It's not regulating you though, the period you get on the pill isn't a real one.
It's an unnecessary medication, it's used to tear hormone imbalances when it doesn't really do that, because once you take it away the problem returns. Most doctors don't try and treat the underlying causes if the hormone imbalanceimbalance and that should be their priority because having that hormone balance is one of the keys to better health.
Dani,and any other girls reading this thread, I would suggest you speak with other health professionals before taking this advice as gospel.
the pill does not impact on your fertility necessarily.In fact there is some research suggesting that women who take the pill for several years are actually more fertile after ceasing it than their counterparts that didnt take it.This is because they have less uterine lining issues because they haven't had the same activity in that area( in lay terms)
The pill can be a godsend to peri menopausal women in regulating what are sometimes unbearable symptoms.It is a good first line of defence in the often crippling acne suffered by some women.It has infinitely less side effects than the often next line of defence ( roacitane ...not sure how that's spelt)
and it remains the best ,most empowering method of birth control for most women.
there are a few women who it doesn't suit I know,but when you aren't in that minority group it can be very useful