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Cooper Cronk

Joker's Wild

Uate - while a great player - isn't big on loyalty...

Ask Fiji...

lol If you worked for company A who paid you $50k a year and then were offered a job with company B worth $150k a year plus the opportunity to work with the best in the business, would you honestly stay "loyal" to company A?

Loyalty is a 2 way street and young footballers only have so much time to earn decent coin to set them up for life after footy. Applying some ridiculous code of "loyalty" to these guys when none of us have such restrictions in our working lives is idiotic.


lol If you worked for company A who paid you $50k a year and then were offered a job with company B worth $150k a year plus the opportunity to work with the best in the business, would you honestly stay "loyal" to company A?

Loyalty is a 2 way street and young footballers only have so much time to earn decent coin to set them up for life after footy. Applying some ridiculous code of "loyalty" to these guys when none of us have such restrictions in our working lives is idiotic.

Mate you have extremely insular point of view - It's not all about money..

Uate was born - and up until 15 years of age - raised in Fiji..

He will make a great living out of footy with club footy, there was no need to turn his back on Fiji just to play State of ****** Origin..

League needs as many stars for other countries as possible..

BTW - Would you relinquish your Nationality for coin...??

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
Mate you have extremely insular point of view - It's not all about money..

Uate was born - and up until 15 years of age - raised in Fiji..

He will make a great living out of footy with club footy, there was no need to turn his back on Fiji just to play State of ****** Origin..

League needs as many stars for other countries as possible..

BTW - Would you relinquish your Nationality for coin...??

So you are saying that it would be better for him to play the very occasional game for Fiji, in a team full of nuffies, rather than to play the game at the highest level? That has to be a troll comment. No one can possibly be that stupid :roll:


If Hayne, Uate, Civo, Tuquiri, the Sims brothers and a few others would commit to Fiji, Stoney and Bennett could take them to the semis of the WC again and put up a good showing as well.

It's not Uate's fault that all the money is in playing for Aus and SOO, but it is a stupid self destructive policy for RL that all the best PI players turn out for the big two.


Been saying it a while... Cronk won't be worthy of licking the soles of Mullen in the coming years. Mullen is gonna explode. Lead NSW to 7 straigt series and everything! Jeez that's some old Yosh for ya hahahaha!

On a side note. Aku won't leave Newie. Ever. Period.

tbh I've heard this before about Mullen. I remember a few years ago Newcastle supporters would annually say things like "this is Mullen's year" and "he's gone to another level", in particular the another level one was used a lot lol

Granted I haven't seen as much as him as Newcastle supporters but I'm skeptical. I'll believe it when I see it.
Well if I just put my International hat on for a sec, yes I'm being negative..

My apologies for wishing rugby league a bigger world stage... :roll:

Look i want a bigger international game as well. You have a point. However Aku is a rare talent as is Hayne but both know that Fiji play little in the way high quality international games. They belong on the grandest stage of them all.


tbh I've heard this before about Mullen. I remember a few years ago Newcastle supporters would annually say things like "this is Mullen's year" and "he's gone to another level", in particular the another level one was used a lot lol

Granted I haven't seen as much as him as Newcastle supporters but I'm skeptical. I'll believe it when I see it.
That is true, probably blind hope. Bennett is pretty much Mullen's last chance of succeeding in the NRL. If he cannot become the player he has the potential to be with all the games of experience and the best coach, good players around him he'll never make it.


Hey, hopefully Melb. keep Cronk, reckon we can beat them anyway. CC,s always played with so called champion players, ok, maybe they are, i don't care. Would rather see the money spent on the future beyond the crop in the 16's, development. Look at soccer in the EUR, how much better is it than here, because of the quality of the training and the period of time the sport has been going helps them to understand the sport better, right down to kickin a ball. Here's to that, what is he, High perf. coach, good luck bud, will be interesting to see sport and the knights evolve over the next 20. sorry bout that bs

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
If Hayne, Uate, Civo, Tuquiri, the Sims brothers and a few others would commit to Fiji, Stoney and Bennett could take them to the semis of the WC again and put up a good showing as well.

It's not Uate's fault that all the money is in playing for Aus and SOO, but it is a stupid self destructive policy for RL that all the best PI players turn out for the big two.

Going by the players that you have listed, there is less than half a team there with no half, 5/8 or hooker. I don't care how much energy they put into international footy as fiji will never make it past the odd semi final.

I'm not convinced with the comments about players receiving a lot of money to align themselves with SOO and playing for Australia. I was under the impession that SOO players didn't receive much money to play in the series. I remember Andrew Johns saying in 2007 that the money for a SOO game should be worth 20K and he jokingly said that if it was then he would come out of rep retirement. This makes me think that at the time, the money for rep footy was less than 10K per game (John's weekly income from the knights). So unless those who are claiming that SOO/aust rep players actually receive good coin based on evidence then it is simply white noise.


Going by the players that you have listed, there is less than half a team there with no half, 5/8 or hooker. I don't care how much energy they put into international footy as fiji will never make it past the odd semi final.

I'm not convinced with the comments about players receiving a lot of money to align themselves with SOO and playing for Australia. I was under the impession that SOO players didn't receive much money to play in the series. I remember Andrew Johns saying in 2007 that the money for a SOO game should be worth 20K and he jokingly said that if it was then he would come out of rep retirement. This makes me think that at the time, the money for rep footy was less than 10K per game (John's weekly income from the knights). So unless those who are claiming that SOO/aust rep players actually receive good coin based on evidence then it is simply white noise.

I think currently it's $12,500 or SOO and $6000 for Tests, and I believe it goes into a retirement fund they can't touch until they stop playing footy..


When Kharmichael Hunt walked away from League he left a retirement pool of something like 200k, and I've seen it estimated that Lockyer got a mill for retiring.

Half the 'pay' from SOO, All Stars and Internationals goes into this fund, which players forfiet if they switch codes. It also earns interest.

It's perfectly feasible that Aku could make a Mill over a 10 year rep career for Aus - or $3.42c for Fiji.

Joker's Wild

Exactly, he will make tonnes more playing SOO and for Aust as opposed to just Fiji.

Its laughable that Im called the insular one when others are naive enough to believe otherwise. Then again, look who is throwing around the insults


I'm not blameing Uate for going for the obvious big bucks - i'm against the system that means for the next 100 years we will see the best players playing for Aus, NZ and England and international league being a joke.
That system has to change so a Fijian boy can play for Fiji.

Joker's Wild

Agreed. Until that day comes its naive to apply unfair standards of "loyalty" to young blokes who have a short time to make decent money


I'm not blameing Uate for going for the obvious big bucks - i'm against the system that means for the next 100 years we will see the best players playing for Aus, NZ and England and international league being a joke.
That system has to change so a Fijian boy can play for Fiji.

I think you said it better than me..

It's just when nuffies like JW dribbles it's a natural reaction to try and out his BS right..

Joker's Wild

Jeez I hope that big job on the Hungry Jacks fryer doesn't get offered to you mate. Id hate for you to have to test your loyalty to Ronald

Big Tim

First Grade
I'm not blameing Uate for going for the obvious big bucks - i'm against the system that means for the next 100 years we will see the best players playing for Aus, NZ and England and international league being a joke.
That system has to change so a Fijian boy can play for Fiji.

What I dont like is that a guy like Hayne plays SOO, but isnt selected for Aus, he cant go and play for Fiji in the WC.

Wouldnt it make more sense for players that arent selected for NZ or Aus could play for their "home" nation.

I think it would certainly improve the quality of Internationals.

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