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Commentators and Hayne

What technique will the commentators use on Hayne next week?

  • For taking the field - a nutcup

    Votes: 29 54.7%
  • Getting his hands on the ball - a bit of light kissing and fondling

    Votes: 26 49.1%
  • Throwing a pass - massage with happy ending

    Votes: 30 56.6%
  • Making a tackle - third base

    Votes: 28 52.8%
  • Scoring a try - Brokeback Mountain

    Votes: 43 81.1%

  • Total voters


LOL was that the Cowboys fan? I came back in the lounge at the end of her call and I was having a laugh.

How about the Raiders fan from QLD? "Yeah he's a good player there's no doubt about that, but let's not get to carried away with all this "Haynetraaaaain" stuff"

The way he said Haynetrain was hilarious.

But yeah Hayne was terrible for the first 30 mins of that game. Not even average, he was TERRIBLE. The first try seemed to kick him into gear. His positional play was still poor in the 2nd half though. Bit of a mixed bag from Jarryd last night.

You gotta love Raiders fans.....they tell it how it is! ;-)


The defence from both sides was woeful and they will both be cannon fodder for any half decent team in the semis.
Hayne scored a couple of very good tries but was lacking in other skills as well, he as quick to switch off as he is to switch on which is no good for your teamates.

Laurie Daley considers himself bigger than the game, he wants to be a NSW selector for the kudos it gives him but when he fails in his task as a selector, as he has done the last 3 years or more, he gets very defensive and tries to blame others like the players and coaches etc.

His commentary is plain dull, he has no wit and makes no credible observations on the game, he has his pet players and that is it!


Sterlo is one of the least biased commentators there is. It's exactly why I like him. He calls it like it is.

He's the first to rip Parramatta when he thinks they're playing like balls whereas you get other ex guys who make excuses.

Hayne, Benji and Idris are the three worst that come to mind in terms of the media circle jerk.

Perfect example was Idris' two missed tackles that directly led to a try against the Dragons that night but he was praised for chasing only to miss it again. :lol:

Gould is probably the worst of the lot. His man love for Benji and Gasnier (with Soward picking up the slops) is unrivalled. His d must burst through his trousers like an alien every time they take the field.


Commentators do carry on, but hyping up superstars, even if they may not be neccessarily always deserving of the title, is neccessary for selling the game and inspiring the kids.

LU does carry on, but thats the point of it. Its a place for football fans to come and vent about all the BS in league, and have a go for each other. Thats the purpose of it. The opinions on here rarely make their way into the media or affect the precious children, so relax Durantula.


Its all about the Hype, they pick out a couple of players and hype them up week in and week out to the so called new super star arrives.
Benji being getting the same hype for years and in reality for all the touches of genius their is a lot of school boy standard crap that hardly gets mentioned.

Haynes is a very good footballer but nowhere near a Lockyer,Cronk, Slater and so on. Anyway its all about ratings and building up these players to attract punters to the game.

Laurie Daley is as good a selector as he is a commentator. Last night he complained about a forward pass being made to look forward by the fact that the player was being tackled and sent backwards. Except there was no tackler, there was no tackle.

Hayne is a not a very good footballer, he is a superstar and is up there with the names you have mentioned. He has proven it when playing representative football, he can mix it with the best.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
Hayne may not be a 300+ game star but Locky has never dominated games like Hayne did late last year. .

go back and see how many games locky has pulled out of the fire for Brisbane, QLD and Australia. go back and see how he's been the difference between teams when it's tight

Hayne has shown some extarordinary skills last year and is the player kids want to eb cos the commentators have marketed him that way. my fave recent haynewankw as in origin where he decided to not to catch a bomb but kick it backwards and gould's calling it "brilliant". had he caught the ball he could have put in a 2nd controlled kick which didnt go 10m backwards over the wingers head....

Big Pete

:lol: BD I know exactly what you mean. The caller went all Dennis Hopper.

TBH, it's better to promote Hayne than to lash out at the Cowboys.


First Grade
Its all about the Hype, they pick out a couple of players and hype them up week in and week out to the so called new super star arrives.
Benji being getting the same hype for years and in reality for all the touches of genius their is a lot of school boy standard crap that hardly gets mentioned.

Haynes is a very good footballer but nowhere near a Lockyer,Cronk, Slater and so on. Anyway its all about ratings and building up these players to attract punters to the game.

The "Hayne phenomenon" is a media creation. Can't wait for them to decide his run is up and start bagging the sh*t out of him. How will his fragile ego cope? He can't even cop criticism from his own coach. LOL
Hayne is the best player in the world. .

:lol::lol::lol:parra fans
Sorry to shatter your fantasy world ,but he is not even the best fullback in the world..
One good game against the worst defensive team in the comp ,& suddenly the baby oil comes out & the massive circle jerk led by selector Da.ley starts.

This bloke has talent ,but shows it for about a third of a season....
Not consistant enough to be the best...

PS..Who will be no1 for OZ in the 4 nations...the best FB in OZ..Slater.


:lol::lol::lol:parra fans
Sorry to shatter your fantasy world ,but he is not even the best fullback in the world..
One good game against the worst defensive team in the comp ,& suddenly the baby oil comes out & the massive circle jerk led by selector Da.ley starts.

This bloke has talent ,but shows it for about a third of a season....
Not consistant enough to be the best...

PS..Who will be no1 for OZ in the 4 nations...the best FB in OZ..Slater.

Were you asleep during that run of last year ? It has never ever been done in the history of Rugby League. 6 consecutive MOM awards. Better judges then you or I happen to agree, that he is King.


First Grade

Look at who awarded those awards. In at least three of those games the defensive attitude and application of Hindmarsh won them the match. Hayne just looked prettier doing it.

BTW were you asleep during the Grand Final where the so called best player in the world sh*t his pants and did a Christopher Skase?


To be honest, I thought Campese' run of form at the back end of 2008 was more impressive.

He was flat out dominating the game. Every facet of it. And they were blowing teams off the park. It wasn't just one or two spectacular tries. They were putting 40 and 50 points on teams all by his hand.

Like Hayne has this year though, he went MIA following that purple patch.

He never got the accolades Hayne did simply because it wasn't as flashy.

It'd be good if another player does it at the back end of this year.


Hayne can do things that other players can only attempt on PlayStation. Bow to the King or shut the f**k up.




Name another player to be rated best for their state from the wing ? Name another player to win 6 consecutive man of the match awards. Name another player to score two of the most memorable tries in the NRL and that origin try that will be replayed over and and over again. Name another player that puts more bums on seats ?

You can't can you you ? Time to shut up. Bow to the King.



First Grade
The two Origin trys Slater & Lewis.

MOM from wing Michael O'Connor

6 MOM I am 95% sure Lockyer had 8 or so in a row at one stage.

Most memorable trys in the NRL would be beaten easily by Pat Richards in the 2005 Grand Final.

Interesting thing about that is that it was set up by a guy who knows how to perform in big games like a Grand Final and didn't soil his pants and do nothing for 80 minutes in the most important club games of the year.

It's ok though princess you can kick back when the finals are on and watch Hayne have a good game against the team finishing with the actual spoon in the eyes of many.

Slater has him covered in every area though. I believe he scored a blazing Origin try from the bench as well.

Not to mention the Australian jersey with the 1 on it's back which Jawwod will never get near while Slater is fit & firing
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The two Origin trys Slater & Lewis.

MOM from wing Michael O'Connor

6 MOM I am 95% sure Lockyer had 8 or so in a row at one stage.

Most memorable trys in the NRL would be beaten easily by Pat Richards in the 2005 Grand Final.

Interesting thing about that is that it was set up by a guy who knows how to perform in big games like a Grand Final and didn't soil his pants and do nothing for 80 minutes in the most important club games of the year.

It's ok though princess you can kick back when the finals are and watch Hayne have a good game against the team finishing with the actual spoon in the eyes of many

Man of the series. Not match. Hayne's try against the Dragons is only second to Eric Grothe Senior's try against the Dogs in the 80's when he bumped off half the side where Hayne stepped his. Pat Richards. :lol::lol::lol:

Hayne outplayed Slater in Origin 3.

One thing I will concede is that Marshall on natural ability is on par with Hayne.


I think Slater is the best fullback/player in the world.
Hayne has the most talent i have ever seen - its just abit of a rollercoaster with him as in when he wants to show it.


First Grade
:lol: :lol:

Slater outplayed Hayne in Origins 1 & 2 2010 & Origins 2 & 3 in 2009

:lol: Man of the series in a team that got disgraced. BIIIG achievment.

Haynes try didn't even get try of the year as awarded by the folk whose opinion you rate so highly in terms on man of the match.

The thing Marshall and Hayne share is the fact that they are overrated by the media and I am a Tigers fan. They share an ability to do nothing for large parts of the year as well