I could write a f**king essay on this. I have never, not once, been as angry at my favourite sport as I am today. Off-field scandals, shit refs, etc do not compare to this. This is in my opinion the worst decision made in Rugby League since Souffs and Norths were booted. I think the game has lost integrity on and off the field due to the reasons the decision was made and the result. Call me hysterical or a sook, I honestly don't care - today Rugby League lost a part of its soul.
The stats provided do not justify this decision. 4 % injury rate from 0.5%. With 'injury' undefined. This does not paint a picture of an epidemic. Claims that someone will die are overblown nonsense.
In my opinion, this is not at all a player safety issue, but an image issue. A reaction to the images of Dean Young plastered all over the back pages and the faux-outrage generated by absolute merkins calling themselves journalists who haven't set foot on a football field. It's an attempt to mum-friendly a game that will never be mum-friendly and to be perfectly honest, shouldn't be.
And it won't work on any level. Accidents will still result in players getting concussed, and mums still won't let their kids play contact sports, even though the shoulder charge has always been banned in juniors.
Rugby League is a contact sport, that has always prided itself on being the toughest, most uncompromising football code around. It has prided itself on tackles and collisions that are brutal but within the bounds of sportsmanship. Which is why we have no head shots, elbows, gouging, biting, tripping etc. A good shoulder charge is a front-on body hit, a high risk but high reward play that can be a game changer, and should always be legal in Rugby League.
No one likes to see blokes smacked in the head, and that's what the suspension system is for. This has gone a step further. Why not ban tackles around the chest in case they bounce up? This is entirely inconsistent with everything else in the sport. The correct solution, as it always has been, is to punish shots that hit the head. Just like spear tackles are illegal, but lifting to the horizontal is not.
And the f**ked justifications for this from dimwitted merkins who obviously have a very limited understanding of Rugby League/sport in general?
"But i prefer a good driving tackle anyway"
The f**k? How is what you prefer even remotely relevant? The existence of shoulder charges does not prevent you watching any other type of tackle.
"The NRL are just covering themselves from litigation"
You've obviously taken one too many hits to the head. If this was an issue, combat and contact sports simply wouldn't exist. Try again f**khead.
And the worst one...
"It's just 0.5% of tackles, won't be missed"
Do you have even a basic understanding of what makes sport exciting? The rare, game changing plays are what fans come to see. All the little things, the shoulder charges, the crunching tackles, the intercepts, the chip and chases, the perfect cutout passes, the field goals, the length of the field tries - these are the rare, game changing moments that make games memorable, and we've just lost one of the most iconic in our game. Kill yourselves next time you think you have a rational thought, because your opinion is wrong.
Won't be missed my arse.
The game does not belong to the pricks in suits at Moore Park. It belongs to the players and fans. No players want this shit and most fans don't. And the fans that do are soft merkins who should find a different sport to watch.
Here's hoping the players and coaches take a stand before this shit is written into the rule book.