I'm not sure if the NRL have provisions in the cap, or something similar, but like American sports where players are put on short term or long term injury lists, which allows clubs to pay for other players to come in to cover.
Seriously...say a club loses a key play in Rd 1 and they will be out 20 weeks, why should a club not be able to write off that player for the season, and let them rehab and not be able to still pay them, but negotiate a deal whereby they can put a player on to their roster - be it a junior, a secondary player or even organise a transfer in and/or loan player from another club?
FFS, injuries are part of the game but I hate seeing teams lose a key player and not be competitive.
And if a club rules a player out for the season at any time, then they can't come back to play but still will get paid. Can't double dip.