a keyboard.

And I think we can put racist claim to rest as well. There was no reference to Lebanese people whatsover.

The Chaser guy said, "I'm a big a Dog's supporter, I'm the one who gave them the rohypnol!" - and he held up a packet with 'rohypnol' written on it.

It was obviously a send up of the players and past allegations.


First Grade
Willow said:

For a start, the claim about him handing out packets with 'rape' written on the box is a load of rubbish. People will say anything from behind a keyboard.

The Chaser guy said, "I'm a big a Dog's supporter, I'm the one who gave them the rohypnol!" - and he held up a packet with 'rohypnol' written on it.
I'm sure I saw a photo of a white packet with RAPE wriiten on it in big black letters.
It was funny - amazing how p/c people are in this country - what also is funny is these m/e's dogs people supporting a football team who wears blue and white which is the same colour of the flag of a certain m/e country they all hate. how crazy is that :crazy:

not many m/e's wearing a bulldogs jumper down the main street of beirut i don;t suppose


Assistant Moderator
nqboy said:
I'm sure I saw a photo of a white packet with RAPE wriiten on it in big black letters.
Where did you see that?

The video and still pics in the media don't show that.

Even if there was, what context was it delivered in?


First Grade
Can't recall. It was too long ago and I didn't see the context or caption, just the photo.


Assistant Moderator
nqboy said:
Can't recall. It was too long ago and I didn't see the context or caption, just the photo.
It was only a week or two ago. lol

Well in that case, if you can't recall, can we assume that you can't recall it well enough to be sure?

Truth be known, I had reason to do a fair bit of research on it. I couldn't find anything where the word 'rape' was printed on a packet, other than what someone said in another forum.

According to this report, The pic below shows items confiscated by the police. Presumably it contains the evidence that will be used in court and therefore it is a fair bet that this is everything the chaser guy was carrying in his kit.

Police confiscated a number of fake weapons that were being hawked by The Chaser team to Bulldogs supporters.
Photo: Jacky Ghossein
Source: The Sun Herald

The blue and white packs are the same as the one he held up on camera. Looks like 'rohypnol' is written on the packets. The chaser guy said on TV they were rohypnol. No sign or sound of the word 'rape'.

I'm happy to be shown otherwise, but until then, it just looks another part of the story that has been blown out of context.


First Grade
Willow said:
The blue and white packs are the same as the one he held up on camera. Looks like 'rohypnol' is written on the packets. The chaser guy said on TV they were rohypnol. No sign or sound of the word 'rape'.

I'm happy to be shown otherwise, but until then, it just looks another part of the story that has been blown out of context.

Rohypnol is a date rape drug. The other items are knives, knuckle dusters, and other illegal items that are used to joke about past ugly incidents involving the Bulldogs. In that context I fail to see what else a date rape drug could possibly be representing other than rape.


Assistant Moderator
Thank you ibeme. I know what Rohypnol is - or more importantly, what it has become known as.

But with respect, I think you missed the point of what nqboy and I were debating.

Some people claim to have seen the word written there. Its possible they reacted to the word association and saw what they wanted to see. For want a better description, its almost a Pavlov's Dog response.

As for it offending you. Oh well, some people just don't get it. Each to their own I guess.


First Grade
Willow said:
It was only a week or two ago. lol

Well in that case, if you can't recall, can we assume that you can't recall it well enough to be sure?

Truth be known, I had reason to do a fair bit of research on it. I couldn't find anything where the word 'rape' was printed on a packet, other than what someone said in another forum.

According to this report, The pic below shows items confiscated by the police. Presumably it contains the evidence that will be used in court and therefore it is a fair bet that this is everything the chaser guy was carrying in his kit.

Police confiscated a number of fake weapons that were being hawked by The Chaser team to Bulldogs supporters.
Photo: Jacky Ghossein
Source: The Sun Herald

The blue and white packs are the same as the one he held up on camera. Looks like 'rohypnol' is written on the packets. The chaser guy said on TV they were rohypnol. No sign or sound of the word 'rape'.

I'm happy to be shown otherwise, but until then, it just looks another part of the story that has been blown out of context.
Certainly the evidence here does point that way and chances are you are right. I still have this nagging doubt my lord...


fourplay said:
The show is going downhill fast.

The segment with the animals wasn't funny at all. Just extremely distasteful and disrespectful to people who fight for a just cause.

Awww, they didnt upset you did they sunshine?

The show is brilliant, the animal segment was definately not their funniest - but the rest of the episode had plenty of great laughs.

Green Machine

First Grade
Willow said:

For a start, the claim about him handing out packets with 'rape' written on the box is a load of rubbish. People will say anything from behind a keyboard.

And I think we can put racist claim to rest as well. There was no reference to Lebanese people whatsover.

The Chaser guy said, "I'm a big a Dog's supporter, I'm the one who gave them the rohypnol!" - and he held up a packet with 'rohypnol' written on it.

It was obviously a send up of the players and past allegations.

Last week, the Chaser guy was on John Stanley’s show on 2UE and he said he lives in Croydon Park and follows AFL. No mention of being a Bulldogs fan,


Assistant Moderator
Green Machine said:
Last week, the Chaser guy was on John Stanley’s show on 2UE and he said he lives in Croydon Park and follows AFL. No mention of being a Bulldogs fan,
lmao. You think so?

Very astute and I'm sure you're right GM. Perhaps the chaser guy is not a Bulldogs fan. :D


those balacalvas look pretty good, i wouldn't mind one and go to a fancy dress party as tism

Green Machine

First Grade
Willow said:
lmao. You think so?

Very astute and I'm sure you're right GM. Perhaps the chaser guy is not a Bulldogs fan. :D

I won’t have a clue who the Chaser follows. I don’t watch the show. I usually watch Friday Night Football. I’m only saying what the guy said on radio last week. John Stanley (a dragons fan) was one of the few people in the media who defended him and had him on his show to give his side of the story. If you want to call me a liar, so be it,

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